The helicopter's propellers whirred to a stop as it touched down on the landing pad of the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Alexander and his children stepped out, their eyes wide with wonder. The facility was massive, spanning across acres of land. The air was thick with the smell of fuel and the hum of machinery, with military vehicles and helicopters transporting cargo to and from the cosmodrome. The Imperial Guards quickly took their position, securing the perimeter around the Royal Family. They were escorted by the military personnel of the cosmodrome into a complex where the facility was located.

As they walked through the facilities, the scientist and engineers wearing lab coats bowed their heads politely as they passed by. Alexander returned the gesture, acknowledging their dedication and hard work. Anya and Andrei were beginning to notice the interior of the facility, which was all state-of-the-art with cutting-edge technology that only the Ruthenia Empire possessed. Anya looked around in wonder, taking in everything she saw with wide eyes. Andrei, meanwhile, was more reserved, his analytical mind already trying to process the information he was gathering.

Finally, they arrived at the control room of the cosmodrome. The room was filled with banks of computers, screens, and equipment, all of it buzzing with activity. One person who seemed to serve as the head noticed their arrival. Upon seeing them, he immediately hushed them and extended his arms towards the door, beckoning them to look at the Royal Family. The engineers and scientists saw the royal family and immediately stopped what they were doing, standing in attention.

"At ease everyone," Alexander said, smiling at the group. "Please continue with your work." With that, everyone settled down, returning to their stations and resuming their work. Meanwhile, the man who first noticed them stepped forward. Alexander knew him, after all, he had been working for him for eight years. He was the Chief Scientist of the Space Program, Wegener von Braun.

"Your Majesty, we are honored by your visit. We have been working diligently to prepare for the upcoming satellite launch, and we are pleased to report that everything is on schedule," Wegener said.

Alexander nodded in appreciation. "Excellent work. I am impressed by what I've seen here today. All of them are busy, which is remarkable."

"Yes, we don't want to fall behind on our schedule, Your Majesty. As you said, we need to launch a total of twenty-four satellites to use the full capability of the Navstar. Though, I'm sure this is not the reason why you came here today."Alexander chuckled. "You read me well. Oh, and in case you haven't noticed, I brought my children with me. This is Anya and this is Andrei." Alexander introduced his children to Wegener, placing his hands atop their heads.


Wegener knelt down and smiled warmly at the children. "Oh, what lovely and adorable children you have, Your Majesty. It's an honor to have you all here." Anya beamed at the compliment, while Andrei simply nodded politely. "Thank you, sir," they said in unison.

The Emperor turned to his children. "Anya, Andrei, this man is one of the most important scientists in our Empire. He's in charge of the space program, and he's responsible for all the incredible technology and achievements you've seen here today."

Anya's eyes widened in wonder. "Wow, that's amazing! Can we see more?"

The Emperor smiled. "Of course, my dear. Wegener, would you be so kind as to show us more of what you and your team are working on?" Wegener stood up and motioned for the family to follow him. "Right this way,"

Wegener led the group out of the control room and down a long corridor. As they walked, he explained the different research and development projects they were working on, from new satellite designs to revolutionary propulsion systems.

Anya and Andrei were fascinated by everything they saw, asking endless questions and taking in as much information as they could. Alexander smiled proudly as he watched his children's curiosity and enthusiasm.


Finally, they arrived at a large laboratory filled with scientists and engineers working on various projects. Wegener gestured for them to approach a group of scientists huddled around a table covered in diagrams and schematics.action

"Your Majesty," one of the scientists said as he approached. "We are developing a new type of engine for spacecraft that would allow us to travel much faster and farther than ever before."

Alexander looked impressed. "Fascinating. Tell me more."

The scientist eagerly launched into an explanation of the new engine design, going into intricate technical details that even Andrei found impressive.

As they continued to tour the facility, Alexander's mind began to race with possibilities. He had always been interested in space exploration and the potential for humanity to expand beyond Earth. Now, seeing the incredible work being done at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, he began to think about what the future might hold.

After several hours of touring the facility, the family was exhausted but exhilarated. As they prepared to leave, Alexander turned to Wegener with a smile.


"Thank you for showing us everything today, Wegener. I am truly impressed by the work you and your team are doing here."

Wegener bowed deeply. "It was an honor to have you and your family here, Your Majesty. We are grateful for your support of our mission."

As they boarded the helicopter and lifted off from the landing pad, Alexander couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement about the future. He knew that there were many challenges and obstacles ahead, but he was determined to see the Ruthenia Empire at the forefront of space exploration and discovery.

As they soared through the skies, Anya and Andrei leaned their heads against the windows, watching the facility shrink below them. The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden glow over the landscape. Alexander leaned back in his seat, lost in thought.

"Father," Andrei said, breaking the silence. "What do you think is out there in space? Do you think there's life on other planets?"

Alexander smiled at his son's curiosity. "That's a big question, Andrei. Some scientists believe that it's possible, but we have yet to discover any concrete evidence. But who knows what we may find in the future?"

Anya leaned over. "Do you think we could go to other planets, like Mars or Venus?"

"It's certainly possible," Alexander said. "But it would require a lot of research, resources, and time. We have a lot of work ahead of us before we can even begin to think about exploring other planets."
