No chapters today due to my exam.

I'll go ahead and state my next exam dates here since at this rate I'll probably end up canceling chapters on those days as well.

I have an exam today, on October 16th, a tentative exam on October 24th, on December 8th and on December 9th. Furthermore, there should be one more exam that hasn't been announced at all in terms of the date.

Although I'm not too sure about the one on October 24th. The professor has forgotten to post almost every single quiz in the class so far and ended up delaying each quiz by a few days. So I wouldn't be surprised if he does the same for the exam, since the exam is online.

Fortunately my capstone course doesn't have any exams at all.

Other than those exam days I don't think there will be any canceled chapters through the semester unless something comes up at the last minute, especially since the first semester is supposed to be (according to both the past teams and the professor for my Senior Design course) mostly just documentation and familiarizing ourselves with the software and programming language we're using for the project. Although one of my team members is dead-set on adding on a bunch of extra stuff to the current project to make it a lot more work, and are trying to get to work on the project right away instead of giving us time to learn how to work on it.

Well, anyways, long story short no chapter today, there will be one tomorrow as usual.

Have a nice day!
