The Police Report/Recollections of Meeting her - Part 6 magic

Once Hou Yi heard Anna Jones recommence telling Officer Mu about how they met and how they came to be married, he went back to remembering their first meeting.

As he stepped out of the vehicle, on arriving at ANX Lawyers offices he stood there thinking, he was so glad that so far he had not ran into Lu Jinhu.Assistant Wang went ahead of him with his bodyguards following him.Assistant Wang opened the building door, and they both entered and the bodyguards remained outside.They walked over to the lifts, and were lucky to get straight into the lift and go up to the 8th floor where the reception for ANX Lawyers was.

Before he could continue with his thought, he saw Anna shudder, but shake her head indicating to him that she did not need his support at that time.

He continued recollecting their first meeting.When they arrived at the ANX Lawyers reception Assistant Wang advised the receptionist that they had arrived for their meeting.Hou Yi was standing back and a young woman bumped into him.Before he could say anything, he glanced at the woman, and was immediately captivated be her.He wondered who she was, and started to think about forming a relationship with her.It was then he noticed that she had an engagement ring on her finger and realised that the woman who with one glance he thought would be his soulmate was committed to someone else.He said there and then to himself, that if he could not have a relationship with her, he would ensure that she was safe and happy in her relationship, as he knew that if she was happy, he would be able to survive without her.Before he could do anything, she apologise to him in his own language, which shocked him even more.Few Westerners can seem to speak it well, but she had seemingly mastered it.She quickly went behind reception and into the office area.It was then he was shaken out of his thoughts and realised that he was being silly, a glance and a chance meeting without speaking could not determine that someone was his soul mate, it was likely that he had simply fallen for her looks.He heard Assistant Wang ask who the woman was, and was informed it was an Anna Jones, a lawyer in the firm.The receptionist commented that she was lucky in that she had a handsome fiancé, who none of the other female staff could believe that she had, and he taught he our language, which she has become fluent in.Before he could comment about gossiping about colleagues, the Senior partners that he was meeting, came out to show him into a meeting room.Before entering, Hou Yi picked up 4 business cards with Anna's details on them to keep in his wallet.

The meeting kept him involved until lunchtime, and as he was getting up to leave for the day, he looked out of the window, and who he thought was Anna walking away from the building with someone, if he was asked to say who it was, he would have said was Lu Jinhu.He confirmed to the lawyers that he would be back the next day for the balance of their meetings.However, when he returned the next day there was no sign of Anna Jones, while he was in the building that disappointed him.

Hou Yi looked over and realised that Anna was crying.He was not taking no this time for an answer and came over and sat down by his wife, and took her in his arms, whispering to her "It will be alright" until she calmed down and stopped crying.


Before either Anna or Office Mu could continue, Hou Yi stated, so it could be heard on the recording "Office Mu, I am sorry, I am not going to leave my wife alone, as this is upsetting her, but I will sit by her until you are finished.Are you OK with this?"

"While I would not normally allow it, given how upset Madam Hou is, I will allow this CEO Hou."He then turned to Anna, asking "Madam Hou, can you prove that you own the electronics that you state Mr Lu and Miss Yang claim that you have stolen?"

After taking a few breaths to calm down Anna replied, "I can.I can have my employers provide the details regarding the laptop and tablet that the purchased for me as part of my employment package, and that may take a few days.As to the camera, I can, in accessing data on my laptop, provide a copy of the bank statement and receipt for its purchase, would that be enough?"

"It would Madam Hou.Can you please arrange and supply these to me.Can you tell me what you want to do?"

With that, Hou Yi, who felt Anna tense up in his arms, had to interrupt "Office Mu, my wife and I have spoken about this.All we wanted to do today, being the day that we obtained our marriage certificate, was have recorded what happened.Presently my wife has made no decision about what to do with this incident, nor have the staff at Fengs where there was a separate incident where Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin attempted to blackmail the staff made a decision on what they will do."

"CEO Hou, what are you talking about?"


"I own Fengs, and when my wife and I were at the Flagship store choosing some jewellery, Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin were attempting to blackmail the staff into actions.I directed Manager Yong to provide information about the events to the police but inform them no decision was made on whether to prosecute or not.This would be the CCTV and audio recordings as they clearly show what happened there."

Officer Mu looked disappointed "Well I thought I was here about charged being laid.This is a waste of my time."

Anna piped up."Office Mu, it is not.As a lawyer I know the importance of quickly recording events after they occur to ensure their accuracy, which is what I am trying to do.All that I cannot do is decide if I want charges laid against Lu Jinhu and Yang Ling for assault.All you need to do is give me time to consider this.I am guessing my husband intends to take me away for a few days, and I do not want to forget all the details, hence why making this statement.I am happy to sign the statement as soon as you have it ready, but please given me a couple of weeks to make up my mind."

"Well normally I would not, I would simply charge you for wasting police time, however as it is you CEO Hou and Madam Hou, and today you obtained your marriage certificate, I am willing to give you a little time to make a decision.However, if you decide not to proceed, I will be recommending that you are charge for wasting police time."

With that Officer My, stopped the recorder, handed the USB copy to Hou Yi and walked out of the room, and was escorted to the elevator by Butler Ge.
