Chapter 101 Pledging to Daruun  

Jack took a couple of minutes to calm his mind. The river of blood in the streets caused his heart to pound as if the sight was begging for someone to seek justice for those common citizens who were innocently slaughtered.

Soon he asked Daruun, "Then why would both invade? I thought Skaryn was the one forcing chaos on the world?"

"Technically, he was. But that doesn’t mean that Halmut was a saint just because Skaryn wasn’t," stated Daruun, catching Jack off guard yet again. "Halmut always claimed to be the most powerful god and was determined to keep it that way. At the time, Trodar was arguably the most powerful nation, all the more reason for Halmut and Skaryn to covet it."

Daruun looked back at the wide-eyed Jack. He let out a long sigh as Jack never bothered responding or looking away from the remnants of the massacre. "Don’t be foolish. Remember, you only knew these people as NPC’s, nothing more. Are they worth risking your life for revenge against the most powerful factions of Kartonia? Even after five centuries have already passed..."

With a grunt, Jack finally looked back to Daruun. "So, I’m just supposed to forget all of this? Wasn’t Halmut the Righteous God, the Slayer of Evil, and the Bringer of Justice? Who will bring justice to him? Huh!?"

"At least, not yet," interrupted Daruun.


Jack’s facial expression froze, keeping his cold eyes focused on the god before him. "What do you mean, yet? Was this all a part of your plan, too?"

"Not exactly. I will admit, I knew all along that this would happen, and I knew this would rile you up enough to agree with any plan I present to you. But, do you think I wanted it to happen? Do you think I wouldn’t have stopped it if I was able?" Daruun met Jack’s gaze with an uncharacteristically cold glare, sending chills down the hero’s spine. "You know nothing of the slaughter that was caused or the terror that those two have wrought. Given time you will learn more about, for now..." He didn’t finish his sentence and snapped instead.

As the lights flashed, both Jack and Daruun blinked, letting their cold feelings start to subside with the change of scenery.

Jack looked around him, surprised. They were no longer standing on air but they were walking together inside a vast temple, a demolished temple.

"You know this Temple of Gilga was once one of the largest across the continent, the only one to ever contain shrines for more than one god. Here, each of the other six neutral gods kept a shrine. This is what it has been reduced to," said Daruun emotionlessly, as if it was meant to be.

"And you’re not mad about this?" asked Jack.


"No, at least when in comparison to everything else that has happened. Their time of judgement will come. For now, focus on what we both need you to accomplish. The Achievement System was created as a means to empower you, my chosen one, to bring balance to Kartonia. As you grow, being unaffected by the influence and benefits offered by those two power-hungry mongrels will allow you two understand the world clearly."

Jack squinted and scratched his head. "So... in other words I’m just another piece to your plan."

"Incorrect," answered Daruun while lightly shaking his head. "You are the plan. Without you, everything will crumble and the world will again enter a state of catastrophic war, even worse than before."

"How soon?"

"Can’t say, not to you at least. Such information is unnecessary for you. Now you know that the Achievement System was created specifically for you, abling you to grow at a rate unexplainable to the rest of the world and to face threats that no mere mortal should," explained Daruun. "I’m here to help you throughout your journey. If not, why else would I give you so much information in regards to your question? I’m doing my best to give you the most information despite being restricted by the laws of fate. So, please, believe me."

It took a moment for Jack to consider Daruun’s words. Having noticed that the other two main gods did so much for power, he couldn’t rule out the possibility of Daruun trying to use him.


"If I wanted to use you for my own benefit, why would I create such an achievement list as a requirement?" asked Daruun, who already knew what Jack was thinking. "Also, let me finish my explanation before you consider what you’ll do next."

Jack nodded subtly, agreeing to listen.

The corners of Daruun’s mouth turned upward. The god of fate knew that Jack would ultimately agree to work with him, especially considering their past in-game relationship and the lack of better options.

"As you can see, this temple was demolished long ago, and as I said, it was done under my command. The other neutral gods followed in my example with their properties, allowing us to keep others from stealing our resources and to create new shrines or temples in secret. Your Achievement System is only in its first phase. After finding my hidden temple your system will evolve to its second phase; that’s what you should seek out."

"Wait, you have a temple?" questioned Jack, startled to hear such a thing.

"Yes, didn’t I just say that? So far not a single soul has ever found it or entered it. You will be the first when the time comes. Is there anything you wish for me to repeat or revisit?" asked Daruun.

"Hmm..." sighed Jack. "No, I think that’s all for this question. Now, on to my second question."

"Already?" chuckled Daruun.

"Yes. Where are all the temples and shrines of Modern Kartonia, both hidden and not hidden?"

A white, toothy grin appeared on Daruun’s face. "I knew I chose the right person. Normally that kind of information would be restricted to even the other neutral gods. None of them know the locations of each other’s temples or shrines. I’m glad you’re bold enough to use one of your questions for that. I’ll mark the locations in your map function, but you’ll have to figure out how to enter yourself."

Without hesitation, Jack opened the menu and instantly opened his map. There he found a tab that if selected would show the locations of any temples, including those that were currently erected, those that were hidden, and those that are now in ruins.

Jack eagerly selected it and watched multiple red dots appear across the continent and a list of the gods and their shrines on the side. He was happy with his findings, until he noticed that only twenty-six gods were listed.

"Why isn’t your temple shown?" asked Jack.

"It is, just not on the map you’ve currently uploaded into the system," answered Daruun, hinting with a smile. "If you want to gain entry and access to any of those hidden temples then you’ll have to rely on your intuition and your inventory to do so. Also, considering your friends, I’d recommend they pledge to one of the neutral gods sooner, rather than later. And make sure not to enter the temples of the other gods who are still living. Who knows what might happen if they notice your presence."

"Thank you, Daruun." Jack bowed and smiled. He was happy that Daruun was giving a few helpful hints together with his answers. "Don’t worry, I’m saving my last question for any special circumstances that might come up."

Suddenly, Daruun’s light smile stilled and became emotionless again. "I know. I’ll be waiting for our next chat."

"You’re forgetting something."

Daruun kept staring at Jack and nodded again. "Very well. Jack, are you wanting to pledge to me and gain the benefits as a patron of the god of fate?"

"Yes!" yelled Jack, answering the moment Daruun stopped speaking.

"Good, I’m glad." Daruun raised his arm and it emitted a bright light, overwhelming Jack’s vision like before. As Jack was absorbed into the light, a gentle voice reached his ears. "Just be you, Jack. You’re the Achievement Junkie and you can save the world because of that."

After the light faded, Jack found himself back in the newly discovered tomb, with Bowzer on his shoulder and Slivia walking towards him with curiosity in her eyes.

When she received no answer from her previous question, Slivia again asked, "Why’s that so special, and more so than an ancient spellbook? This is worth a fortune!"

"Nevermind, you’re right," replied Jack with a subtle shake of his head. He decided that it’s best no one knew about his conversation with Daruun.

First off, who wouldn’t be intrigued to hear about a mortal conversing with a god that most of history had forgotten. If such news was leaked or discovered, he wasn’t sure he could keep it safe, even with the Adventurers Association behind him. If anything, the association may take from him. Though Bowzer could be seen as extremely valuable, he had already formed his one and only bestial bond with Jack. The tutorial stone had no link with him and could technically be used by anyone, why wouldn’t the association be willing to confiscate it?

Second, Jack determined that the humble tutorial stone was possibly the greatest treasure he could get his hands on within the entire continent. Being the only patron to Daruun in all Kartonia, he was confident that he could receive more benefits from it than anyone else. And who wouldn’t want the god of fate on standby to ask any question their heart desired?
