Chapter 174

"Hey, is it really okay to put Shen Yue in such a dangerous place? If she dies, won't the people still fighting over her go crazy?"

"I don't care. I never believed in the ability to travel through time and space anyway. The end of physics is theology. I'd rather believe I can become a god than believe a scientist can really break through the boundaries of dimensions."

"Wow, you think that way, but other people don't! She's that person's sister..."

"So what? She's just a sister without any blood relation. Compared to Shen Hui, Shen Yue is too ordinary. If I have to believe someone has the ability to travel through time and space, I'd rather believe it's Si Cheng You. Si Cheng You is amazing."

"What are you talking about? Don't tell me you're also Si Cheng You's fan? Get a grip. If the warden is found to be colluding with the prisoners, you'll definitely be exiled."

"It's tiring to talk to fools. Do you know how a 3-dimensional being judges changes in the 4th dimension? Only through logical analysis. If after analysis, you find that one person's control over the future far exceeds human limits, then you can reasonably guess that time has been distorted."


"Ah yes yes, you're impressive, impressive enough to be sent to guard the prison."


In a spacious room, screens surrounded them on all sides, with images captured by thousands of pinhole cameras streaming in real time before being intelligently filtered and projected onto fixed screens according to different people.

In the top right corner of the screens were the number of viewers, tip rankings, and bidding prices.

The screen with Shen Yue appearing had 3000 viewers in the top right corner, far less than Dani's 320,000.

But only the two people in front of the monitors knew that those paying attention to Shen Yue were the world's top power players, far beyond what ordinary tycoons could compare to.


"Whatever, if Shen Yue can really go back to the past, she definitely won't die. There's a good show to watch!"

"I'll keep an eye on every move Shen Yue makes."

"Huh? You'll stare even if she's pooping? You're too much of a pervert!" "You wanna die!"

At this time, Shen Yue and Mo Aman were in a tree.

When the situation was unclear in the beginning, rash action was not a good choice.

What's more, Shen Yue had no attack ability, and Mo Aman was not the confrontational type either. Lying low was the only way they could cling to life.


"Shen Yue, do you only want to survive this game? Or do you want to win?"

Shen Yue glanced at Mo Aman expressionlessly. "I want to get into Building 7, so I want to win, but I don't have enough chess pieces yet to win now." She added, "You need to keep your voice down even more. The earpieces' detection range is greater than what the human ear can pick up."

Just as Shen Yue finished speaking, footsteps and panting could be heard approaching not far away.

The two instantly fell silent, not making another sound or movement as they hid in the tree. Soon, a battered and exhausted man appeared before Shen Yue and Mo Aman's eyes.

Despite his tall, muscular physique and terrifying exposed muscles, this man was also now being hunted.

After the prey appeared, so did the wolf, leisurely keeping a fixed distance behind his quarry, relishing its final struggles.

"You're running slower than before."

Hearing this voice in the tree, Shen Yue froze. It was No. 14.

She looked at Mo Aman. Mo Aman was also watching her, eyes unkind.

To mollify Mo Aman, Shen Yue gently shook her head, pressing a finger to her lips to signal Mo Aman not to move.

The next instant, as if sensing something, No. 14 looked up at their tree before Mo Aman and Shen Yue could react, firing a flaming arrow at Mo Aman's throat.

Also in a split second, Shen Yue stretched out her hand to block the lethal threat originally shot at Mo Aman's throat with her right forearm.

Mo Aman's eyes widened slightly.

She watched as Shen Yue emotionlessly stuck the still-burning arrow into the tree trunk behind them after getting injured.

Slowly, the trunk started burning.

No. 14 watched for a while more before turning to leave.

Mo Aman and Shen Yue didn't hurry to leave the now-burning tree, but waited a bit longer until making sure No. 14 didn't come back before climbing down. They didn't go far, just found another densely growing clump of trees to hide among.

Not far away, the burning tree's fire was starting to spread. It didn't seem like it would take long before the flames would start spreading out.

Mo Aman looked at Shen Yue's blood-stained hand, her expression complicated. "Why did you save me? Let me make this clear first: even if you save me, I absolutely won't repay you."

Shen Yue didn't look bothered at all. She just tore off part of her clothes to examine her wound. "It doesn't matter. If No. 14 is a wolf, I can't be with him. I need you to protect me."

"You...can protect yourself, can't you? I couldn't even react to that arrow just now. If you were really weak, how could you have blocked it? Stop lying."

"I'm not lying. Just like I knew someone was in the tree, I sensed the danger right before No. 14 made his move. The reason I protected your throat is because I gambled on my understanding of No. 14. I didn't expect to actually win. I'm so lucky."

Hearing the familiar words "I'm so lucky," Mo Aman was a little speechless. Does staying in Building No. 8 make you turn out like this?

"You've completely become a gambler."

Shen Yue casually waved her mangled right arm. "So what? My luck is good anyway."

Mo Aman sighed. "Yes, yes." She held out her hand. "Give me your hand. I'll apply medicine."

Without any doubt, Shen Yue obediently stretched out her hand, staring at Mo Aman. "Are you going to gather herbs?"

"No, I already have medicine. On the night the Werewolf Killing formally started, people who sensed danger could ask for one thing. I asked for all kinds of medicine. You must have asked for something too, right?"

As Mo Aman spoke, she took iodine and alcohol to sterilize Shen Yue's wound, which she'd somehow obtained from the prison staff. She applied medicine and wrapped Shen Yue's arm in bandages.

Mo Aman explained, "As long as I need medicine, they'll deliver it to me. Getting injured without being able to treat it promptly in these three days would be fatal, but various medicines can help me survive."

Shen Yue nodded. Indeed, it matched what she'd guessed about Mo Aman's personality. Mo Aman definitely wouldn't choose something defensive, but rather something that could save her life.

This was one of Shen Yue's real reasons for approaching Mo Aman. The first step was now complete.

"Shen Yue, what did you ask for?"

"I asked for information on all the participants, including you."

Mo Aman's hand dressing Shen Yue's wound paused. She suddenly laughed. "I underestimated you, young miss. You're pretty good."

Shen Yue lightly nodded, not showing any particular emotion. "You flatter me."
