Chapter 118 Three Days Come to an End  

The tense atmosphere in Reinolt City only grew as time passed. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion for the citizens. They were too anxious to see an imminent confrontation between the Royal Court and the Adventurers Association.

Eventually, the three days’ time passed and little to nothing had happened around the association building. The only thing known to the public was the departure of a covered wagon from the association building, but it didn’t leave the city. Instead, it went deeper into the city center and entered the Salendar Manor. After spending a day there the covered wagon returned to the association building.

Everyone wondered what happened and what the wagon was hiding. When the Royal Court spies tried to inspect the wagon with magic, they were unable to learn anything. Clearly, the wagon was protected and no one was allowed to know what it contained.

As the sun passed noon on the third day, a crowd had surrounded the association building. It was waiting for the main event to begin.

However, the crowd had to wait even longer for anything to happen. It was near sunset and nothing had happened. People were losing patience. Some started to think that the Royal Court feared the association after all, and no one could blame them.

Then, the ground started to rumble. The sounds of horses trotting and armor clanging grew louder by the second. A large force of armored men was marching toward the crowd, which opened up and allowed them through.


"They’re here!"

"Look, they brought the remaining troops!"

"And there are all the new recruits!"

During the last few days, though the association was silent, the Royal Court was actively recruiting new blood for their forces, more than making up for their recent losses thanks to some bold promises made to the public.

"Behind them are the captains!"

"Are those the Magic Corps? How noble!"


The crowd was in awe of the military presence before them. They felt so proud! It was rare to see a military parade, let alone such a show of strength. Everyone understood that the Royal Court was showing off, hoping to stifle the association’s local branch with show alone.

Another ten minutes passed while the many rows of soldiers organized themselves around the association building. Arnole and the crown prince were riding on their stallions, trotting up the association’s front door.

"Your majesty! Zariff! It’s time to decide!" yelled Arnole. "Come, this doesn’t have to be a terrible thing. I can’t see why we should be enemies. Let’s work together to build up Reinolt as it should be."

No response came.

"I’ll give you till the count of ten to come out. One! Two! Three!"

Everyone’s breath was getting heavier with each number from Arnole’s mouth.





"Huh?" The front door slowly opened, startling the crowd and many soldiers. They expected to see King Leodoro or possibly Zariff, the Association Branch Chief. The young man in front of them surprised everyone. "What’s all the ruckus about? You want something?"

"Jack." Arnole showed a smile that wasn’t a smile. "So, are you ready to join us? We’re ecstatic to have such a promising new member. Though you’re under-leveled, we’ve prepared a captain’s position for you."

Shock spread through the crowd. A captain’s position? Was the Royal Court really able to snatch the Adventurers Association’s rising star?

"What are you talking about? I was eating dinner when I hear a dog barking outside, so I came to shoo him away. Here, take a steak for your trouble," stated Jack. A large, raw steak appeared in his hands as Jack threw toward Arnole. "Go on, get going."


All the people watching were dumbstruck. He called the chief officer a barking dog, he even threw him some meat? What’s going on?

Arnole laughed at the sudden development. "Come on, Jack. You know we only want to help you. What’s so bad about the Royal Court that you stand against us?"

"Nothing really, just you," quipped Jack without hesitation. "I hate that you hide behind the scenes and put on a face for everyone to see, yet you never reveal how cruel you really are. How would the public act if they knew the real Arnole, if that’s your real name?"

Almost everyone was confused by Jack’s words. Only a handful of people seemed to be unaffected. The crown prince just scoffed, finding Jack amusing. The man in a purple hood snickered with an evil smile as if he wanted Jack to keep talking.

Arnole was straight-faced, like always, but underneath he was cautious, very cautious. Jack’s last sentence meant far more than anyone would’ve guessed. The chief officer started to wonder if Jack knew about his background, the Choas Syndicate. If he did, things were going to be messier than he wanted.

"Jack, what are you talking about? I’m a public servant and the champion of the Royal Court. I only exist to serve the people and protect them," reasoned Arnole, trying to keep the public on his side.

"Really? Then let me just say one thing." A wry smile appeared on Jack’s face. "By the fire in hell and the chaos in the earth, I call upon thy power to show me thy follower’s birth!"

Out of nowhere, dark clouds formed over the association building, but there was no lightning. They grew darker and darker, looking more fearsome than thunderclouds.

Jack continued chanting, oblivious to the changes taking place around him. "As turmoil and blood wash the world over, let--"

"SILENCE!" Arnole’s face stiffened and was fuming red. A powerful wind blade flew from his hands, pressuring Jack and trying to silence him for good.


The wind blade was torn apart by a blood-red katana. A samurai in a white and red kimono appeared beside Jack. At the same time, the clouds dispersed as quickly as they appeared.

"What’s wrong? I wasn’t done with what I had to say?" asked Jack as if he had done nothing wrong.

"DEMON!" shouted Arnole, sending fear into the crowd. "You’re no hero! You’re a demon who was summoned from the underworld, not a hero summoned from the heavens! You’ve fooled us for long enough, but no more. Men, destroy the demon!"

Though they were confused, the soldiers stepped forward. Seeing the sudden dark clouds appear during Jack’s chant was enough to convince them since the words came from their chief officer.

"Fools!" Sudden cracks of thunder sounded out and another figure appeared beside Jack with tiny bolts of lightning passing over his body.

"It’s the king!" The crowd was more surprised with every line spoken. Arnole’s sudden attack was startling enough, but seeing the king appear in such a domineering fashion was even more shocking.

King Leodoro rarely appeared in the public eye and the few times he did was for ceremonial reasons. The people of Reinolt had nearly forgotten that their king was also a powerful sorcerer with terrifying lightning powers.

"Arnole, why are you attacking him without reason? He’s the summoned hero of Reinolt and he’s soon to be a beacon to the world. He’s the pride of the kingdom, so, why are you trying to kill him so suddenly?" asked the king.

His words began swaying the fickle hearts of the people. They already knew that Jack had a Hell-flame Fox and had caught it in order to protect the capital. He had never been a threat to anyone before. Also, why did it seem like Arnole, the powerful chief officer of the Royal Court, was afraid of the young hero?

"He’s a demon; you heard his demonic chant and saw the terrifying storm clouds. If you let him keep living, then it’s only a matter of time till he proves it," reasoned Arnole.

"So, let me get this straight," said Jack, scratching his head. "You want to convict me of a crime worth death, assuming that I’ll commit the said crime in the near future? That’s like saying I’m strong so at some point in my life I’ll bully someone, whether they deserve it or not. So, since you’re the most powerful person in the kingdom, shouldn’t we kill you because someday you’ll threaten the crown and become a traitor?"

Arnole was silent, he didn’t dare reply or continue that conversation.

"Oh, so now that you can’t think of a better reason you keep quiet? Just shut up and let me finish what I need to say," laughed Jack. "By the fire in hell and the chaos in the earth, I call upon--"

Another three blades of wind were launched at Jack, but none of them reached him thanks to Maynard and Leodoro.

"What? Why are you attacking me, spit it out!"

"Shut up, demon!" yelled Arnole. "Men, work together and kill him! Slaughter anyone who dares protect him without mercy!"

"Why so flustered Arny?"

Just when the soldiers were about to take another step, a booming voice spread through the crowd and the ground trembled. A third figure had somehow landed heavily in front of Jack. His muscular physique was well-known across Reinolt and he was the only man known to dare call the chief officer, "Arny."

"It’s him! He finally showed up, it’s Zariff!"

"The strongest warrior and the strongest sorcerer... What will happen?" The crowd couldn’t help but wonder.
