
The rest of the day goes by pretty quickly, with the Bloody Valkyrie seemingly throwing herself into the internship as a way to forget about the duel that she lost. She shows me around the Garden, pointing out the residential buildings, the Association member’s personal shops, and the main building, along with various different places in the main building that I might need to go to at some point. Like the reception desk where I’ll be able to exchange Association points for some of the resources the Association has, or the library.

After the tour, the three of us find ourselves at the Valkyrie’s office, which is also in a slightly medieval style. With some modern appliances scattered throughout.

“Why is everything so… medieval?” I ask as White and I sit down in chairs opposite her desk before adding, “In the Garden, I mean.”

She looks away from her desk where she was grabbing a couple documents and answers, “Personal preference.” I blink at that in surprise, and out of the corner of my eye, I catch the corner of White’s lips quirking slightly upwards. “The underside of the Garden is more or less the same as the capital city though.”

The underside of the Garden. A place meant for battle, and also a place I haven’t been shown around yet.

Supposedly I will be shown around the place tomorrow morning. But since no Demonic Assaults are Expected until the day after tomorrow, she didn’t see it necessary to show us the underside of the Garden yet. Especially considering just how much she showed us today.


“Here are a couple documents the two of you will have to sign to join us in battle during Fractures,” the Valkyrie says while pushing the documents towards us. And when I pause to read it, I find it to be a simple contract. Just the basic contract that each Association has for their members, albeit with an expiration date on it marking the end of the internship.

Both White and I sign the thing, although I’m pretty sure White didn’t actually need to do that. Considering the vast amount of authority the Knights have in the first place, she should be able to enter quite literally any Fracture regardless of if it’s claimed by an Association with priority or not.

Although it would mess up the whole payment situation if she didn’t sign it.

The Bloody Valkyrie smiles at me with a nod and says, “Welcome aboard, Scarlet! We’re glad to have you!” She takes both documents and stores them in some sort of storage skill as she continues, “From now on go ahead and call me Ava, since that’s what all the members of the Garden call me.” The woman hesitates for a moment when she glances at White, only to add, “The both of you.”

I find myself a little surprised at her giving White the go-ahead on that as well, but I don’t show it on my face. And if White feels anything about it, she doesn’t show it either, simply nodding her head instead.

A few seconds pass in silence before White turns to me and says, “As you probably know, most internships are meant to have two Demonic Assaults in them, with the intern participating in both and working together with the Association to clear at least two Fractures. But this time around, there will only be one Demonic Assault because of the upcoming Class V Fracture. So you will only be required to participate in a single Fracture with the Garden of Blood Association.”


I nod my head at that, prompting her to continue, “As long as I see you attempting to work together with the Association, you will pass the internship and be allowed to move on to your second year at Lion’s Heart. But if you don’t make any attempt at working with the Garden, then you’ll be doing a redo internship over the summer instead.” She pauses as her lips quirk upwards, “Although, I don’t think that’ll be a problem for you.”

“None at all,” I answer with a little smirk of my own before turning to Ava and asking, “Do you know what Fractures we’ll be participating in, Class-wise?”

She nods her head and answers, “For the internship, we decided to participate in a Class III Fracture all together, and then everyone can split off after that to deal with whatever Fractures they wish to deal with themselves. I’ll even take you personally since I know you won’t likely have transportation.”

My eyebrows rise a little at that, but it isn’t too surprising. Although I get the feeling the Class III Fracture will probably end almost immediately. Unless they hold back that is.

Then again, they probably will hold back. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Class Vs end up holding the demon general hostage and the humans in the Fracture safe just to let us fight. A common way for the really powerful Associations with Class Vs to level their weaker Guardians.

The only issue with this is that it has a high fatality rate. Because the higher Class Guardians cannot even consider protecting their lower Class Association members unless they want most of their rewards taken away by the System for the lack of risk.


They send them in as teams of dozens of Class II and III Guardians and leave them alone, letting them handle themselves. And while they still get a significant cut in their EXP as a penalty, they still get more than they would in a regular Fracture just due to the sheer quantity of higher level demons they’ll be getting at least some credit for.

Although with Associations like the Garden of Blood, most of the Guardians are personally at the top of the world in terms of their own age groups. And there’s a reason everyone is this powerful in the Associations. So they have a lot less casualties than most of the other Associations that do this stuff. Which at this point just makes these Fractures into training grounds for their Association.

Something the public isn’t exactly happy about but can’t say much against either since they’re still fighting demons. It’s just that they’re prioritizing their own growth over fighting in other Fractures.

There would probably me more complaints though if this was done more often instead of the only once every one or two months that it’s typically done in Associations.

Just goes to show that most Guardians aren’t the superheroes many people try to make them out to be.

“For now, you can just get situated in your room,” Ava says with a smile. “We’ll have a meeting later in the evening that you’ll have to attend, but there won’t be anything else going on today that you need to participate in.”

I nod my head in response, “Alright.”

This’ll be fun.
