
My eyes narrow slightly as I look through the much smaller list than we had for monster defenders.

Monster Name




.1 Points


The weakest and most common void creature in the void. They are completely unintelligent and chase after the strongest source of life force they can sense nearby.

Their most common method of attacking is through swarming with sheer numbers.

They are no stronger than a wild animal with the power of a Class 0 being and have appearances that vary from one voidling to another. However, they all have black scales and tentacles, with no eyes.

Void Drone

.3 Points

The second weakest and second most common void creature in the void with the power of a Class I being. They are completely unintelligent and chase after the strongest source of life force they can sense nearby.


Their most common method of attacking is through swarming with sheer numbers.

They have the power of a Class I being with the appearance of a large beetle with black tentacles growing out from beneath their shells and six black-scaled legs.

Void Vanguard


The main force of the Voided Overlord, serving at the front of every charge through sheer instinct alone.

These creatures are completely unintelligent and always starving, looking to devour life force whenever possible. Therefore they will always rush to the front of any attack in an attempt to find their next meal.


They have the power of a Class II being with the appearance of a large, flying bug with a mouth filled with razor sharp teeth specially designed to eat as much as possible.

Void Broodmother


The breeders of the void invasion whose purpose is to constantly produce more voidlings, drones, and vanguard.

They have very little combat power themselves and can span over a dozen meters in length, able to spawn hundreds of voidlings every day.If you find this story on Amazon, be aware that it has been stolen. Please report the infringement.

While broodmothers have the power of Class IIIs, their bodies are too large, and all of their void energy goes towards producing more void creatures. Therefore they are unable to fight back when attacked.

However, they will always be surrounded by tens of thousands of void creatures ranging from voidlings to vanguard.

Broodmothers have the appearance of a massive insect with three sections to their body, each incredibly thick, covered in black scales, and connected through relatively thin in comparison segments.
