
Out of nowhere amidst the seemingly endless process of find fracture, poke at fracture, break fracture, and find more fractures, I feel a strange sense of power filling me up. One that energizes me, makes it easier to break the fractures, and overall makes the pain fade a little along with the voices, leaving me feeling a bit confused.

In the end though I don’t look the gift horse in the mouth, instead focusing solely on separating my DNA.

I took a tiny break earlier to check and found that most of my DNA by now is finished separating, but by now I’m so mentally exhausted that I occasionally lose consciousness even in the comatose state I’m in. Something I didn’t realize was possible.

This energizing feeling helps push me forwards though, past the mental exhaustion as I try to make that one last push to finish this damned process.

I have no idea how long it’s been since my battle with the Noble that left me in this state, but I am certain that it’s been way too long. And I can’t just keep lying down here doing nothing while everyone else is fighting.

Not to mention that I still owe that Noble a slow death for what happened, even if I already know that he’s been punished by Gramps, from what I’ve overheard while in this state.


At least I started to be able to make out what people were saying around me at some point, around when I was halfway done fixing my DNA.

It would’ve been hellishly boring otherwise.

Actually, scratch the would’ve been. It has been hellishly boring.

After a few more seconds pondering over what the strange boost in power might be, I decide to just return all of my focus to the task at hand.

Getting myself out of this damned coma.

It shouldn’t be much longer now.


The Republic’s Military Headquarters

Amelia grimaces as she is sent flying across the dome by a hellfire empowered punch dealt by Satan before she lands with a painful cough of white blood. But she quickly drags herself back to her feet with a hand over her gut where the punch landed, nullifying the leftover hellfire there in the process.

The White Knight glances over at Black, finding him with an emotionless look on his face as he holds his limp arm, seemingly having difficulty moving. Meanwhile the Blue Knight pants in exhaustion as he regenerates three more tentacles in his massive kraken form spanning nearly a dozen meters in height.

Unlike the other three, the Red Knight is actually in the best situation simply due to his own use of hellfire partially countering Satan’s. A fact that gets on Amelia’s nerves.

But not as much as the sight of Satan grinning at the lot of them with hellfire blazing all around him and small amounts of blood still dripping from the flames, seemingly perfectly fine despite the many hits the Knights managed to land on him.

Fucking demons and their inherent superiority over humans… and the damned Demon Moon too.


Amelia briefly ponders over how Scarlet would’ve probably enjoyed the Demon Moon, but her thoughts immediately return to the battle again when she feels Satan’s attention turning towards her as spears of hellfire appear around him.

“Amelia Asger, birth mother of the Princess, you shall be spared for that status alone,” Satan says, a smirk stretching across his face as he sends the hellfire spears towards her, “but you will be punished first.”

The White Knight creates various spears of white null energy and sends them flying straight at the spears of hellfire in return, but her exhaustion makes her miss some of them, leading to some of the spears of hellfire striking directly at her. She lets out a scream of pain and falls back down to the ground, following which Satan summons a sword of hellfire in his hand and blocks a knife of shadows held by Black. And immediately after that he swipes another blade straight upwards, cutting all the way through a tentacle sent his way by Blue.

All while laughing the entire time. Even when Red sends a wave of hellfire directly at him.

A wave that does little more than make the man’s already red skin glow slightly more red, proving the man’s resistance towards hellfire being even greater than Red’s. But before Satan can say anything to belittle him, Red appears right in front of him with his blade coming straight down towards Satan’s head.

Amelia’s eyes widen in shock when Satan suddenly glows even brighter with more blood coming out of the black and red flames from the Demon Moon, and pulls his head back to then slam it back forwards, smashing the sword back with his own horns. Then he moves in a blur and disengages from Black and sends him flying with a kick, grabs Red by the arm and throws him into the flying Black, and ducks down to avoid a tentacle before grabbing that as well and sending Blue flying to join them.

What the fucking hell is this bullshit?!

But to Amelia’s horror, as she tries to climb to her feet, feeling pain all over her body from the hellfire spears that did a number on her, Satan just floats up into the air and creates a massive ball of hellfire above his arms, feeding it with the black and red flames coating his body by the Demon Moon. And without giving any time to react, he drops both of his arms, sending the massive ball of hellfire down to crash into the three Knights in a massive explosion that destroys everything in the dome and even causes cracks to appear on the dome for a second before it shatters entirely.

All four of the Knights in the dome let out cries of pain, meanwhile Amelia senses Purple teleporting several kilometers away to avoid the attack entirely from her original place right outside of the dome.


Amelia coughs out a mouthful of blood, finding that the man’s fireball purposefully only hit her at partial strength as if trying to spare her any chance of dying. And at the same time, Satan bursts out laughing as the air all around them is filled with black ash and black and red embers floating in the air.

“Try all you like, your level advantage means nothing against me and the Demon King’s power!!” Satan’s voice echoes out through the area.

…going to lose.
