Chapter 116 Arnole“s Demands

In the carriage, Prince Leo showed an evil smile. "That was too easy! People will believe anything, they’re so gullible!"

"A few paid voices is all it takes to incite a mob," added Arnole, keeping a now emotionless face. "You’ll stay in the carriage for now. Don’t come out no matter what, understood?"

"But master--"


"Yes, master," sighed the crown prince, afraid to anger Arnole.

"Soon we’ll be at the association building. This will be the trickier part. If you join the discussion, there’s no telling what trouble you’ll cause after some simple taunting," said Arnole. "I’ll handle it all from here. You’ve just got to maintain your image, got it?"


"I will, master. I won’t let you down," answered Prince Leo.

The carriage stopped, putting a smile on Arnole’s face. "Now, it’s time..."

The sorcerer stepped out and approached the association building’s entrance. Finding it locked, he knocked gently first and then loudly after there was no reply.

"This is Arnole, the chief officer of the Royal Court! I’ve come in search of an audience with King Leodoro!"

A series of locks was unbolted and the front door opened, revealing a large, muscular man with a bald head and a black beard. "What do you want, Arnole?"

"Branch Chief Zariff, I’m seeking an audience with King Leodoro and yourself. May I come in?"


Zariff eyed the carriage and the guards around it. "You can come alone. Follow me."

Arnole was allowed entry before the door was shut and locked again. The two high-leveled men took the stairs to the conference room. No one was in there at the moment and all signs of their plans were no longer in the room. "Wait here, I’ll be back with Leo."

After a few minutes passed, Zariff walked back into the room. Behind him was King Leodoro and one other person, Jack.

"I don’t believe Jack’s presence is needed. He can be dismissed," stated Arnole.

"If you want to talk to me, then you’ll have to permit him joining the conversation," replied King Leodoro, making his stance clear.

"So be it," Arnole chuckled as the others took their seats. "How’re you liking your stay, your majesty?"


"Cut the crap Arnole, we already know about the announcements you’ve made," stated the king. "Why are you here? We don’t want to waste your valuable time."

"I came to escort the king back to his castle, do I need any other reason?"

"I’ve no duties at the moment waiting for me at the castle, therefore I’ll stay here a while longer," replied the king.

"Actually, you’re needed urgently. After everything that’s happened, you’re needed to help prepare your son, the crown prince, for the thrown. Also, I’m sure the people want to hear your reasoning for abandoning them during their hour of need yesterday."

"The Magic Corps was just as capable to act quickly, but you didn’t do so. I don’t see why the Adventurers Association has to bear the full blame," interjected Jack. "In my eyes, you’re just a hypocrite with a higher level that thinks he can walk all over anyone with a lower level than you. Am I wrong?"

Arnole’s smile widened until he began to laugh. Soon his laughter was uncontrollable and sporadic. It took a minute for him to calm down and reply. "Fine, since you want to talk that way."

The sorcerer raised his arm and cast silence over the room, keeping out nosey ears and erasing any means of recording their conversation.

"I’m guessing he’s informed you of how he’s lost control of his precious Royal Court. Having said that, you probably know that we also helped those goblins and trolls. That doesn’t matter and is too hard to convince the public, especially after what happened yesterday," explained Arnole. "I want the Reinolt branch of the Adventurers Association to dissolve and I need the king to return to the castle to soon pass on the crown to his son. Is that clear enough for you to understand?"

"Hmph!" Zariff grunted, showing an ugly face.

"Loud and clear," said Jack. "In other words, you want us to succumb to your demands without any resistance and hand the city over to your puppet dictator?"

Arnole chuckled, "That’s one way to put it, I guess. So, how about it?"

"No!" All three answered together.

"Think about it. Zariff will benefit from not being cooped up with paperwork and can get back to doing what he truly enjoys, the thrill of battle and adventure. King Leodoro will have a chance to retire from the throne if he agrees willingly, then he can enjoy the rest of his life however he pleases," reasoned Arnole. "And you, Jack, your future is boundless. If you joined us then you’d become the hero of a nation. I could help you grow at speeds you wouldn’t believe, and I can guarantee that you’d soon become the most powerful man in the region. What’s so bad about the offer?"

"The most powerful in the region, you say?" Jack scratched his head, appearing to think about it heavily. "If you can guarantee that, then how come you’re still stuck below lv. 40? That kind of power is too good to be true and probably has too many drawbacks. If not, you’d have already done it, am I right?"

"How very astute..." said Arnole. "Still, I think it’s more than the association has offered you. Besides, don’t you want the best benefits? That’s why you turned down that fool’s first offer."

Jack nodded. "You’re right, I chase benefits while I’m busy trying to grind and level up. Such is the way of the world. However, I’ve already received benefits that you or anyone else could ever offer me."

"I can guarantee that whatever the association offers, I can double, triple, or quadruple. With me, you’ll become a shining star in all of Kartonia."

With a shake of the head, Jack repeated his answer. "Thanks, but no thanks. I sincerely doubt that you can compete with what I’ve already got. Unless you’re willing to explain how you can provide such an outrageous guarantee?"

Arnole sighed, "You’re really turning me down? You’re turning down a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."


"Are you sure?"

"Is there anything else you’d like to say, or shall the chief escort you back to the carriage?" asked Jack, no longer interested in the conversation.

"Tell you what, I’ll give you all three days. We’ll come back and talk things over once again," stated Arnole as he stood up from his seat. "And don’t go anywhere far. So long as you stay in the city, we’ll be able to talk peaceably in three days’ time. See you then!"

Having left the option open, Arnole left the room and the carriage quickly departed for the castle.

A few minutes passed and more people entered the conference room. Tridon and all adventurers over lv. 30, minus Rydel who left with the goblin queen, joined the three who had finished speaking with Arnole.

"So, what do ya think we should do, chief?" asked Maynard.

"Hmm... That’s a good question." Zariff stroked his beard. A moment of silence filled the room.

"Open the door, I’ve got your lunch!" A feminine voice came from the opposite of the door.

Maynard let Marisha in, who was carrying two large platters of meat and mashed potatoes, as well as a stack of plates. "I hope you didn’t start without me. Now that you can eat your fill, we can get down to business."

"Marisha, you don’t have to--"

"I’m lv. 31, so I’m more than qualified to join your discussion. Besides, maybe a woman’s opinion can help you in this case," said Marisha, sitting herself down beside her husband.

"Fine... Leo, give them an update!" groaned Zariff as his wife twisted sharply on his love handles.

"Very well. I’ll make it simple," stated the king. "Arnole and the Royal Court want the Reinolt branch of the Adventurers Association to be dissolved. He also probably hopes to rope in as many of you high-leveled adventurers as possible. He wants me to return to the castle immediately in order to quickly pass the throne to my idiot of a son. Also, he wishes for Jack to join him and offers promises that Halmut himself may not be able to fulfill."

As the king paused, Tridon leaned forward over the table. "And?"

"Obviously, we rejected everything. However, Arnole was determined for us to agree and has given us three days to think about it before he returns. Till then, we can’t leave the city without causing trouble with the Royal Court."

"So, in other words, he doesn’t think we have a backbone? And ya didn’t just throw the man out?" added Maynard while chopping down on some meat.

Jack sighed and stood up. "Just stick to the plan. So far, they haven’t done anything we haven’t planned for, so no need to change anything. I’ll contact Rydel and make sure he handles his part of the plan. We need to be ready in three days when they come back because we all know that Arnole won’t be alone next time."
