Rolan and Christina enjoyed their tea and coffee in the coffee shop at the mall. They sat across one another, sipping their drinks from the straw as they discussed light matters, particularly about the rising economic growth of the Ruthenia Empire.

"I never imagined that my brother would drastically change the Ruthenia Empire in just five years. Such a feat was unheard of, not even from another country's history. He will surely go down as one of the greatest rulers in the history of the Ruthenia Empire," Christina said, giggling. She twirled a single strand of her hair around her index finger, playing with it as the conversation continued.

"I could say the same thing," Rolan agreed to every word she said. His gaze remained fixed at her face, as if he didn't want to look the other way. However, despite the pleasantness of their conversation, Rolan is honestly not liking the topic.

He would love to talk about herself, so that he can know her fully. If she is going to continue discussing a different topic, especially about his brother, then how can he find out everything that he doesn't know about her in this grand opportunity? It would be a waste, so Rolan decided to change the subject.

"Christina, do you have any sort of habits that you enjoy during your free time?" Rolan asked.

"Hobbies huh?" Christina tilted her head up, her index finger was on her chin as she pondered for an answer. "Well, most of the time, I read books in the library. After having lectures from my tutor, I would spend my time there to learn more about. Now I think I'll have to go there often and read political sciences and stuff for future reference if needed in my work."

Rolan smiled at her answer, this is the topic he wanted them to talk about. And now they are heading in that direction, he just needs to maintain it.


"It must be a shock for you when His Majesty offered you a position with a rank similar to being his right hand. It's a huge responsibility but I believe you have the wits and determination to carry them," Rolan remarked, nodding at her. He felt a slight flush on his cheeks while saying it, making him feel embarrassed for being too forward. But he did his best to keep talking normally while his ears grew hot.

Christina giggled. "Thank you for the encouragement. Although this is going to be my first job and a huge responsibility on top of that. Just what you said, I will carry it with no problem."

While she was speaking about it, Rolan is already thinking of another topic that he can add so that their conversation would remain this way. Unfortunately, he is having trouble with it. He can't think of one. He's bad at this, and this is going to be a problem now. Without a topic, the topic of their conversation would shift from Christina's life to Alexander. It's not like he doesn't want to speak about the emperor, it's just that it is an unnecessary topic, and it is making him jealous.

He had heard everything about the emperor. Yes Alexander is great but Rolan is great too. Why don't Christina inquire about that so she could get to know him better?

And as he was having that thought, Christina asked.

"So, how did you become the Reaper of the Ruthenia Empire?"


Rolan's eyes widened, did she just ask about him? He couldn't contain the emotion rising inside him. It wasn't really excitement but happiness, joy, pride—yes, Rolan was proud. Proud that he was being recognized by someone, especially to the woman he loved.

"Well it was when the Ruthenia Empire was at war with the Anatolia Empire. I was under a strict training regime different from the soldiers at the time. Making me suitable for special operations such as assassinating high ranking commanders, generals, in the war. The reason why I got the title reaper is from a battle where the unit I was attached to was ambushed. And we survived the ambush with me exterminating every one last of them unscathed."

"I read that too," Christina said.

"You read it?" Rolan felt a tugging force on the corners of his lips, which made a smile emerge on his face.

"Well, when I was curious about you. I read every record the public has on you. I must say, you are amazing. It's lucky that you are working for the Ruthenia Empire, protecting my brother and us from harm.""You speak too highly of me, Christina. There are times that I wasn't able to do that," Rolan said, lowering his gaze as if embarrassed to look at her after she said that.

"You are being too formal again," Christina sighed, but it wasn't a disappointing sigh. More like she is amused. "You shouldn't let those things weigh you down. No one had expected it. You have done everything you could to protect me and my sisters at that time. And for that, I am grateful and be forever in debt. Because of you, I get to see my sisters again."


Rolan's mouth parted slightly and his heart skipped a beat. Her words of assurance complemented with her soft motherly tone was what brought the butterflies back into his belly.

"I will make sure that it remains that way, Christina. I have vowed to myself that I will protect you from every harm that may befall upon you."

"You mean me and my family right?"

Rolan didn't answer, he just smiled teasingly, knowing that Christina knew who he meant. This time, Christina returned the smile. Rolan was happy that he could see that. For some unknown reason, this woman's presence makes him happy, even though he hasn't been feeling good lately. Perhaps it was because her words made him feel something warm inside him.

"I meant every word that I said," Rolan simply said and glanced at his coffee. "Looks like I'll have to refill my cup. Their coffee here is nice."

"But won't that be bad for your health?" Christina asked, concern etched on her features. "I have read in this journal that coffee is dangerous for one's health if drank too much."

"Well, I think one or two cups of coffee a day would suffice," Rolan said. "And just because I love coffee doesn't mean I drank a lot of it."

"I apologize for assuming that," Christina apologized.

Rolan cursed inwardly. 'Shit, this isn't good, the mood is falling'.

"I don't mind and you don't have to worry about it. I'm all good."

Rolan chuckled, rubbing his head.

"Good day to you sir and ma'am, this is the food that you ordered. Strawberry shortcakes and a chocolate glazed bagel," the waiter said as he carefully placed down the plates holding their food on the table.

"Thank you," Rolan said and the waiter bowed before leaving.

Christina picked the fork and cut off a small piece of the strawberry shortcake and slowly put it in her mouth. After she ate it, her face immediately lit up with delight. Her eyes closed and she sighed softly.

"I must say, the quality of their cake here is the same in the Winter Palace." Christina commented while savoring the taste of the pastry in her mouth. Then she continued, "Would you like to take a bite and see for yourself?""I would love to," Rolan said.

"Then," Christina cut off another small piece again and brought it up towards Rolan's mouth. "Say ahh!"

" it really okay? You are using your fork."

"I don't mind."

"But there are people looking around us," Rolan said.

"I don't mind," Christina replied again. "If you mind their attention too much then I won't do it…"

"No no!" Rolan blurted out, cutting her off. "I mean you can do that. Please."

Rolan opened his mouth and allowed her to feed him the strawberry shortcake she held up in her fork that she just used. That would count as an indirect kiss but Rolan is not childish to even think about it. He was glad that Christina fed him.

"It's delicious," Rolan commented. "It wouldn't be fair if you are the only one doing that. Here is a taste of this chocolate bagel that I ordered," he cut off a mouthful of chocolate bagel and brought it up to her mouth.

Christina blushed at seeing him doing the same thing she did at him. She hesitated but realized that it would be unfair for him if she is the only one who can do that. So she gave in.

"This is so good," she moaned with pleasure.

Rolan steeled himself, thinking that this moment is the perfect moment to tell her his intentions.

He placed a hand over hers that was resting on the table. Christina startled but didn't move or resist. She just wondered.


"Can I tell you something?" Rolan said and continued. "You know, there is no man in this world who cares more for you than I. Let me spend what remains to me of life in the sole cause of making you happy, for which I'm willing to undertake."

"But Rolan, we have a lot of differences. Our rank and our age.

"I'm fine with it. Are you?"

"Of course I'm fine with it…" Christina smiled.

"You don't have to answer me yet, Christina. I will wait for you."

"What if I said no?"

"I'll ask you again."

"If I said yes?"

"Then I'll stop," Rolan said and continued. "You don't have to answer me now. Let's just enjoy the rest of our date first."
