Chapter 193 Attack Exam (4)

Sinclaire, Leader of the Hot Department, was left with a dismal score on her record, the overall atmosphere among the Hot Department students became gloomy.

She, who had always been spirited and cheerful, had somehow become an idol to the first-year Hot Department students.

However, not everyone mourned the tragedy Sinclaire had experienced.

“Hehehe. That commoner girl. Finally, her arrogance has been flattened.”

“She grabbed the top spot in the Hot Department without knowing the subject. How disgraceful.”

“Exactly. The head of the Hot Department should come from us nobles.”


“She probably used her pretty face to suck up to the professors and get extra points anyway.”

Some groups sneered sarcastically.

“Now, a person truly worthy of being the top student will take her place. Right, Granola.”

The leader of this group, composed exclusively of offspring from the empire’s prestigious families, was none other than Granola.

However, he seemed oddly grimacing.

Despite the flattering words and remarks from subordinates and friends, he showed no response.



His gaze was fixed on Sinclaire, who was suffering as she left with her belongings.

Sinclaire, who always worked hard and cheerfully in school, despite being from a commoner background, never yielding to the influence of the nobles and demonstrating exceptional academic achievements.

Now, Sinclaire was in distress, tears visible for the first time.


Granola’s teeth gritted.


“Quiet down.”

At his words, the boys and girls from noble families fell silent.

Granola spoke in a low tone, “It wasn’t a fair match.”


“Other professors will probably adjust her score, whether it’s through extra points or attitude scores.”

The noble boys and girls nodded in agreement.

“As expected of Granola.”

“We can’t be complacent yet. The battle for the top spot is still ongoing.”

“Let’s show our true worth to this insignificant common girl!”

However, Granola still seemed bitter.

At that moment, there was a presence that slightly eased Granola’s expression.

“Professor Sadi, I told you to be reasonable, didn’t I?”

It was Professor Banshee Morg.

He spoke as if he could no longer tolerate the situation.

“What are you going to do?”

Professor Sadi asked confidently.

Then, other professors behind Banshee also walked forward and began to protest.

“Professor Sadi! Isn’t this going too far? Among the students you’ve harmed, there are those under my guidance!”

“Professor Sadi, isn’t this going too far? Not only the incident with the magical barrier key, but also allowing absence or half-day leave without notice and leaving the workplace without permission were overlooked before.”

“Are you crazy? What are you thinking, constantly tormenting students? Where’s the fairness in score discrimination?”

However, Professor Sadi showed no sign of backing down. Instead, she revealed sharp teeth and even growled.

“These mongrels… Where did they come from, barking like that? Barking.”

As a result, the faces of the professors were filled with embarrassment and confusion. Banshee stopped those who were about to step forward in anger.

“Looks like quite a crowd is watching.”

At last, the professors also became aware of the countless students gathered around.

Sadi’s attitude was shameless and arrogant to the point of being obvious.

“Sigh… If only he weren’t a descendant of Sade Marquis.”

Banshee, usually known as the “wax doll” by students for his lack of expression changes, was folding his brow like a cooking foil, a rare sight.

“Anyway, this is your last chance, Sadi.”

“Ew, don’t call my name, commoner. If you must, say my full name and title together.”

“Donna Sienne Alphonse François Sadi de Sade, I’m not joking. If you are cruel to the students again, I will personally exclude you from the midterms. If necessary, I will even forge the principal’s seal to impose disciplinary action.”

Banshee’s momentum was genuinely threatening, releasing a real killing intent.

On the other hand, Sadi responded with a meaningful smile, ignoring Banshee’s anger.

Around that time, the next examinee stepped up to the exam podium.

It was Figgy from the Cold Department, Class B.

Figgy held the sword with trembling hands.

Seeing this, Sadi immediately snorted.

“Your sword handling is messed up. Are you trash?”

Sadi, who was warned not to use violence, immediately resorted to verbal violence.But Figgy, despite trembling, did not step back.

“I’m not a coward. I promised to be a proud friend to Vikir. I can’t back down here!”

Sharp-minded Figgy knew well what awaited him.

Even the formidable Sancho and Sinclaire had been reduced to a sorry state; there was no way he’d emerge unscathed.

But still, Figgy did not back down.

“This trial is a chance to break through my fragile shell and reveal the inner courage…”


However, Figgy’s thoughts were cut off midway.

“Fat trash.”

Sadi’s avatar, the Mud Golem, suddenly approached and kicked Figgy’s body like a football.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Figgy bounced three times on the cobblestone floor before collapsing.

In an instant, Figgy became covered in blood.

Even those who had disdained Figgy for being weak felt sympathy for him.

At that moment, Tudor and Sancho, Figgy’s friends, were even more furious.

“Damn it! How dare she!”

“I’ve already been thrashed once. But seeing a friend treated like this is really…”

Both Tudor and Sancho had clenched fists, their faces turning red.

Just then,

“Now, the next examinee is up… Oh my?”

Sadi turned his head, about to continue, but he stopped abruptly.

Figgy, somehow managing to get up, was staggering back into position.

“…I won’t just accept defeat like this.”

Figgy, covered in bruises, but still holding the sword in his hands.

“I caused trouble for others in the Defense Exam. I don’t want to be like that anymore.”

After finishing his words, Figgy, with a battle cry, extended his sword forward.

Sadi laughed as if finding it ridiculous.

“Hohoho. Looks like we’ll have to make pig skewers.”

The Mud Golem started moving. A mud monster wearing pointed high heels like Professor Sadi charged toward Figgy.

Tudor and Sancho were horrified.

“Figgy! Just lie down! Engaging in close combat with that crazy professor is impossible!”

“Courage and recklessness are different, Figgy! In this situation, surrendering would be better!”

However, Sinclaire, who was next to them, had a slightly different opinion.



As Tudor and Sancho turned their heads, Sinclaire gestured toward the ground in front of Professor Sadi.


Only then did they sigh in admiration.

Yes, Figgy was luring Sadi towards something. Where?

Into the mud hole he had been thrown into just moments ago!

In the previous match, Sinclaire had created muddy pits by alternating wind and ice magic, causing the ground to freeze and thaw repeatedly. While the area where Professor Sadi was standing remained solid stone, the arena where the golem was climbing had mud holes scattered around. Figgy’s position was in the blind spot behind Sadi’s golem, shielded by its back.

In other words, the golem imitating Sadi’s movements on the flat ground would soon fall into the mud holes, providing a chance for a counterattack!

“As expected! Figgy’s strategic thinking is top-notch!”

“This could work!”

“He’s quite clever, isn’t he?”

“Go, Figgy! Show them your true abilities!”

Tudor, Sancho, Bianca, and Sinclaire began cheering for Figgy.

Figgy skillfully led Professor Sadi into a trap, using the terrain to launch a counterattack.


“Oh my? Why’s Mud here?”

Professor Sadi’s genius talent dismissed all these variables as a joke.


The golem’s high heel did not get stuck in the mud hole, or rather, even if it did, it effortlessly lifted off the flat ground as if nothing happened.


Figgy’s eyes widened in shock. His amazed gaze met the head of Professor Sadi’s golem, which was thrust forward.

Figgy finally noticed Professor Sadi’s high heels.

Surprisingly, the heel had detached from the shoe and was stuck in the mud hole behind.

Yes, Professor Sadi had always walked on tiptoes to the limit, carrying the entire weight on the toes, and the trained toes were capable of delivering a powerful kick.However, Figgy only focused on it now.


Figgy swung his sword belatedly, but it was about two seconds later than planned. Against Professor Sadi, two seconds meant a world of difference.


Another dreadful impact resounded.

Figgy, not just covered in bruises but now drenched in blood, was sent flying out of the arena.


Figgy swung his sword late compared to the anticipated plan.

And facing Professor Sadi, two seconds late was a vast difference.


Once again, a horrific sound of impact erupted.

Figgy, now not just bruised but completely covered in blood, was thrown out of the arena.

“Oh my? Are my pig skewers done~”

Professor Sadi, with a merciless remark, turned away.

Right at that moment, there was a sound that halted her footsteps.


Figgy’s score appeared.

[Cold Department B-Class – Student Number 255 ‘Figgy’]

[Assigned Professor: Sadi]

Valid Hits: 1 (1 point each)

Valid Dodges: 0 (1 point each)

Valid Defense: 0 (1 point each)

Critical Hits: 0 (10 points each)

= Total Score: 1 point

point. Only one valid hit.

However, Professor Sadi had not allowed Figgy to land a single attack.

“What? There’s no way I would give 1 point to that trash.”

But Figgy’s score was undoubtedly 1 point.

At that moment,


Professor Sadi’s eyes widened.

The broken blade from the knife she controlled was deeply embedded in the golem’s lower abdomen.

* * *

“Figgy! Are you okay!?”

Tudor and Sancho rushed towards Figgy as if possessed.

Covered in blood, Figgy couldn’t stand up on his own. One eye was completely swollen shut.

“Hehe… Guys, I still scored 1 point.”

Upon hearing Figgy’s words, Tudor and Sancho fell silent for a moment. Figgy had clenched the broken knife with his hand at the moment Sadi’s kick landed, then plunged it into the golem’s body. Although the shattered blade had turned his hand into a mess, the score he achieved was only 1 point.

“Bro… Well done. You did it.”

“You didn’t blink until you got hit. Even I couldn’t do that. It’s admirable.”

Tudor and Sancho spoke, supporting Figgy.

Figgy, seemingly without the strength to talk anymore, barely moved his lips, which were stuck with dried blood.

At that moment, the medical team, in a hurry, started treating Figgy’s wounds. Dolores also inspected Figgy’s condition with a worried expression.

“The left side of your head is severely injured. Can you see? You are on the verge of losing your sight. If the healing was a bit delayed, it could have happened. Your vision might be impaired for a while, so make sure to wear medical glasses.”

“…Still, I’m relieved. If you had gone blind, your mother would have suffered a lot.”

With a sigh of relief, Figgy’s words made Tudor, Sancho, Bianca, and Sincleare deeply reflect on the situation.

Meanwhile, at the Examination Arena, Professor Banshee was delivering a final warning to Sadi.

“Come out of the Examination Arena, Sadi. I will now revoke your test administrator qualification. You, as a human, are not qualified to test the honor of a warrior. You’re nothing but trash.”

Sadi, unimpressed by the scolding for her dishonorable actions, smiled disdainfully.

“A warrior? Where are the warriors in this academy? They’re all just losers.”

Simultaneously, she muttered quietly,

“Only ‘him,’ the one who wields the flame of the Hallowed Night, the caped hero, is a true warrior.”

Banshee didn’t hear Sadi’s words.

“Come down right now. You have no qualifications as a professor. From this moment on, I’ll strip you of all rights and authority as a test administrator.”

However, Banshee’s words were cut off in the middle.


A voice intruded into the conversation between Sadi and Banshee.


Always expressionless, he finally stood before the Examination Arena.

“I personally want to be tested by this professor.”

To a stranger, Vikir’s expressionless face might seem to have no thoughts. However, for those who knew Vikir, they could see something calmly brewing beneath the surface.

Vikir was furious.
