Chapter 61

Song Anan was completely confused. In an instant, many thoughts flashed through her mind.

The second male lead, unmarried for life, childhood sweethearts, white moonlight...

But all of these were shattered by Pei Kuang's words "I've never liked her."

Just what was the relationship between Pei Kuang and Xie Yin? They knew each other, seemed to have some connection through their families, and there was that ambiguous description in the original book—

The man looked at the newlyweds on stage and their families, a trace of melancholy and pain passing through his eyes.

How could this be explained? Could it be that the original book's plot had long diverged from reality in this world?


That was also a possibility, after all, Song Linchuan, that cannon fodder male supporting character, had already completely broken away from the original book.

But if none of that was valid, then why did Pei Kuang not clarify the dating rumors two years ago? After all, it did so much damage to his career at the time.

What reason could he have for doing this?

Song Anan stared blankly at Pei Kuang, too many doubts arising in her heart, but she didn't know how to ask them.

Pei Kuang knew what Song Anan wanted to ask, but he had never liked talking about family matters. Over the past two years, Li Dongming had directly and indirectly asked him many times, but he had always casually changed the topic, not revealing anything.

But now, facing the girl's clear and innocent eyes, he couldn't utter a single evasive excuse.


Pei Kuang was silent for a moment, then asked, "Did Linchuan tell you about my family circumstances?"

Song Anan hesitated for a few seconds before replying, "He mentioned some things."

Pei Kuang lightly hmm-ed and said, "My mother remarried, to Xie Yin's father."

Song Anan seemed completely unprepared for this reason. Her eyes widened in surprise.

Her mind suddenly blanked. She asked in disbelief, "So Xie Yin, she's your blood-related younger sister?"

If that was the case, then everything seemed to make sense!


But if she was a blood-related sister, wouldn't those dating rumors be even more bizarre?

Pei Kuang was confused for a moment, seemingly finding it somewhat absurd. He couldn't help but laugh. "What are you thinking? Xie Yin is only a few years younger than me."

At this time, Song Anan's IQ had finally come back online. She scratched her head in some embarrassment.

Linchuan had told her before that when Pei Kuang's mother remarried, he was already over ten years old. There was no way they could be blood-related siblings when considering their ages.

At most, Xie Yin could be considered a stepsister.

Song Anan hesitated, then still asked, "Then, what about the previous rumors of you two dating..."

Pei Kuang didn't hide anything either. He shrugged and replied, "I owed Xie's family some favors. Consider this repaying my debts."

Song Anan's heart skipped a beat. Repaying debts?

Was it as she thought?

She remembered that the reason Pei Kuang had entered the entertainment industry so early was to repay the debt his grandmother had incurred when she was ill. So the debt was owed to the Zhao family.

The money had been paid back, but the human debt still remained. So the dating rumors with Xie Yin were about repaying this human debt, and it was the Zhao family who had actively requested this?

If that was the case, then everything could be explained.

Song Anan suddenly thought of something, a trace of disbelief passing through her eyes.

If she remembered correctly, when Pei Kuang was caught in dating rumors with Xie Yin, it was also Song Linchuan's birthday, the day he had been called away by his mother's phone call.

And on the night of the concert, it seemed Pei Kuang had also gone to see his mother.

Song Anan didn't dare think too deeply about this.

If it really was like that, it would be such great harm to Pei Kuang.

No wonder he had revealed that lonely expression while sitting on the bench under the neighborhood streetlamp after the concert that night. No wonder his insomnia had grown increasingly severe over the past two years.

After a long while, Song Anan looked up at Pei Kuang and said earnestly, "Earlier, didn't you say that if I had something to say about you, you'd listen?

Pei Kuang was startled, a look of confusion flashing across his face.

When had he said that?

Song Anan reminded him, "That day, under Linchuan's home."

Pei Kuang suddenly understood. "No need, no need. That was two years ago, I was just speaking casually then, not to be taken seriously."

But Song Anan shook her head. "I'm taking it seriously."

Yesterday at the hospital, although Song Anan didn't ask, she knew Pei Kuang's condition definitely wouldn't be as simple as he made it seem.

She was studying medicine. She could guess some of what was going on. Just thinking that over the past two years, because of her own thoughts, she had rejected his advances time and time again while he was in such circumstances, yet she had been so cold, Song Anan felt extremely guilty.

So from now on, she would set aside those fanciful thoughts. Whether he saw her as an elder or as a sister, she could accept it.

As long as he could be well, that was enough.

"So from now on, I'm going to manage you," Song Anan insisted. "Supervise you to follow doctor's orders."

Pei Kuang looked silently at Song Anan, saying nothing.

He knew the girl had always been soft-hearted. She must have been worried this whole time since yesterday.

If he refused again now, she would only grow more anxious.

"Alright, Dr. Song," Pei Kuang smiled. "I'll be happy to cooperate fully from now on."

Seeing that he agreed, Song Anan instantly felt relieved. But she then apologetically said, "I'm not a real doctor yet, just an intern."

Pei Kuang's eyes were full of smiles. "No matter, sooner or later you will be. I'm just calling you early."


When Song Anan said she would take care of things, she wasn't just talking.

She had always been very decisive in executing things. After a simple discussion with Pei Kuang about rearranging the bedroom, they finalized the plan.

The things she had written down in her notebook earlier, from pillowcases and sheets, to mattresses, curtains, lamps, anything that was missing, Song Anan directly placed orders online. She communicated with the businesses, and that afternoon everything was delivered from the mall.

She also downloaded an app to Pei Kuang's phone to record sleep observations.

At lunch, they ordered takeout from a nearby restaurant and ate something simple. Then the things from the mall were delivered, and Song Anan busied herself with them.

The brand new bedding set needed to be washed first. She could only temporarily replace it with a set from Pei Kuang's previous sheets that was relatively suitable. The bedside lamp, mattress, curtains and so on could be used right away.

The two of them cleaned up together the whole time. Halfway through Pei Kuang stepped out to handle some work tasks.

When he returned, Song Anan was actually asleep on the bed, hugging her cat Ball Ball as she slept.

Seeing Pei Kuang come in, Ball Ball let out a "Meow~" as if to greet him.

Pei Kuang made a "shh" gesture at the little creature.

Surprisingly, Ball Ball cooperated and really didn't meow anymore.

Pei Kuang helped adjust Song Anan's sleeping position, then gently picked her up and placed her on the bed. He pulled over a blanket to cover her, then, afraid Ball Ball would disturb Song Anan's sleep, he picked up the cat and brought it out with him as he left.

Song Anan had barely slept last night. This nap she took was quite deep.

By the time she woke up again, the sky outside had already darkened.

Song Anan groggily sat up, her mind a bit muddled. Looking at the unfamiliar surroundings, she couldn't figure out for a moment where she was.

It probably took her half a minute before she finally regained her senses.

This was Pei Kuang's bedroom.

But looking down at the blanket covering her, she still couldn't quite react. How had she fallen asleep in Pei Kuang's bed?

Just as Song Anan was spacing out, the bedroom door was opened from outside.

Seeing that Song Anan was awake, Pei Kuang couldn't help but be startled. "You're up?"

Song Anan was a little embarrassed as she scratched her head. "Yeah, just woke up."

"Want to sleep a bit more?" Pei Kuang asked.

Song Anan shook her head. "No more sleeping. I'll get up now."

As she spoke, she threw off the blankets and got out of bed, tidying it up as she did so.

"Sorry, I don't know how I just fell asleep." Song Anan said awkwardly.

Pei Kuang laughed lightly. "What's there to be sorry for? Don't be so formal with me."

Song Anan quickly shook her head in denial. "It's not being formal, it's just..."

She didn't know how to explain it. If she had to give a reason, it could only be that she felt shy.

After all, her feelings for Pei Kuang weren't simple.

Pei Kuang smiled and said, "Alright, I won't tease you anymore. What do you want to eat? I'll make dinner."

Song Anan was startled. "You're cooking?"

Pei Kuang nodded lightly. "I bought some groceries online this afternoon. We won't order takeout for dinner."

Song Anan said, "Okay, I'll help you out."

The two of them busied themselves in the kitchen for over an hour, cooking up a table full of dishes. They were all Song Anan's favorites. Pei Kuang's cooking skills were as good as always, and Song Anan ate with great satisfaction.

After dinner, Song Anan wiped the tables in the living room, while Pei Kuang cleaned up in the kitchen. Just then, her cell phone suddenly rang. Song Anan picked it up and saw it was a video call from her sister-in-law. She glanced in the direction of the kitchen and switched the video call to a voice call.

"Hello, sister-in-law."

"Anan, where are you? Why aren't you video chatting with me?"

Song Anan pursed her lips and replied, "It's not very convenient right now, I'm not in my dorm."

Zhao Ya asked, "Are you still at the hospital? Do you have a night shift today?" Song Anan paused for a few seconds. "No, I came to Linchuan's place. I'm probably staying over tonight."

Just then, Pei Kuang's voice came from the kitchen, "Are you talking to me?" Song Anan was startled for a moment, then called out reassuringly to the kitchen, "No, I'm on the phone."

"Who is it, is it Jing Fan?" Zhao Ya couldn't help but ask.

Song Anan was taken aback, not understanding why Zhao Ya had suddenly brought up Jing Fan. "No, it's not."

Zhao Ya responded with an "Oh," but she was clearly puzzled. "Where are you?"

Seeing that she couldn't hide it anymore, Song Anan had to confess honestly, "I'm at Pei Kuang's place, I had something to discuss with him."

She didn't want to say too much about Pei Kuang's matters, so she quickly changed the topic, "Sister-in-law, did you need me for something?"

Zhao Ya replied, "Nothing much, I just missed you and wanted to video chat."

Song Anan lightly murmured in agreement, "Okay, I'll video chat with you once I get to Linchuan's place later."

Of course Zhao Ya had no objections and readily agreed.

After hanging up, Song Zhenhui walked into the bedroom with a glass of water, looking puzzledly at Zhao Ya sitting on the edge of the bed in a daze.

"What's wrong? Weren't you going to video call Anan? Couldn't get through?"

Zhao Ya shook her head. "Got through, Anan's out and said she'd video chat when she gets back."

Song Zhenhui responded with an "Oh", not thinking much of it. "Then why are you sitting there dazed?"

Zhao Ya said, "What else could I be thinking about? It must be Jing Fan. Don't you think Anan might really be dating him?"

A fleeting trace of helplessness passed over Song Zhenhui's face. "You can't take those online things seriously. It's probably just the show hyping things up. Don't keep needlessly worrying over it."

Zhao Ya rolled her eyes at him. "You understand nothing!"

"No, I have to ask Linchuan. He might know more about his aunt's matters."

Far away at the filming location, Song Linchuan had just gotten back to the hotel after wrapping up for the day when he received a video call from his mother.

"Hello, Mrs. Zhao. What a rare occasion for you to contact me today." Song Linchuan lolled in the sofa lazily as he spoke.

Seeing her son like this, Zhao Ya couldn't help but say critically, "It's barely been any time since I last saw you, how did you become so unsightly? Those dark eye circles are so big! Don't blame me for not warning you. You're a celebrity, you should take better care of yourself even on a normal day, or you'll become unemployed!"

"My dear mother, I've had three overnight shoots in a row. Who wouldn't have dark circles?" Song Linchuan said helplessly.

Zhao Ya wrinkled her nose. "Even so, you can't look this sloppy!"

Song Linchuan was too lazy to explain to his appearance-obsessed mother that this was required for the role. It would be too much effort to get through to her.

"What's the big occasion so late at night? Did you and dad fight again and need me to mediate?"

Zhao Ya scoffed. "You brat, your dad and I are doing just fine. Don't jinx us!"

She paused for a moment before continuing. "I'm calling because I want to ask you something." Song Linchuan shrugged, waiting for her to go on.

Zhao Ya asked, "Have you been in contact with your auntie recently?"

Hearing it was about Song Anan, Song Linchuan sat up straight and replied, "I called her a few days ago. What's going on with my auntie?"

He had such a heavy filming schedule these days that he hadn't been paying much attention to things on Song Anan's side. Still, he had asked Pei Kuang to help keep an eye on his auntie, so things should be fine.

"Don't worry, your auntie's fine." Zhao Ya waved her hand. "I just wanted to ask if your auntie ever mentioned that Jing Fan boy to you."

Song Linchuan furrowed his brow. "Jing Fan? Who's that?"

Zhao Ya rolled her eyes at him. "Who else could it be? That senior schoolmate of Anan's."

Song Linchuan finally recalled who Jing Fan was. "Oh, the kid who was paired up with my auntie online recently."

Zhao Ya replied, "Yes, him. I only found out recently that his pairing with Anan online is so popular!"

"Your auntie mentioned to me before that this Jing Fan seems to be her professor's nephew, and the two of them have always had a good relationship. What do you think, could your auntie be secretly dating him without telling us?"

"Impossible!" Song Linchuan asserted. "Mom, don't make things up. That's just fans messing around online. I asked my auntie about it before, she said her relationship with Jing Fan is just that of a senior-junior schoolmate."

"Besides, from what I can see, my auntie is completely clueless about romance. Her head is always full of nothing but studying."

Zhao Ya had to admit he had a point. Her young sister-in-law was a bookish girl. Still, Song Anan was already twenty, so who's to say for certain.

"Then what do you think, could your auntie have someone she likes already?"

Song Anan was innocent by nature. Zhao Ya was truly worried about her romantic affairs, afraid her child would be deceived out there, and wanted to keep an eye out for her.

Song Linchuan's brows furrowed slightly. His auntie had someone she liked?


Zhao Ya suddenly remembered something and slapped her thigh. "That's right, I also saw online the 'An Xin Pei Ban' pairing, I think that's your auntie and Pei Kuang?"

"You don't think they could be..."

"Mom, stop looking at all this nonsense online. Things in showbiz can't be taken seriously." Song Linchuan impatiently cut her off.

"Let me make this clear. I'll stake my head on this - it's all fake nonsense. Anyone could be paired with my auntie, but Pei Kuang is absolutely impossible!"

Cut it out already.

One was his brother, the other his auntie. What was she thinking!
