Chapter 191

"Qin Wei, it's been a long time since we last met. I wonder when we will see each other again. I often think back to the good old days when we traveled together.

Now I'm delayed on the road, worried that I won't make it back in time for your birthday. Fortunately I ordered a book for you as a gift from Shallow Lamp Bookstore before I left. Please go pick it up. The owner's surname is Sun. He looks like a man in his middle years with a steady demeanor and medium build. He walks with a limp in his left leg. Give him my name Xu Hongen and he will give you the gift.

Take good care of yourself."

"Let's go."

Qin Wei put away the note and left the bank. Qiao Journalist followed her without saying anything.

As they walked out of the bank, they saw two familiar faces - Li Hanming, a young man in a beret, white shirt and suspenders; and Wei Lai, a female student in blue clothes and black pants.


They had helped Qin Wei escape some pursuers earlier through a twist of fate.

They had already parted ways, but now were still here waiting, apparently with something else on their minds.

Qin Wei realized that amidst the chaos earlier, she had only verbally expressed her gratitude and neglected proper etiquette.

"I didn't actually withdraw any money just now. I left in a hurry without taking any cash. Why don't you give me your addresses, so I can come thank you properly afterwards?"

Qin Wei said as she borrowed paper and pen from Qiao Journalist.

The two looked at each other, then Li Hanming said,


"Ms. Qin, you misunderstand. We only stayed to make sure those people don't come back. Seeing you come out safely, we can leave with peace of mind. Let's part ways here."

After they left, Qin Wei asked the bank manager for directions to Shallow Lamp Bookstore. It was located on a street by the river. She crossed a bridge and walked further down a stone-paved road until she saw the signboard reading "Shallow Lamp Bookstore". Inside, a middle-aged man wearing black-framed glasses and a faded but clean indigo changshan sat reading a book on a small stool.

He matched the description given by Xu Hongen well.

As Qin Wei stepped towards the threshold, she hesitated, now certain that someone had been following her all this way.

"Come on out," she said.

The two who had parted ways with her outside the bank emerged from a side alley - Wei Lai claimed she merely came to buy books, while Li Hanming staunchly insisted it was just a coincidence.


Their voices attracted the attention of the owner inside. He looked up to see new customers. Setting his book down, Sun Dan stood up and came over to greet them.

Qin Wei noticed his left leg was lame, though not very obviously so.

She had been debating how to confirm this man's identity, but could now be certain, so she asked:

"Is Owner Sun in?"

The middle-aged man adjusted his glasses. "That would be me."

"Some days ago, a Mister Xu Hongen placed an order for a book here. Did this happen?"

Owner Sun hesitated for a moment, sizing up the four people present, before nodding:

"Indeed it did."


[Scene complete. Unlocked new quest!]

Qin Wei breathed a sigh of relief. She realized her face felt stiff from keeping her expression under control this whole time.

She greeted Owner Sun with a raised hand, surprised to encounter a familiar face here.

Actor Sun Dan. They had worked together on the TV show "Peach Blossom Spring". Their interactions had been quite pleasant.

Owner Sun also smiled and nodded at her, but said nothing more, quietly awaiting instructions from the crew.

A staff member came over and handed out cards reading:

"The Cultivation of an Actor"

Owner Sun took four books from behind the counter for them to each pick one.

They demurred amongst each other politely before Owner Sun took charge and had Li Hanming choose first.

The other three followed, each taking a book. Opening them, they found a piece of paper covered densely in writing inside.

[Memorizing lines is basic skill for any actor. Take turns reciting your lines perfectly from memory to pass. Otherwise, restart from the beginning.]

With so many words, this would be no easy feat...

Furrowing their brows, not just Qin Wei but the other three as well felt waves of distress crash down.

Blowing one's lines was commonplace on set. Memorizing long passages beforehand while delivering them perfectly in one go was already hard enough. And now all four had to get through it successfully.

That meant not only could they not make any mistakes personally, their teammates had to perform decently too for them all to pass.

Cooperation was key. No one could drag the team down!

They retreated to separate corners to start memorizing. Each was assigned a full paragraph, with no overlap between their parts so they didn't need to cue each other.

The countdown started from five minutes. Once time was up they would start, going again and again until they passed.




Time expired. The staff collected their cue sheets.

They would go in order of drawing lots earlier.

Li Hanming went first. After a brief moment to prepare, he began:

"I love you, so I grasp this surge of humankind within my scope...

I inscribe my heart's desire across the glittering constellations!

To win you free through labyrinthine ways...

that to the House of Wisdom lead with its seven pillar'd halls...

your eyes will shine with a child's awe and delight at it all.

When we draw near...

Death himself it would seem walks my road to meet as a servitor,

until we draw up beside you...

just standing and watching and waiting for me.

When you smile your sad jealous smile...

drawing me on... he comes up to me

and takes you...

and subsides with you into silent and tongueless gloom at my side."

(Note: Excerpt from 'Seven Pillars of Wisdom' by T.E. Lawrence)

The attending staff listened along as he recited, checking for accuracy:

"All correct!"

As expected after his recent experience with the trials of high school exams, this boy's knowledge level and study skills were at their peak!

Li Hanming gave an anxious smile to all, relieved that he hadn't given anyone extra trouble by messing up his part.

The actors present also applauded approvingly. This kid's memory really was astounding to prepare this much within a short timeframe. One couldn't demand on top of verbatim accuracy that he also grasp the meaning and context to interpret the role and emotions. Even with an entire day it would be barely enough.

Next was Qiao Sixela.

Very much at ease, she had already gotten into character by the time she stepped forward:

"Hand in hand, side by side, Laila and I walk along. To me, though, it's as if she's ten steps ahead, sure of where we have to go and of the time needed to get there and back. I trust her: she's stronger than I am, as in other ways. She knows the road, how long it takes. It's as if she's got a mental map of everything around us down to the last detail so that the outside world can never catch her unawares. I'm swimming in my own happiness and I remember a pale glow that seemed to come from deep in the earth rather than the sky. Yet from the outside it was a light of poverty, filthy and sad..."

Interpreting as she went, this passage flowed from her like someone reminiscing fondly about a friend. Managing both accuracy and emotional engagement for something this long memorized in five minutes was impressive too. Hearing the confirmation of "All correct", everyone again applauded her efforts.

Then it was Qin Wei's turn:

"Let me play the clown...

Let me wither away in laughter lest I be tempted to break down in tears...

Better warm my stomach with wine than chill my heart in torment...

Why does a man so gifted at stirring joy in others fail so utterly alone? .."
