
The knowledge of that just washes over me and I can’t help but lose my strength and fall to the ground.

A prophecy. I was abandoned. Because of a prophecy.

Nearly an entire minute passes in silence, the two seemingly not speaking and Allen and Cynthia staying quiet as well since they can’t talk. Eventually I manage to life my head to look at White and Tar, just to find White looking at me with both longing and regret plastered all over her face.

I stare for a few seconds before my face hardens into a scowl and I finally climb to my feet.

“No,” I state out loud, making a wave of sadness cross her face. “No. Just no.”

I shake my head.


“If what you said to Tar is true, you’re not even going to bother telling me what this prophecy is,” I state while looking White directly in the eyes. “Not that it really matters. Because it’s obvious this prophecy was more important to you than me.”

And my words actually make a tear begin to form at the edge of White’s eye. The strongest human in the entire world. Crying.

“You know what? I don’t even care,” I mutter, feeling a wave of relief wash over the sheer depression from earlier. “I don’t.” I look down at my fist. “Now I at least know who I am.” I pause at that thought to look up, “Actually, who’s my father?”

She opens her mouth and then closes it again. So I turn to Tar, and he just shakes his head, apparently not allowed to tell me.

“Guess it doesn’t matter then,” I state, my scowl growing deeper. “You may be my mother by blood, but the only person who has ever been a mother to me has been Cynthia. And that’s that.”

White turns a sad look towards Cynthia, who is still unable to move. And I am very glad that she doesn’t seem to be showing any hostility towards her for that, because I didn’t really consider that she might.


“Is there anything you need to tell me?” I ask White while putting my hands in my coat pockets.

White turns back to me, nods, and says, “Yes. This should be the last assassination attempt on you. Especially after I deal with the organization behind Destroyer. But now that a Class V Rogue has been killed, the other organizations would have to be stupid to try anything else.”

“Then you have my thanks for saving my life,” I tell her, only to cut her off as she opens her mouth to speak, “but this in no way makes what you did to me fine. And you are a long, long way from me ever forgiving you, if that’s what you’re hoping for.”

The woman stiffens up slightly at that before the tear on her face suddenly vanishes in a tiny white light as she nods her head. But right when I’m about to turn towards Allen and Cynthia, she says, “Please at least consider forgiving your father. He… it was my choice alone to follow the prophecy in every way. He wanted to raise you himself, but…” She pauses with a conflicted look on her face before glancing at Tar, who shakes his head.

Guess it’s something they aren’t allowed to say at this point?

Stupid fucking prophecy.


If he wanted to raise me, then why didn’t he? Unless… the blood lycan White was apparently seen fighting during the last Class V Fracture… could it have been my father? But…

I don’t have enough information to come to a decision on that.

What I do know is that he hasn’t ever come to me since. Meaning either he can’t, since he’s on Tartarus and is a Class V demon, or he hasn’t tried.

I don’t say anything in response to her as I turn to Allen and Cynthia before kneeling down next to them.

How am I going to get these two out of here now? Should I call for help? Or…

The two suddenly disappear, making me blink in surprise before glancing at White who simply says, “I used a magi-tech item to teleport them both back to your Association’s base.”

Oh. That makes it easier.

“Could you teleport me as well?” I ask while glancing around at the damaged building.

I really don’t want to deal with the aftermath of this alone.

“Of course, dear,” White says, making my gaze snap to her as I scowl at her term of endearment. Which makes her flinch.

Oh, right. One other thing.

“About the adoption,” I state, making her flinch again before she answers rather stiffly, “Could you wait a bit longer for that?”

My eyes narrow.

“Please?” she pleads, tears beginning to form in her eyes again.

“The adoption isn’t planned until after the Class V Fracture,” Tar suddenly says, making White blink while turning to look at him. Then a moment of silence passes, following which she turns to me and nods, saying, “Okay. I won’t stop the adoption.”

That was… easy?

Why was it so easy?

And why did she change her mind the moment he mentioned the Class V Fracture?

Tar doesn’t say anything. Although he doesn’t avoid my gaze either. In fact, he even makes direct eye contact with me.

Hmm. Guess it’s safe to say that something important will happen during that Fracture. Something related to all this prophecy crap.

I really hate prophecies. They’re just stupid and we’re better off without them.

White stares at me with way too much emotion on her face for a Knight. Knights are normally shown as the saviors of humanity, even if all of them are psychopaths and insane or just plain touched or messed up in the head. Although a lot of people do know that the Knights don’t really care much about humanity in truth. They’re just depicted to care by the government.

Blue is a psychopath.

Black I believe has a bit of a split personality. One being playful and the other extremely cold and uncaring. And he only cares about messing around and having fun for one personality, and only benefitting himself for the other.

Red is the very definition of a battle junky who literally only cares about battling on the front lines. Nothing more. Just battling. He will abandon people in trouble just to go fight he’s so obsessed with it.

Purple is mute unless she is stating a prophecy or talking to people she cares about. And she doesn’t ‘bother herself with regular affairs.’ Which still makes me wonder why she bothers commentating on the Interschool Tournaments when she does. Because she doesn’t exactly speak during them. Just sits there as someone else commentates.

Although her particular type of divination magic gives prophecies that are set in stone and unchangeable. Which are prophecies I don't mind as much as the self-fulfilling or changeable prophecies. But in general, there are like half a dozen different types of prophecies, each of which are given by different types of seer Guardians. Since not all Guardians give the same types of prophecies. Which makes me wonder what type of prophecy this one is.

I'm guessing the one who gave the prophecy was most likely a very high level, so it was probably specific. But that doesn't answer what type of prophecy it is. And considering how tightlipped they are about it, no one is likely to answer me any of this.

And White… White basically erased her existence from the world except for her title, knowledge of her power and magic, and some basic information. Mostly because she has social anxiety from what I’ve heard.

But this isn’t what I expected from her. Not at all.

It doesn’t change things though. What’s done is done.

I can’t see myself forgiving her. But I myself know that I have a flippant personality sometimes and my thoughts on something can change on a dime, and I accept things too easily, so who knows. Maybe I might be able to forgive her in like a century.

“Would you mind sending me to my suite at the campus? I need to get some rest for the tournament tomorrow,” I state while crossing my arms under my chest. And she quickly nods before hesitating a moment and saying, “Good luck, Scarlet.”

I nod back. And then I find myself in the bedroom of my suite at the university.

Time to go to sleep. There’s been waay too much crap to deal with today… at least tomorrow’s battles will be therapeutic in that sense.

I smile at the thought.
