Turning his face to the newcomers, Fen quickly realised that something was wrong.

Overall, looking at the outfits of both grades present in the spot, while there were some small differences between the second grade and Fen's class, their robes were mostly kept in the same design. Given how the clothes were provided by their sponsors, there was bound to be some agreement between the archarities about this aspect.

On the other hand, the strange suits that the new group wore indicated that they had absolutely nothing in common with the local academy grounds. From the type of material used, something that Fen saw with his eyes for the very first time, through the general design all the way to the overall feel of their outfits.

And there was only one group of people that would wear this kind of clothes.

"I hope I'm not disturbing anyone."

Keeping his face all in smiles, the new guests of the meeting continued to move forward, before he stood right in front of the young man.

"But would you mind finishing your sentence? You will… what, my dear friend?"


To say that there was a terrifying aura around this young man… Would be a lie. While there was no doubt that he was on an entirely different level than Fen's classmates when compared to the power of the monsters that Fen met back in the forest? Even taking the queen out of the picture wouldn't change how pitifully weak this newcomer would be against the true beasts!

"I'm sorry, but I do not recognise you. With that said, I don't think I have any reasons to open my heart to someone I just met."

Given how their group appeared out of nowhere, just as the atmosphere in the meeting was turning the people to make their minds about the future, there was no denying that the other party knew what was going on. Yet, knowing about something and having proof of it… Was something entirely else!

"Well, I could never deny such a powerful statement!"Suddenly raising his hands in the position of surrender before backing out a few steps, this man's disposition didn't change at all. Anyone with their brains could tell that this entire scene was nothing less but yet another act from him aimed at achieving something.

"Anyway, let's not stop each other from touring this place. I assume that this is also your first time visiting this place. It would be a pity if some of you wouldn't be able to enjoy their trip juts because some strangers bothered them!"

Suddenly, this strange man's voice changed, as if he was finally willing to reveal his true colours of actually a wholesome dude, only pretending to be problematic for the sake of getting some kind of reaction from the locals. Though his eyes remained just as dead as they were before. Not even a hint of joy that this man was so openly showering on everyone could find its reflection in his pupils.


Even though Fen wasn't convinced that all the previous actions of this man were just a play, he couldn't influence the reactions of the rest of the two classes. Given how they instantly followed the group of the newcomers into the stadium, Fen had no other choice but to do it as well.

"Hey, what did you want to say?"

Pulling herself on Fen's arm, Kaisha snuggled to the young man's side after making sure that their little chat would come unnoticed.

Just as the young man thought he would be spared giving the answer that would define his future, Kaisha just had to bring that topic up. It seemed as if this girl would force him to pick the sides already, even though his mind was currently going through a great turmoil.

Should he follow his own feelings and morality?

Or should he take a reasonable way out, most likely guaranteeing his own safety and opportunity to grow?


This was a choice between saving his soul and saving his body. A choice that appeared to be simple initially, but turned to be something that would most likely define his entire future.

"I was going to…"magicIt seemed as if the current day was a parody of situations when different stuff would stop Fen from declaring which side he would put himself at. Just as he was about to elaborate on his choice, a familiar face appeared in his view.

Given how neither of the group stopped even for a moment, by the time Fen was about to answer Kaisha's question, they were already passing through the impressive gates of the city's colosseum.

As we passed through the monstrous entrance, instead of seeing a completely empty place in its whole grandeur, we were actually faced with the several groups of people already training and preparing for the fight!

Amongst loads of arcana practitioners, both the robes of the guests and the locals could be seen, indicating that other grades managed to finish their tests before. But in all honestly, there was one element that was far more important to Fen.

"Kaisha… I will be going back for now. I don't feel very well."

Spouting the very first lie that came to his mind, Fen attempted to make his way back to the crowd in order to leave this place, when the absolutely worst happened.


Before the young man would manage to escape from the place, the one person whose attention he didn't want to bring somehow managed to notice his retreat.

"Didn't we meet before?"

Taking a quick peek at the young man who spoke up as he approached their group, Fen had to decide whether to pretend that he didn't know it was directed to him and continue with his retreat, or attempt to face the inevitable.

"Don't you realise that I'm speaking to you?!"

Seeing how his initial attempts at catching Fen's attention failed, the man turned a bit angry. It was clear that once he latched onto something, then he wouldn't give it up so easily.

Seeing that there was no other choice for him but to face the inevitable, Fen turned around, instantly changing his entire disposition.

From the young man troubled by the decision that he had to make, to someone completely stoic, with a huge disregard for anyone below his feet.

"Long time no see, kiddo. How much it has been? Twelve years? How is your promise of taking care of my step-brother, Basil?"
