
No matter how I look at her, White looks so similar to me it hurts. She has the same frame, about the same height, same long hair even if hers is stark white while mine is black and red, same face, and even the same figure as me that Belle is always complimenting purely to see me blush. Despite both me and Belle having about the same figures, even if I most of the time purposefully wear clothes that hide my body to not attract that sort of attention unlike her.

White’s even wearing similar clothes… wait, is that magi-tech armor? So even her magi-tech armor…

I can’t tear my eyes away from the woman in front of me. Which is why I immediately catch it when she sends me a faint smile. One filled with regret, sadness, and a faint amount of happiness.

A smile that vanishes and is replaced with a sort of apathetic rage directed at Destroyer the moment she turns away from me to focus on the Rogue.

My heart nearly stops at the sight of that smile. But it doesn’t take me long to shake my head, knocking any and all of those thoughts away as I recover and take a step back.

She abandoned me. Even if she does regret it, it doesn’t change the facts. She abandoned me at an orphanage, leaving me to live a shitty life without any parents beyond the parental figures Allen and Cynthia eventually turned out to be. Leaving me to suffer the abuse that befalls orphans.


Leaving me alone.

This woman is not my mother. Doesn’t matter if she gave birth to me. All that will ever be is a simple fact and nothing more.

I scowl at her, only to shift my scowl to the Destroyer in front of her who is now currently trying to run towards the window. With very little success as just seconds later, before she can even take her third step, a white film of energy covers her entire body, freezing her in place.

For a moment, I debate simply standing here and watching, but I shake that thought from my head as I hurry over to Allen and Cynthia before helping them into a sitting position and glancing back at White and Destroyer.

“Wait, let’s talk about this!” Destroyer practically shouts as White walks around to her front while waving her hand up towards the security cameras in the room, covering them in a white energy that turns them off and more likely than not also wipes them of any recordings they were able to obtain of White. “You don’t have to do this! Just let me go free and I’ll become your personal-”

The words Destroyer is saying cut off despite her mouth continuing to move. As if White just eliminated the soundwaves leaving her mouth.


“Destroyer, otherwise known as Lauren Hall. A Class V Rogue, the first Class V sent after my daughter, and a hitwoman for the Legacies Association,” White says, listing various bits of information about the Rogue. But the mention of ‘my daughter’ in such an emphasized manner has me narrowing my eyes. “After I eliminate you, a Class V, there won’t likely be anymore hitmen going after Scarlet. So there’s no reason to keep you alive.”

Destroyer’s eyes widen in both shock and fright as she hurriedly glances between me and White, only for the white light covering her body to shine even brighter, making me wince and shut my eyes. Then I blink them open a couple seconds later and find Destroyer completely gone. Likely having been erased from existence.

“Scarlet…” White says after turning around to look at me, once again with that sad look in her eyes. And out of the corner of my eyes, I find both Allen and Cynthia seemingly trying and failing to say anything.

I move closer to Allen to check if he’s alright, only for White to say, “He’s fine. Destroyer didn’t just paralyze their legs, but she temporarily made it so that they couldn’t speak either. Likely in some cruel form of entertainment of having them watch what she was planning on doing without being able to say or do anything to stop it.”

That has me sighing in relief.

So they’re both okay.


Tar suddenly appears in the air next to me before floating over to White, drawing my eye back to my birth mother.

“Hello Tarankar, it’s a pleasure to see you again,” she says with a faint smile, vaguely surprising me with how she and him have apparently met before. And Tar answers by nodding his head. But I can detect a noticeable coldness from him. Especially when he says, “Hello, Amelia.”

A few awkward seconds pass in silence as I look between the two.

Eventually Tar continues, “I see you began to regret your choice after all, just like he said you would.” White visibly winces at that, making my eyes go wide in shock at the effect his words are having on the most powerful human being in the world. “Not only that, but you’re even breaking the rules you set in place by talking with her now.”

Amelia purses her lips at that while avoiding his gaze, only to eventually make eye contact with him again as she says, “I won’t be telling her anything. The contact will be limited to just some conversation. So it’s not going against the prophecy.”

My eyes narrow at the mention of a prophecy.

Please, oh pleeaaase tell me she did not abandon me for a fucking prophecy… I really hate prophecies. Both in movies, and in real life. The things are complete bullshit. Half the time the events in a bad prophecy only happens because the people try to prepare or stop those events. And other times the things just end up being used as fucking excuses for someone to do something.

And I also can’t help but notice Tar’s ear twitching as if responding to my thoughts.

“That is even worse,” Tar says, his eyes narrowing at White. “You abandon her thanks to a damned prophecy and then decide you regretted doing it and try to talk to her again in the middle of it, not even finishing what you started?”

White winces again at that.

I scowl at the woman.

A prophecy.

I was abandoned… because of a prophecy.
