Chapter 41: Greed Island II  


Chapter 41: Greed Island II  


Yasuo lifted his hand up and looked at the ring with a smile of interest surfacing on his face, 'If I inscribe the same inscriptions on the ring on another ring, will that ring work the same, I wonder?'


He walked through the grassy land slowly as if waiting for something until he suddenly stopped, turned around, and looked in a certain direction.


'Still following me huh, should I just kill them?' After that, he started walking in that direction though he stopped once he saw two figures flying away from that direction.

"Hmm, why did they escape? I'm sure my killing intent hasn't leaked and they even used a spell card. Well, whatever but I need a few spell cards so I should go to the badlands to make some money. it should be just about a minute left..."

Then he continued moving slowly, once a minute passed and exactly about twenty minutes since entering Greed Island, in front of him and out of nowhere, Alluka appeared in the air though before she started falling, he controlled her as to stay hovering in the air.

The first thing she did is to ask with a spoiled manner, "Onii-chan shoulder ride!!" He smiled as he controlled her to fly to his shoulders until she comfortably sat down looking down on the green grassy lands all around with sparkling eyes.

There was something Yasuo found across the past two years, Alluka can't learn Nen or more like she can't manipulate it at all nor can she open her aura nodes which limited her leaving her just like a normal person.

'Perhaps Nanika existing in her had something to do with it or the one Nanika exist in cannot use Nen is a condition in itself.'


Suddenly Yasuo started looking around, 'Hmm, someone is watching me again though it's most likely a game master as I feel watched from everywhere.

So they did detect her appearing huh or more like the game is programmed to detect anyone appearing on the island or near it without the way it was intended to, so what will they do?' Suddenly he looked at a certain way noticing someone flying his way, 'Is that a game master or just a player? Also, the feeling of being watched disappeared huh.'

The figure flew down about twenty meters from him, Alluka didn't seem to care as she just looked around.

Yasuo looked at him already coming to the conclusion that the person is a player.

In front of him is a man with a long white coat, wavy orange hair, and small black eyes, a wide smile painted the said person's face once he came to the conclusion that Yasuo is a noob since he noticed him not calling 'Book'.

The man observed only for a second before inserting a card in a slot at the end of the binder.


"Your name is Yasuo, huh and you just joined the game so it's useless to even try.." he brought a card from his binder, then he said, "Trace On, attack on Yasuo,".

Yet nothing happened leaving him baffled and confused until he noticed that the card in his hand has disappeared, he lifted his face looking at Yasuo, noticing him having the card in his hand.

"Hmm, my first card huh, 'Book'," As he said that, his empty binder appeared floating in front of him. He placed the card in one of the 45 free slots, "Wahhh!! Onii-chan how did you do that?", Yasuo just laughed off saying, "I'll get one for you as well later."

It took the man a while to react, he tried to pick another card though before he could, he felt the touch of cold metal at his neck leaving drops of sweat coming down his spine, and terror became apparent on his face.

He noticed the source a small black dagger with an aura of dreadfulness surrounding it.

"The dagger is poisonous, it'll take seconds to die if it leaves even a small cut. If your muscles even flinch or if I felt even a hint of negative intent, you're dead." Threatened Yasuo emotionlessly.

"Now do as I say, you'll pick every card you have in your left hand one by one. if you try to make even the faintest sound, you're dead,"

Stated Yasuo in the same cold tone with a casual smile on his face yet an air of chillness surrounded him eliminating any thoughts of fighting back the man had in mind.

What Yasuo found from his observation is that it's almost impossible for him to control the binder with his current Input capacity.

His brain just can't handle the input needed to control it, and that says a lot considering his input capacity reached about 2500 aura points per second.

He also found that controlling the cards that are inserted in the slots while not as hard as controlling the binder, It'll still take a toll on his mind to control just one at a time since the input needed is higher by a little than his input capacity.

But if the card is not inserted in the binder, its controlling cost becomes negligible. The most likely reason Yasuo came up with is that Greed Island functions as a Hatsu with a lot of conditions allowing it to work. And with 11 Nen-users maintaining it, the inscription acting as a support or a foundation especially the divine script since it strengthens one's Nen. So controlling a Hatsu that's not his is bound to be costing even if it's just a part of it.

The player facing Yasuo picked the cards one by one as told, once each card left the binder, it instantly flies away to Yasuo's binder.

He continued the process until he said stuttering his words with sweat coming down his face, "T... That's it"

To which Yasuo just gave him a harmless smile while saying, "There is still 5 more in the imposed slots so continue."

Chills came down the player's spine as he wondered how he knows, confused and fearful. He then complied, his words becoming even more incoherent as horror overwhelmed him, "Y... Yyyes!"

While Yasuo can't control the binder for now, he can still sense everything in it just the same though he can't determine which cards are which since they're Nen objects, so he can't determine it by sensing the ink like usual since they don't have any.

The moment he acquired all the cards, the dagger cut through the player's neck killing him instantly as Yasuo appeared next to him with his hand shining purple and slashed while the body was still standing sending it to the unknown void.

The only thing left is the ring that flew to Yasuo's hand as a purple bubble surrounded it with his 110 meters domain shrinking to about 2 meters around him.

He focused completely on preserving the ring as he felt a resistance slowly growing though it's still within his capacity.

Until he frowned noticing that while he can keep it from getting destroyed, he'll need to continually consume aura to do so.

He retracted his amplification domain and with it, the ring got destroyed, disintegrating into nothingness and leaving a few sparkling Nen bubbles that soon disappeared as well.

Yasuo let out a sigh, "I'm too weak, I guess I have to cheat the game by other ways then."

He then looked through all the cards he got noticing only 8 imposed slot cards, 15 spell cards, and 26 useless unrestricted cards. He first controlled Alluka down from his shoulders, "Go play around if you want, just don't go far."

He then picked one unrestricted card, 'Hatsu -Violet Rose- M=0, T=2' then he slashed through the card with it as the target leaving a purple line on it, the line soon disappeared leaving no damage thanks to the zero multipliers.

A gleam of light appeared deep in his eyes as he thought, 'So I can deal infinite damage to the cards huh.'

He again used his Hatsu and slashed through it the difference being that the multiplier is set to 10, once the timer ended, the card disappeared leaving no trace.

'Hmm, now for the most important test...the target I will set this time will be vastly different than the last.'

He thought as he picked another card with a silver of expectation within his eyes, "It's time to test the limits of my ability... If it has any in the first place."
