Chapter 125: The Hunt for the Second Son (6)  

Several days have passed.

Rooms have been established in every square under Baskerville’s jurisdiction.

-The goal of this room is to investigate and compensate for all cases of infant disappearances that occurred between the 10th and the 19th.

A compensation plan is being sent to all families and nurseries where missing children occurred during this period, in accordance with the principles of Article 1, Paragraph 4 of the Vikir Special Law, so that the liquidators and related parties can fill out the relevant documents and submit them to the city hall within the time limit and recover the remains of the lost children…

The Baskervilles have thoroughly investigated a number of incidents, including infanticide and kidnapping, and have followed through on compensation procedures.

While they did not reveal that a demon of the highest order had descended, they were forthright in their condemnation of the Baskervilles’ second son’s atrocities.


This was a meager consolation for the bereaved family, whose lives had been shattered by the death of their child, and who had organized protests and hunger strikes to demand an investigation and uncover the truth.

They could also receive real-time updates on the perpetrators’ punishment and see them in person.

The first to be brought to justice was Seth’s mother, Nute, who served as a participatory judge and juror.

She was surprisingly not brainwashed by the demon and cried out the whole way to the courtroom to be allowed to see Seth.

Nute was executed on a total of 1,642 charges, including releasing poisonous snakes in the children’s rooms, first-degree poisoning, conspiracy to kidnap the eldest daughter, and aiding and abetting Set’s infant kidnapping.

Seth’s nannies were subsequently lined up and publicly executed, as were Seth’s henchmen who worked under him to systematically kidnap and transport children.


The trial and execution of a high-ranking member of Baskerville’s inner circle on the spot came as a shock to many statesmen.

It reaffirmed the perception that the laws of Baskerville were so severe and thorough that not even Baskerville could escape them.


Numerous orphanage directors who sold children were decapitated, and brokers, lobbyists, and government officials who participated in the falsification of documents were torn limb from limb.

Countless others disappeared or were crippled as due of the sentence.

For those children who had no family, memorials were erected and maintained annually by high-ranking officials.


Many annual rituals were organized for constant remembrance.

All of this was the handiwork of Osiris, the Little Lord of the Baskerville Clan, and entirely under his care and control.

No, There was one. Whom Osiris had ceded some of his authority.

Vikir Van Baskerville.

This hero, who survived a war with barbarians outside the borders, was recognized upon his return as the original discoverer and chief contributor to the project.

He was given a share of the state’s authority and his fame grew to great heights.

Osiris and Vikir’s work was swift and precise.

Within days, all the relevant special laws were in place, and it was no more than a week before they were actually enforced on the ground.

It was an event of such magnitude that an imperial commission was sent to investigate it, but it was unusual that no noise was heard afterward.

* * *

“Right, right, come here, Pomeranian.”

Hugo shaved his mustache, a lifelong vice.

It didn’t exactly make him more likable, but it was surprising to see him try so hard to look pretty for his granddaughter.

Pomeranian touched Hugo’s dull chin and smiled brightly.

“Look at her smile. She looks just like Roxana and Penelope.”Hugo held Pomeranian’s gaze with a mixture of happiness and sadness.

Meanwhile, Vikir had been summoned to Hugo’s office and was watching the scene.

Osiris was there, too.

“Long time no see, brother.”

Osiris has been overworked lately, and his eyes are a bit hollow.

But as he smiles faintly at Vikir, his face seems much more human than before.

To Vikir, who bowed reverently, Hugo said.

“You must be very busy these days.”


“By the time I’m done with this matter, it’ll be too late. Hurry up and join the Academy.”

Vikir shook his head.

“The family is still in turmoil. I’ll have to wait until things are a little more organized before I go…”

Vikir still didn’t believe Osiris.

Purge. A large-scale purge.

Hugo seemed to be using this incident to reorganize the power structure within the family.

Reality is not a fairy tale.

This series of trials and punishments, which seemed to be a process of justice being served, was actually just a show, Vikir thought, an outgrowth of the political battles of the big boys.

It was rare for a Baskerville family to fully admit responsibility and pay compensation in a high-profile case like this infanticide and kidnapping.

But Hugo had done so.

It was an act of cold political judgment, not an appeal to emotions like morality or humanity.

“To officially recognize the family’s responsibility for the incident, and to remove those involved from their positions of authority. To eliminate many of their enemies and consolidate their power.

The plate is being rewoven. ‘making a new board’.

The number of those who have been ousted from the power structure due to Seth’s incident are numerous.

From the most insignificant to the most prominent.

When these people are purged and demoted at once, several lines are shaken.

For example, the power of the seven counts to keep the family in check was significantly weakened.

It was only natural that the limbs were cut off.

There was also some shuffling within the Knights.

A series of elderly senators and deputies were purged to punish demonic infiltrators, a process spearheaded by the family’s little lord, Osiris.

Vikir, with his pre-regression knowledge, was, of course, part of the operation, and not just to solidify his position as a representative of Patriarch Hugo’s line.

Data on the contacts Seth had been secretly made.

Vikir smuggled it out and handed it over to Cindiwendy to analyze.

To determine the identities and current locations of the other Nine of the Ten Corpses.

‘I don’t want to do this! I’m already overworked enough as it is, and what, you want me to track the location of demon lords? How many heads do you think I have?

Of course, she didn’t want to take on such a dangerous task.‘So. You don’t want to trade with the natives?’

In the face of a mega-deal of epic proportions with the native, she had no choice but to give in.

…Well, let’s just say it was.

Vikir didn’t understand something right now.

‘Why would they want to send me to the Academy at this point……’

Vikir has no reason to refuse, but the timing is almost too perfect.

When you’re trying to cut through the noise, having a public figure like Vikir as a face can help.

It’s good to have someone like Vikir as the family’s face when no one in the family knows Vikir is Hugo’s son and Hugo can take the knife for a good cause.

After all, Vikir was the first to notice and report Seth’s immorality.

“Sending me to the Academy now would be inefficient”

So Vikir didn’t understand why Hugo was trying to send him to the Academy so soon.

Normally, Hugo would take the initiative and tell him to delay his enrollment for a few years…

“Is he up to something?

But since he couldn’t ask outright, he could only suspect.


Osiris, who had approached, spoke up.

“Father is concerned that you will be caught in the aftermath of a power struggle and get hurt.”


Vikir laughed in disbelief.

Hugo?! Concerned?!

It was strange that Osiris should even be listening to him in the first place.

“Isn’t this supposed to be Butler Barrymore’s job?

But Butler Barrymore was too busy marveling at Hugo’s mustache.

“My lord. You look much better without a mustache.”

“Indeed, but it makes me look very hollow.”

Hugo smiled weakly as he styled Pomeranian’s hair into a feather braid, a skill he didn’t know where he’d learned.

‘What an unfamiliar sight.’

Vikir thought to himself.


Osiris’s hand came up to rest on his shoulder.

It was unexpectedly warm.

Vikir looked up to see Osiris standing next to him, looking down at him.

“Thanks to you, I know. That I have duties as an individual, but also as a brother.”


“Don’t worry about yourself, but go to the Academy.”

Osiris seemed to be trying to change, at least a little, in the way he treated his brothers from now on.

He turned to Vikir with an awkward, clumsy smile.

“I’ll have everything sorted out by the time you return home for your first vacation.”
