Chapter 242

Because two trainees in the squad were injured and not yet recovered, their training plan was adjusted - with political and ideological education classes as the priority, and they had to attend any physical training they could.

In subsequent tests, political and ideological education theory written tests accounted for a relatively greater proportion in Qin Wei and Song Huan's overall scores.

In the morning there was practice in marching and crawling, Qin Wei took part in the former. When everyone else practiced crawling, she went with Song Huan to the briefing room to attend Zhou Fang's class.

The afternoon and evening plans were similarly arranged.

Song Huan may be unpleasant, but as a top graduate from a formal military academy, her theoretical foundation was solid. She could lecture on military strategy and political ideology anytime without preparation, and moreover she taught in a lucid and accessible way, even better than the theory teachers in the barracks.

"You're on sentry duty at 10pm tonight..."


Song Huan was lecturing from the podium when Zhou Fang whispered to Qin Wei below:

"I saw you didn't eat much at dinner. Here's a boiled egg, people prone to low blood sugar can't go hungry."

Qin Wei whispered back:

"If I take yours, what will you eat... You finally kept one, don't let the sentry find out..."

"I'm not hungry, I kept this just for you. Everyone secretly keeps some food for the night. As long as you don't get caught..."

Before she could finish, Song Huan deliberately coughed and said to Qin Wei:


"In war, unexpected events happen constantly. I just talked about the two traits needed to overcome unexpected events. Can you recap what they are?"

Qin Wei hadn't been listening just now. She stood up and racked her brains for a long time before answering:

"Excellent military skills and advanced equipment..."

"It's intelligence and courage."

Song Huan looked at her, one hand on the lectern and the other holding a piece of chalk, circling the key points written on the blackboard.

It wasn't that she deliberately wanted to make things difficult for Qin Wei. "Intelligence" and "Courage" were written right there on the blackboard.


It was a little embarrassing.

"Copy it out a hundred times."

Song Huan dusted the chalk powder off her hands and glanced at the clock above the blackboard.

"Let's stop here for today. Qin Wei, get ready for sentry duty later. I'll take Zhou Fang back to his dorm..."

"Instructor Song, Qin Wei didn't catch that point because I was distracting her. I should take the blame and copy it for her."

"Then each of you copy it a hundred times."

Song Huan said decisively.

Zhou Fang: "..."


Song Huan was a little curious:

"Wasn't Zhou Fang always against Qin Wei? Why is he suddenly defending her so much? Did he turn into a fan?"

Zhou Fang shook his head in denial:

"I still have a brain, I would never become a fan of someone like her."

Qin Wei: "..."


No matter how many times Song Huan asked, Zhou Fang refused to explain his sudden change of attitude towards Qin Wei. Song Huan had no choice but to give up. Only Qin Wei and Zhou Fang knew the reason.

The signed photo she'd given Zhou Fang that morning had a short message on the back:

Dear Zhou Fang,

Thank you for taking good care of Qin Wei. Helping others is a virtues, and I see it in you.

Qiao Sixiao

As a true fan, the tidy handwriting was unmistakably Qiao Sixiao's. Not Qin Wei's dog-scratch penmanship.

But what actually happened was:

The hotel room, the morning they were heading back to base...

"Teacher Qiao, can you give me an autographed photo?"

Qin Wei made an odd little request out of the blue.

Qiao Sixiao was baffled and had no intention of obliging, she couldn't even be bothered to respond.

"You're so petty! I'll swap you for one of mine!"

Qin Wei urged her assistant to find one while she kept pressuring Qiao Sixiao.

Qiao Sixiao stopped Li Liang from searching further. She didn't want one of Qin Wei's photos:

"What would I do with your autographed photo? Hang it on my door on the Dragon Boat Festival to drive away evil spirits?"

But Qin Wei refused to let up:

"Then just give me one of yours. I'll stick it by my bedside so it'll be the first thing I see when I wake up every morning. Wouldn't that be nice?"

Qiao Sixiao: "?"

Qin Wei came clean:

"To be honest, it's to give away, to your little fan."

"That I can do."

Still mystified, but Qiao Sixiao figured there was no harm. She asked her assistant for a photo, signed her name and gently fanned it dry before handing it over.

"Write a little note on the back too, make it a special, custom one..."

"Can you sign me a few more? I want to give them away."

Qin Wei seemed quite satisfied with the one signed photo.

"How many do you want?"

Qiao Sixiao was already showing signs of impatience.

Qin Wei thought for a moment:

"Hmm... A hundred?"

"A hundred?"

Qin Wei nodded:

"Thanks for the trouble."

Qiao Sixiao waved her off:

"It's getting late, you should get the hell out..."

Clearly she wasn't thrilled.

Qin Wei didn't push:

"Do you have anything else you can spare to give away? Like an album? Anything is fine, it's for your fans..."

"Why don't you give them your dog's life instead."

"..." So that was how Qin Wei finagled this signed photo. Qiao Sixiao gave her nothing else and remained oblivious that Qin Wei intended to use it to curry favor.

Qin Wei simply hoped it would ease tensions. She never imagined it would completely turn Zhou Fang's attitude around - he genuinely started helping her out of goodwill.



After class ended, Qin Wei headed alone to the designated sentry point. It wasn't far from the training grounds, by a warehouse on the edge between the training and living areas.

En route she encountered a large German Shepherd roaming alone. It gave Qin Wei a fright at first, but when she stopped walking so did Xiao Bei. It seemed to be waiting for her so they could walk together.

"Xiao... Bei?"

Qin Wei tried calling it tentatively.

Xiao Bei lolled its tongue and panted out an "aha" sound, wagging its tail to indicate friendliness.

It really was the same one who'd eaten her boiled egg last time. Feeling no hostility from it, Qin Wei finally relaxed and kept walking, with Xiao Bei leading the way. It stopped in front of the warehouse and looked back at her, tail wagging the whole time.

It seemed their meeting wasn't a coincidence after all. Xiao Bei had come to escort her.

"Thank you..."

As they walked Qin Wei spoke to it, reaching out to pet its head but hesitating in case it disliked that. She simply held her hand in front of it to show she meant no harm.

Xiao Bei sniffed then nuzzled its head against her hand, all the while making pleased whimpers.

Apparently Xiao Bei was quite fond of her. Qin Wei was happily surprised. It looked fierce but was so gentle...

"Sis Qin."

Li Hanming's voice sounded behind her. Qin Wei turned to see it was indeed him.

"Little Hanming."

Qin Wei recalled how he'd helped her the other day:

"Thanks again for taking me to the infirmary last time. That's twice you've saved me now."

Li Hanming scratched his head, smiling shyly:

"Will you give me another banner then?"

Qin Wei nodded, promising him:

"Of course... A big fancy one this time, 2m x 2.2m."

Li Hanming laughed, his eyes disappearing into crescents:

"1m x 2m is fine. My dorm bed isn't that big. I can use it as a bedspread when I take it back to campus."

After chatting for a bit, the two said goodbye as it was nearly time for Qin Wei's sentry duty. Li Hanming had only walked a few steps when he suddenly ran back, taking something from his pocket and handing it to Qin Wei.

"What's this?"

"Mosquito repellent wristband."

Li Hanming explained as he saw she only had one functioning hand. He opened the packaging and put it on her right wrist, saying:

"There are a lot of mosquitoes lately. Indoor mosquito coils are fine but out here on sentry duty you're basically an all-you-can-eat mosquito buffet. I had a spare one for you."

"In that case...I'll gladly accept."

After Qin Wei expressed her thanks, Li Hanming glanced at the time then waved and jogged off.

Qin Wei looked at the cute strawberry bear wristband. So adorable! ノ?

"Let's go take over sentry duty then."

She said to her obedient battle buddy, Xiao Bei.

Xiao Bei shook its fur then led her to the designated sentry point. After seeing Qin Wei start her duty it found a corner, curled up and fell asleep.

Now she was alone, standing guard here for the next two hours...


It felt like it would be a long stretch...
