"Your Majesty, are you serious? Are you really launching it?" Alexei asked, wanting to get clarification. He had heard the emperor clearly, but it was a sudden order that he couldn't process fast.

"I don't like repeating myself, Alexei. I want it done right now. Strike the heart of the Black Hand so that they'll never get to live another day ever. The Black Hands have been nothing but trouble for me since I ascended to the throne. I have made a promise that I will put them down in the administration and I will do it regardless if there will be civilian casualties or not."

"Your Majesty..." Alexei stammered, the emperor is sure is serious about launching a nuke at a foreign country.

"Are you hesitating? Are you going to defy a direct order from the emperor?" Alexander shot a bloodshot gaze at Alexei.

"Your Majesty...let's take it slow for a second," Sergei stepped in cautiously, not wanting to receive the ire the emperor was directing to Alexei. "Why would you target the United States all of a sudden? Heart of the Black Hand? Is it really in the United States?"

"Sevastian confirmed it, the Black Hand is not led by a single person but an organization of politicians who fund rebels across Europa to overthrow the monarchs. As we destroy ourselves in war, the United States is profiting from it. And the money they will get from the war will fund future rebellions. I will stop it by killing all of them," Alexander said, his eyes gleaming coldly.

Everyone felt the sudden drop in the temperature. Never once in their life had seen Alexander emit this type of expression before. No one knew what he was capable of doing when enraged.


"Where is the president of the United States?" Alexander asked.

"They are en route back to their country."

"Good, make sure he will have no place to return to as he will watch his home burn to the ground. Get me the briefcase now."

There was a beat of silence. No one moved from their places, they all stared at Alexander apprehensively.

"I SAID GET ME THE BRIEFCASE NOW!" Alexander's voice cracked out like a telekinetic wave, enough to make the room tremble violently with every word. The staff's faces turned pale more than usual.

"Do what His Majesty commands you to do," Alexei glanced over at the person who was sitting on the side, holding the briefcase.


The man in a military service uniform nodded and walked over to Alexander and opened it.Alexander braced his hands on the desk, looking at the nuclear football. He grabbed the phone it and the papers. He dialed a specific number and the phone started trilling.

"This is the Ruthenian Air Force Global Strike Command ready for tasking."

"This is the Crown Jewel, Execute Prompt Global Sun Strike at thirty-eight point eight niner-seven-seven degrees north and seventy-seven point zero three six five degrees west. Verification codes. Foxtrot Alpha Tango Mike Alpha November one niner two eight," Alexander responded with a coded message.

"Target coordinates and verification code received! Two minutes to launch. Goodspeed, Your Majesty."

The transmission ended and Alexander sat down on his chair. He twiddled his hand and stared at the ceiling. He just ordered the launch of a nuclear weapon on the capital of the United States and he doesn't even feel slightly remorseful. Is it because the Black Hand deserves to die? That it was his duty why he was sent to this world in the first place?

Well, there's no point in thinking about what has been decided. He gave the order, and now he has to wait.


Alexei and Sergei returned, sat down on their chairs and silence settled on the Command Ops.

A timer flashed on the LCD screen, starting the countdown, and showing the time remaining before the launch of the minuteman missile carrying twenty-one kilotons of nuclear payload, enough to level the entire district of Columbus.

Ten seconds remaining, everyone except Alexander watched grimly at every passing second.

Five...Four...Three...Two...One...Missile launch!

In the silos of Siberia, a missile lifts off from the ground, heading towards the sky and leaving a trail of black smoke behind. It was only a matter of seconds until the bomb left Earth's atmosphere, and prepared for reentry.

The missile re-entered the atmosphere, its tip glowing red like a meteor as it headed to the ground.

***Washington D.C, capital of the United States. In the Rock Creek Park. The people walked around the park with their wives, husbands, children, siblings, and pets.

In the sky, they noticed something glowing brightly. They all gaze up, their eyes following its movement.

"Hey...is that a meteor?"

"It's heading straight towards us!" One of the people pointed his hand at the meteor as he exclaimed.

Fearing that they might get caught by it, the people dispersed and ran wherever possible, They ducked, covering their heads, mouthing a prayer that the meteor wouldn't hit. But unfortunately for the citizens of Washington, no matter where they hid, it was futile.

What they thought to be a meteor was a rocket carrying a nuclear bomb. As soon as it reached its altitude, the activation sequence activated. The bomb went off and a great shockwave blew everything away. Cars were sent flying, building crumbles, and people turned into dust as they vaporize from the extreme heat akin to a sun.

A mushroom cloud rose above Washington. Heralding their doom and destruction. Soon, nothing remains except for the ashes of burnt cars and a huge crater on the ground. No sign of human remains was found either. It was a wasteland, filled with radioactive particles, making the place uninhabitable for any living creature.

One day later.

The nuclear explosion shocked the cities of the United States, and the news spread like wildfire.

Alexander was in his office in the Winter Palace, reading newspapers published by the Ruthenian press. The headline reads.

[A terrifying weapon of mass destruction created by the Ruthenian Empire was detonated in the capital city of the United States, killing tens of thousands. The people in the United States were shocked and enraged, calling for joining in the war.]

[An atrocious act ordained by the Ruthenia Empire caused panic among the coalition forces. Fearing that the next bomb will explode over their city, the citizens of the countries that are at war with the Ruthenia Empire call for peace.]

Alexander folded the newspaper and set it on his table. He sighed, relieved that the Black Hand is now wiped out. The only enemy left is the President of the United States. Unfortunately, the Ruthenia Empire only has five nuclear weapons in the inventory. He just used one, leaving him with four.

He has to use it wisely to achieve his goal.

There was a knock on the door.

"Your Majesty, the press is now waiting for you in the Palace Square," Sergei informed.

"Thank you, I'll prepare myself," Alexander said.action
