Chapter 117 Wandering in Though
News spread like wildfire. The entire city soon knew that King Leodoro refused to return to the castle and the Adventurers Association wasn’t helpful by any means. In three days’ time, the city would get front row seats to a possible confrontation between the two strongest factions in Reinolt.
Those in the association didn’t act too worried. For them, the worst-case scenario was if they were forced to leave the city. They were only waiting for orders and never bothered to worry about the politics of Reinolt.
Jack was busier than most adventurers at the moment. His arm was no longer in a sling and his shoulder would be fully healed before the three days were up.
He decided to go for a walk. Many easily recognized him thanks to the young fox that accompanied him, but no one bothered him thanks to the tense situation within the capital.
His aimless wandering soon brought him to the center marketplace. The hero continued to meander past dozens of stalls, not giving them any attention besides an occasional glance.
Out of habit, Jack found himself outside of Zarris’ stand. There, he finally stopped. The stand was empty and the tent set up behind it was gone. All that was left as a small sign with some words scribbled on it.
"Gone for business."
Chuckling to himself, Jack stared at the empty stand. "Just when I was looking for some special items..."
Zariff had already acquired the ingredients to make seven boost potions with Zarris’ help. Zarris even took the liberty of crafting them himself in order to keep it a secret.
Jack was more astonished by Zarris every time they met up. The man always had the best items and even had peak-tier items and weapons. He always acted like a humble, old merchant that sold decent quality items for a decent price to the public. Few knew Zarris like Jack and Zariff now did.
With everything happening, Jack wanted Zarris’ incite on the situation and possibly ask for his help. Jack had guessed that he was quite powerful, at least over lv. 35. If he wasn’t at least that strong, it would’ve been impossible for Zarris to have found those soul-piercings.
A long sigh left Jack’s mouth. How unlucky, one of his only other powerful allies had taken a surprising leave.
The young hero started wandering again. Soon, he came to the north end of the city. A good portion of the north side was left in rubble and most people avoided the area. Some didn’t want to remember the recent tragedy or the frightening beasts that caused it. Also, a lot of families that called that place home were no longer living.
An ache filled Jack’s heart. It was difficult for him to shake the feeling that he was the cause of it all. He understood that the Magic Corps cared even less, hence their delay actions happening only after the Adventurers Association had denied helping, twice! But that still didn’t help.
"I’m sorry..." mumbled Jack, trying to clear his conscience. "This... This isn’t how a city should be run..."
magic Spacing out, Jack spent over half an hour pacing the streets of the north end. Losing track of time was easy during his trance of sorrow.
’Jack! Look!’
Bowzer’s cry shook Jack from the trance momentarily. His eyes looked forward. This place was easy for him to recognize.
Jack had reached the now nonexistent Reinolt Pier. Bloodstains were still dried and stuck within the crevices of the stone road. Marks of battle covered the area and reminded him of the hundreds of men who lost their lives, many of which had been sacrificed by Captain Fronks before Captain Fronks met his end by the cetuses.
What stood out, even more, was a lone figure. The man was very young, barely older than Jack. He was rummaging through the rubble of the dock house at the moment, treating each piece of rubble like a precious treasure as he cleared his path.
"Isn’t that..." Jack recognized the man.
Both of them stayed there for a time, neither speaking aloud to the other. Soon, the other man left the dock house and approached Jack, bowing before the young adventurer.
"Thank you! You saved my men before and I was unable to thank or repay you."
"No need to thank me, I was just doing the right thing," replied Jack. "Thanks for standing up for us that night and honoring the contract. It wasn’t much, but it at least proved that not all Royal Court captains are pestros. What’s your name?"
"Trevor. And your Jack, right?"
Jack pointed at Bowzer. "Yeah, kind of obvious, huh."
"If there’s anything I can do to help, please, don’t hesitate to ask me," said Trevor. "I’m a lv. 26 swordsman, trained by my old man," said Trevor as he patted his hand against the cutlass at his side.
"A cutlass... Like the one Tomas uses," commented Jack.
Trevor stared at Jack urgently at the mention of Tomas’ name. "Huh? You know my father? Do you know where I can find him?"
"Sure I do, he joined the association not long ago," explained Jack. "You didn’t know that? Where have you been the past couple of days?"
"Solitary confinement. I was court-martialed for acting against the wishes of a superior officer. After the trial and spending twenty-four hours in a cell, I was let loose. I only came out to find everything in an even worse state... To think that the Royal Court would turn against the Adventurers Association." Trevor began thinking out loud. "I refuse to believe that the Adventurers Association is at fault, especially considering the corruption within the Royal Court."
"Well, we could always use another strong set of hands. What do you say, want to join us like your old man?" asked Jack.
Trevor thought for a moment, heavily considering the weight of such a decision during the tense situation between the Royal Court and the Adventurers Association. "Let’s do it. Take me to the association building."
"Alright, let’s go." Leading the way, Jack pet Bowzer’s soft fur and looked back to Trevor, who kept his distance. "Are you afraid of him too? He won’t bite you, not unless I tell him to."
The joke lightened Trevor’s mood. Trevor stepped closer and looked more closely at Bowzer. "Can I... pet him?"
Bowzer nimbly leaped off of Jack and landed in Trevor’s arms, startling him. The friendly fox’s soft fur almost instantly melted Trevor’s coldness. As Bowzer rubbed his tail across Trevor’s neck, the former captain finally showed a small smile.
"If only you had more powerful beasts, like your Hell-flame Fox. Then, no one would bother you or the association," commented Trevor.
"Yeah, wouldn’t that be great," agreed Jack. Suddenly, a thought flashed through Jack’s head and hit him hard like a bolt of lightning. "If only we had more powerful beasts... Trevor, you’re a genius!"
"Uhh... What are you talking about?"
"Beasts! We need more powerful beasts! That the answer!" Jack grabbed Trevor’s shoulders, shouting in excitement. "If we had more powerful beasts then it would help tremendously!"
As if Jack had gone insane, he sprinted back to the association building, forcing Trevor to do the same in order to keep up. When they entered the building, Jack yelled, "Tridon! Where are you!"
"Huh! What’s the matter, boy?" A yell came from the bar. "What’s gotten into you?"
"Tridon, take me to your stables! And where’s Maynard and Zariff, they need to come too?"
"Fine, but let me finish my food first," said Tridon.
"No time!" Jack yanked on his arm, dragging Tridon away from the bar.
"Hey! Boy, stop your yapping!"
"Did you want to learn more about Bowzer or not? I can also answer any questions you have about ancient beasts," stated Jack, who wasn’t even looking at Tridon. He was too focused on finding Maynard and Zariff.
"Finally!" Tridon stood tall as newfound energy coursed through him. "Those two are in the conference room. Hurry and grab them, boy, then we’ll leave."
"Right! You go and prepare the covered wagon, we’ll need it!"
"What do you mean, boy?" asked the confused Tridon, but Jack was half-way across the room.
Then Jack saw Trevor again and remembered something. "Maura, he’s joining us. He’s Ol’ Tomas’ son. Please, give him a hand while I take your father elsewhere. Come on Bowzer!"
The fox hopped onto the reception desk and passed the startled Maura before reaching Jack on the other side. The two of them ran up the stairs as Trevor started the application process with Maura.
Jack bolted into the conference room. "Maynard! Old fart! Come, we’re going to Salendar Manor now!"
Both Maynard and Zariff wanted to ask Jack some questions, but he was gone faster than he arrived. The two adventurers shrugged and followed Jack, assuming it was urgent from the way Jack was acting.
Before they knew it, the four men were traveling with the covered wagon and on their way to the Salendar Manor as Jack finally explained his crazy idea.