Time flew so fast when the world Alexander was living in was at peace. When the Black Hand still existed, the relativity of time for him was slow. Like every other day, he has to give his all, and as result, conditioned his mind to work nonstop.

But now things have changed. The Black Hand was no more thanks to the efforts of the Ruthenia Empire and the mistakes the Black Hand made by launching an all-out war against him. If only they had waited, grown their numbers, and strengthened their puppet states to the point it could rival the Ruthenia Empire, Alexander might have plunged the world into annihilation by launching all of his nuclear ordnance at the belligerent states.

Good thing that even such an organization feared by the monarch can commit stupid mistakes that resulted in their ruin.

Now, Alexander has to maintain this peace while benefiting from it. The world still rotates so the interest of the country must continue.

For that, he had invited state leaders from all over the world. Europa, China, Choson Empire, the United States, and the Yamato Empire.

The purpose of the meeting among state leaders is to make a world organization similar to the United Nation back from Alexander's world and make the Ruthenia Empire the leader of the global police of international peace. So in that way, he would have control over the future.

As usual, Alexander was in his office, reviewing all the documents that were prepared beforehand by Christina, who is now the Chief of Staff to the Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire.


"The Queen of the Britannia Empire and the President of the Francois Republic have just arrived at St. Petersburg international airport. The President of the United States is still on his flight and would be arriving in two hours. The Prime Minister of the Choson Empire, the Yamato Empire, and the Republic of China boarded the same train on the Trans-Siberian railway. So they'll arrive in St. Petersburg at the same time…"

Alexander listened attentively as Christina reported everything that has been going on about the delegates so far. He nodded and smiled in satisfaction at hearing that."The Prime Minister of the Yamato Empire must have been pissed seeing prime ministers from the countries they once defeated and subjugated. Don't you think it'll cause a ruckus inside the train?" Alexander asked, his gaze remaining fixed on the document he was reading.action

"You don't have to worry about a fight breaking out in the train as they are in different trains. Though they are aware of their existence, having no physical contact together ensures a peaceful journey among the three," Christina said, her voice so formal that Alexander is having a hard time focusing.

He has been accustomed to Christina's soft and motherly voice. But right now, she is exuding an aura of a true secretary, just being professional.

"Is there something wrong, Your Majesty?" Christina inquired as she noticed a slight change in his facial expression.

"You know Christina, you are still my little sister. You don't have to call me Your Majesty, just call me by my name like you always do. No need to be so formal."


"That won't do," Christina replied, her tone firm, "I'm not your little sister anymore. I am your Chief of Staff, Your Majesty. I should call you Your Majesty during work hours whenever possible. It's a sign of respect to the superior."

"Now I'm kind of regretting hiring you to become my Chief of Staff," Alexander chuckled stiffly.

"Why? Did I do something that displeased you? If possible, please tell me so that I can improve my performance," Christina said dutifully, her eyes showing concern as her gaze swept over Alexander.

"I didn't say you did anything wrong. It's just that you were a different person when I placed you in this role. You can still be casual to me, you know, my cute little sister…" Alexander teasingly explained, grinning broadly.

"I suggest that you refrain from making such unnecessary comments and stop calling me by that title. It is inappropriate and unbefitting of the traits of the Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire," Christina chided coldly.

"You're so cold, little sister," Alexander sighed defeatedly. "Whoever possesses my little sister, come out of her body at once. Bring me back my sister!"


"Brother!" Christina snapped and gasped immediately after realizing that she broke her responsible character.

Alexander laughed heartily. "You don't have to do that to try hard and mimic the perfect secretary, Christina. We can still be casual."

"But…" Christina bashfully mumbled, looking down.

"Oh dear, here we go again. As much as we want to keep our relationship casual in the middle of work, I don't want it to get depressing. So let's just continue with our work. I have read the charter of the United Nations. I think it is good to formally invite others to join the union directly. After all, we simply invited them without giving them details."

"It's going to take them more than a week to understand the purpose of the United Nations, Your Majest…I mean brother. Can I just call you Your Majesty? Please just during work hours. If I call you by that title, I can gather my thoughts more coherently than calling you brother," Christina pleaded earnestly.

"Alright. If you want it that much," Alexander signed concededly. If she thinks she can do her job better by immersing herself into the role of his Chief of Staff, then the better. He just wanted to keep things casual, especially with his family. But things really don't go your way.

"And Senegal? I received a report from Sergei, who is now arriving in St. Petersburg in three to four hours, the representative of the Senegalese had accepted the annexation. How did the Imperial Council react?"

"There are mixed-reaction, Your Majesty. Mostly the conservatives, who felt that the annexation and industrialization of a weak state shouldn't be the primary efforts of the administration, rather it should focus its budget on developing rural cities of the Ruthenia Empire."

Alexander scoffed. "As expected, the conservative party strikes again. They are scared of change, they still don't realize the importance of Senegal to our maritime trades and interest in the region."

"The radical party's reaction is quite opposite from the conservative, they liked it."

"Of course they do," Alexander stated as if it was obvious. "Okay, let's wrap this thing up. I want to meet the Queen of the Britannia Empire. You said that they just arrived at the airport right?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Hold them there, I'll receive them myself," Alexander ordered.
