The Demon King’s Palace

The Demon King’s mouth quirks upwards ever so slightly as he looks out from the balcony of his bedroom in the castle at the barren wasteland spreading for as far as the eye can see. Or as far as most eyes can see.

After nineteen and a half years of searching, she is finally within sight. And all it took in the end was for his granddaughter to become so well-known amongst the humans that the changelings he sent could easily find her just from their news alone.

Unfortunately the scrying of the succubi never managed to work thanks to the work of the White Knight of Humanity obscuring his granddaughter’s full name.

Who would’ve guessed that all it took in the end was some human social media to find her.

When Leonidas had come home with a daughter, the Demon King was overjoyed beyond words. He and his late wife Anna had always wanted a daughter. One to play along with their son. But they never were able to have one, no matter how hard they tried. And before he knew it, it was too late.

She was already dead.


Arkaz’s fist clenches slightly at that thought before his eyes narrow.

The curses on demon-kind are one thing, and the past another, but if those humans ever so much as lay a bloody finger on Scarlet’s head, I will break their world even if I have to break everything else along with it!

A layer of bloody mist begins to fill the air around the Demon King as he unconsciously spreads a small amount of his blood domain around him, turning the air itself into his permanent territory. One where nothing else may treat. Where he is a god among mortals.

But after taking a deep breath, he calms himself down again and shakes his head.

“Were you thinking of Her Highness again, Your Majesty?” a servant asks while appearing two meters to the Demon King’s right and kneeling, not daring to lift their head.

Arkaz glances at the Class V vampire. If he remembers correctly, he was pretty sure that this particular vampire is a new addition to the castle staff. One made by Arkaz’s head maid, a kitsune named Raiden Akuma.


Let’s see… her name is Seraphina Nightshade I believe. And she’s a Baroness.

“Yes,” he eventually answers the white haired, red eyed woman before looking out over the wasteland again. “It should only be a matter of time before she’s brought here.”

“And we will welcome Her Highness with open arms once she is!” the Baroness fervently says, making Arkaz glance at her again to find the woman having lifted her head with an excited look in her eyes, the woman clearly looking forward to seeing her Princess in the flesh, just like the vast majority of the Nobles.

Arkaz smiles slightly at that, glad to see that his subjects are just as loyal to her as they would be even if she didn’t have those human genes inside of her.

His smile stumbles a little at the thought of the genes given to her by her mother. Genes that he’s not entirely sure he will be able to get rid of, even with his blood domain.

Not when they’re genes from a level 1871 human…


If he had to guess, Scarlet’s human genes will most likely stop being devoured by his sons at around one or two percent. Which would normally be a problem, but since Oberon said it’s not, then it’s not.

“The curses are specific in their mentioning of pure blood humans,” Oberon’s voice suddenly echoes in Arkaz’s head, surprising him for a moment. “So even if she remained part human, it should have no effect on the curses.”

I’m surprised you’re not too busy dealing with the sudden surge of new contractors amongst the demons to talk.

Oberon scoffs at that in his head and retorts, “You’re one to talk about being busy. What are you doing right now? Brooding about your granddaughter’s absence again?”

Arkaz winces at that.

Then he swipes his hand, making a flat pool of blood appear in the air in front of him, shaped in a large oval shape. And after a moment, that pool of blood shifts to show the image of a large underground city on it – the capital city of the Lord of Death’s territory.

The city spans for over a hundred kilometers – a unit of measurement stolen from the humans over on Earth to make things simpler – and has hundreds of thousands of demons wandering throughout it, all visible in the pool of blood. Amongst these demons, the vast majority of them are all Class III, but there are also tens of thousands of Class IV demons as well, and even thousands of Nobles splattered amidst them here and there.

The Demon King swipes his hand again, making the pool focus on the large underground cave system filled with enormous caverns and even a large underground castle, where the Lord of Death, now also known as The Reaper dwells. But the pool doesn’t stop there, instead continuing on to focus on the Lord of Death himself, the man sitting on a throne while reading a book despite an entire court being in session.

Arkaz snorts at that, making The Reaper immediately raise his head and smile at the sight of the pool of blood that appears in front of him, the entire court growing silent before all of the Nobles attending kneel with their heads bowed down, their chins touching their chests.

“Your Majesty!” A synchronous roar echoes through the room at once from the gathered Nobles.

The Demon King waits a few moments before he says, “You may rise.” And the Nobles do so immediately. He then focuses on the Lord of Death, who is still seated in his throne, only having given the Demon King a brief nod of respect instead of kneeling like the others, and asks, “Are the preparations ready?”

“They are,” Lucius answers, the ghoul’s voice sounding even as his pitch black and scyleraless eyes stare at the pool of blood. “Damien is currently in the process of waking up from his recovery hibernation and will be ready before the Class V Fracture begins.”

Arkaz nods his head, “Good work. And you have my congratulations on the new Title, Grim Reaper.”

The Grim Reaper nods his head, a very faint smile stretching across his face before Arkaz closes the connection, making the pool of blood fall down to splash somewhere below the balcony.

Everything should be ready soon. Even Leonidas seems to be looking forward to having his daughter brought back, whatever reason that he was hiding her no longer being pressing anymore.

“Arkaz, my son believes that since you already know where your granddaughter is now, it is safe for both me and you to learn of the reasons for your son’s actions,” Oberon suddenly states, his voice echoing in the man’s head, making him narrow his eyes slightly. “If you wish to know, simply ask the witches.”

The Demon King tenses up slightly at that, only for his eyes to begin blazing with an eerie red light that frightens the Baroness still kneeling close by.

“Oh, really?” he asks out loud, drawing out both words.

A prophecy, is it? And he really believes that to be a good enough excuse?

Arkaz turns his head towards the Baroness faster than her eyes can keep up with as he declares, “I’ll be paying a visit to the witches. Inform them of my impending arrival.”

The vampire immediately bows her head again with a simple, “Yes, Your Majesty!”

Arkaz floats up into the air before moving off of the balcony, an ominous looking layer of blood beginning to flow all around him in the process. Then after a few seconds, the blood grows thicker and thicker until it covers his entire body, slowly expanding outwards after that until it forms an orb spanning several meters in diameter.

The Baroness’s eyes gain a mixture of fear and awe as the ominous orb of blood suddenly stops writhing and bursts outwards, expanding the Demon King’s blood domain over an entire kilometer around them and tinting the air with a red haze. At the same time, it reveals a massive beast spanning over five meters in height and seven meters in length with fur as black as the night and several streaks of fur made entirely up of blood running across it. Meanwhile the beast’s eyes are as red as the blood moon high in the sky, just a single glimpse into them enough to send shivers down the spine of any other mortal. Including the level 1481 vampire on the balcony, who the Demon King can practically feel shivering in fear.

Arkaz snorts at the sight and smell of her fear and awe, only for the snort to mostly come out as a faint snarl, frightening the vampire so much that she loses her balance and begins to rush out of the balcony to fulfil his orders.

Even if the entire hellsdamned universe were to collapse, it would not be enough of a reason to send Scarlet to Earth.

“Inform the Blood Lord that he and I will be sharing words once I return,” Arkaz speaks, his voice echoing straight into the mind of the vampire despite her already having left the room.

But before that, I’ll be having a few words with the witches.
