"How much did you tell the Black Hand?" Alexander asked.

"Tell what?" Sevastian inquired.

"Don't play the fool with me, Sevastian. You are a traitor who could have possibly leaked intel to the Black Hand, didn't you?"

"If you are talking about if I leaked classified information about Ruthenia military technology then you are wrong. Who do you think I am, a fool? Why would I give the Black Hand something that can be potentially used to destroy the Ruthenia Empire?" Sevastian said. "My goal was to become the emperor, lead the Ruthenia Empire better than the way you are currently running it, and once I reach that goal, the Black Hand you thought I was close with, I will destroy them all using the nuclear weapon you showed me in Novaya Zemlya."

"I figured, I was thinking the same ever since you got locked up," Alexander said. "Your goal was to dethrone me through the means necessary, even if it involves killing me because you can't overthrow me like how people in our neighbors do when their ruler's ego got a little bit overinflated. But, saying that you'll destroy them means that you know where they are right?"

"According to our current information, they are everywhere," Sevastian said.action

"That's bullshit, Sevastian. Tell me what I want to hear, it is that simple. Do you want the Ruthenia Empire to be glorious? Then tell me who and where they are specifically and I'll launch the damn missiles myself," Alexander said and continued. "Come on, surely exchanging information with the Black Hands leads you to something. Is it the President of the United States all along?"


"If I told you the answer, are you going to press that button?" Sevastian asked, locking his gaze on Alexander. "Are you not going to hesitate? You are going to call the Air Force, have them carry the bombs, and drop them to where they are?"

"Is this about me acting hesitant again when I have the information and all I need to do is act? No, I'm not bluffing. I'm going to press that button."

"Even if hundreds of thousands of people die?" Sevastian persisted."If getting rid of one tyrant that continuously threatens the peaceful world and hundreds of thousands have to die for it, then so be it. Hundreds of thousands do not outweigh millions, which is technically what's at stake right now, considering that we are in the war," Alexander said.

"So those hundreds of lives that are going to be killed if I answer your question mean nothing to you?"

"I didn't say their lives are worthless, everything has a price, so their deaths have value. Are you going to tell me or are you going to continue asking me some moral questions?" Alexander asked, folding his arms over his chest, and staring down at Sevastian.

The latter looked away, as though defeated by the challenge, knowing he couldn't argue further. Seeing that, Alexander continued to press.


"Come on, at least let your death have some dignity. You are going to die regardless if you give me a factual or fictitious answer. Do you really want to die in a country you so desperately wanted to save and yet couldn't because of fate, or ordained by omnipotence, as a traitor? I'll give your death respect if you tell me where they are right now."

Sevastian remained quiet but he nodded slowly, letting himself sink into despair. After a brief pause, he said, "Yes. They are in America, Washington D.C., the White House, and the Congress. The supreme leader of the Black Hand is not only the President of the United States but also backed by Congress. Every president that won the election is affiliated with the Black Hand. As long as they promise that they'll continue the policy started by the founding fathers, they'll win the election."

"You are making it sound like the tyrants here are the Congress," Alexander commented. "How did you know this? How can I trust your information?"

"I started conducting a private investigation when I first contacted their operatives. I want to know who I am working with and spend all of my fortunes buying information from underground. Surely, I have done a lot of work than the Foreign Intelligence Services combined. I was planning long-term. If your assassination went successful, then I'll be the emperor. And becoming the emperor is not really well-liked in the Black Hand. They'll target me and go back on their deal. So, I figured, before they get to kill, I'll get to kill them first," Sevastian explained.

"Ah…shit," Alexander sighed wistfully. "You could have told me this sooner."

Sevastian chuckled. "If I told you that, that would betray the fact that I worked with the Black Hand. I will destroy the Black Hand using the nuclear weapon that the country developed. I mean launching it in every country that has been brought under control by the Black Hand. I didn't tell them the bomb so that they'll go aggressive towards us. I supplied them with lies and deceive them. So they will look down on us.""And when they do, they are the ones who are going to get crushed, am I right?" Alexander finished his sentence.


"That's right."

"Ah…" Alexander sighed, feeling regret towards Sevastian. "Sevastian, if you only hadn't been greedy, then we would have been a great partner. Sure I made some questionable decisions in the past that made your impression of me not entirely good, but that doesn't matter anymore. Everything has consequences and your becoming the emperor would surely destroy this world. We are the same but not entirely. I want to end the source so that the world would turn peaceful again. This is for our children, to make them see the world in a different light."

Sevastian smiled slightly, not quite smiling but sadder than he had been earlier on when he admitted that he knew where the terrorists were hiding. If Alexander fulfilled his promise then it would be a small victory for him. He had lost the fight, but he had won the future.

"We all have some flaws, it's in our nature. I was greedy, thinking I can do better than you. It all bit me in the end. If you want more evidence, you can search my library, behind one of the bookshelves. I have a secret room there filled with writings and documents about the Black Hand."

Alexander clicked his tongue. "Ah what a waste. But you are still the reason why our father and mother are dead. Almost killed me that would leave my wife and daughter fatherless. I promised that I will protect them from any harm. So I'm angry at you, very, very angry that you would dare and try to take me away from them. I would never forgive you for that," his voice rumbled, as he stared straight into Sevastian's eyes. He stood up, and walked towards the door to leave.

But he stopped just before he can fully leave the room.

"Don't worry, you'll get to see them with your eyes, on how I will destroy the Black Hand."

He then proceeded and returned to the Command Ops.

"How did it go, Your Majesty?" Sergei asked but Alexander ignored them.

"Alexei," Alexander called.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Alexei asked.

"Get me the briefcase. Execute Command, Prompt Global Sun Strike. Target, United States. Let's send the Black Hand a message."

Everyone's eyes widened at Alexander's orders.
