Anya was thrilled to be flying on a plane, her eyes wide with wonder as she looked out the window at the clouds passing by. Andrei, on the other hand, seemed more content to curl up with a book and read.

As the hours passed, Alexander and his children chatted about their plans for the trip. He teased them about the rocket launch they would be witnessing at Baikonur Cosmodrome sometime in the future, and how it was one of the largest and most important space launch facilities in the world.

Anya was fascinated by the idea of space travel, and Alexander promised her that they would take a tour of the facility and see the rocket up close.action

Andrei, always the curious one, asked about the science behind space travel and how the rockets were able to launch into space. Alexander explained the basics of physics and engineering, impressing his son with his knowledge.

As the sun began to set outside the plane, the family settled in for the night. The flight attendants brought out blankets and pillows, and Alexander tucked his children in as they drifted off to sleep.

There are still two hours more before they arrive in Kazakhstan and take a helicopter from the airport to get to the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Alexander took this opportunity to discuss something with Rolan.

As the Chief of Staff of the Imperial Guards, Rolan was always on alert. Despite them being inside the most secured aircraft in the world, he can't be too careful, as it was his job to protect the emperor.


When he saw Alexander approaching him, Rolan stood in attention and performed a salute.

"Sir, do you need something?" Rolan asked."Yeah, you have something to tell me right? You can tell it to me now."

When Alexander brought that up, Rolan immediately realized what he was referring to.

"Ah, that…" Rolan pressed his lips into a fine line and bit his lower lip.

Alexander raised an eyebrow, waiting for Rolan to continue. He could sense that whatever Rolan had to say was important, but the hesitation was making him anxious.

"When are you going to keep me in suspense?" Alexander said. His tone tinge with impatience.


Rolan took a deep breath and spoke slowly. "Your Majesty, it's about Her Imperial Highness, Christine. She wants your permission."

"Permission? For what?"

"For taking me as his husband," Rolan revealed and suddenly the pressure that he is keeping inside him was finally released. He finally said it.

"What? Are you serious? You proposed to her?" Alexander asked, surprised by the revelation. He had not expected Rolan to reveal such news, at least not during his trip.

Rolan nodded, looking slightly nervous. "Yes, Your Majesty. I know it may be unusual, but we have grown close over the years and I care for her deeply. I have asked for her hand in marriage, and she has agreed. But I would not proceed without your blessing."

Alexander looked at Rolan for a moment, trying to process the news. He had never thought of his Chief of Staff in a romantic light, but he trusted Rolan implicitly and knew that he was a loyal and dedicated member of the Imperial Guard.


After a moment of consideration, Alexander spoke. "Rolan, you have my blessing. You have served the Empire and my family with distinction and honor, and if my little sister has agreed to your proposal, then I see no reason to object."

Rolan looked relieved, and a smile spread across his face. "Thank you, Your Majesty. I will do my best to make her happy."

Alexander smiled back. "I have no doubt that you will. Because if you do something that will make her cry or hurt her in an unreasonable way, know that your enemy would be me. As I have warned you before, the whole Ruthenia Empire will come at you."

Rolan nodded, his expression serious. "I understand, Your Majesty. I would never do anything to hurt Her Imperial Highness, or bring dishonor to the Empire."

Alexander gave him a nod of approval before turning to look out the window. There, he saw the sky was filled with stars. It was a beautiful sight, and for a moment he forgot about everything else.

But then his thoughts turned back to his sister's impending marriage. He wondered how this would affect the society that had been standing for generations? A baron marrying the duchess of the Royal Family. It was unheard of in the Ruthenia Empire. The reception would not be well-received by distinguished members of the Ruthenian aristocracy but knowing his rule has transformed the country into a progressive and radical nation, such thought didn't deter him. Alexander had always believed that love should know no bounds and that everyone had the right to choose their own partner regardless of their status or background.

"So, how did you ask my sister?" Alexander asked. "Did you propose to her romantically like kneeling in front of her?"

"Actually I asked her a very long time ago, Your Majesty," Rolan revealed. "She just gave me the answer when we were at the Anatolia Empire. She came to me from behind, hugging me and saying my long-awaited answer."

"I see, it didn't play out how I imagined it, but nevertheless, what's important is the answer. So, when is the wedding?"

"Well, Your Majesty, now that you gave me your answer, we can start planning it. And if that happens, we will become brothers-in-law," Rolan replied with a smile.

Alexander chuckled. "Yes, I suppose we will. It's a strange thought, but I'm happy for you both." The rest of the flight was spent in quiet reflection for Alexander as he thought about the future and what it held for his family and the Empire. He hoped that the marriage between Christine and Rolan would be a happy one and that it would bring about positive change in the Ruthenia Empire.

Finally, the plane landed in Kazakhstan, and the family disembarked. They were greeted by a team of military personnel who would escort them to the Baikonur Cosmodrome. As they traveled by helicopter, Alexander couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. He promised the people of the Ruthenia Empire that they will go to the moon, and he is going to make that into reality.
