Chapter 77: Use of Punishment  

The super-depressed Yan Mo is not pleasing to see.

Damn Guide, punishing him as a deer in front, this time let him feel whet happen when animal legs are crushed... What happens next time?

Still can't escape, he is now struggling even if he is sitting on his own!

Yuan Zhan helped him to sit on the animal skin mat and kneel down on his knees, watching his expression without any dignified.

"What did you do this time? Tell me the truth."

What the truth? Tell you, I was punished by The Guide?


"The last time your eyes suddenly couldn't see, because you let Jiu Feng forcibly save the damn little sacrifice, the ancestors punished you. What did you do this time?"

Yan Mo sighed and his face was slightly painful.

Yuan Zhan took his chin and lifted it up, "Say it!"

"There must be a price for everything. I used the knowledge passed down from the ancestors to build the tribe. The goddess and The God Of Earth have punished me."

"What?!" Yuan Zhan hand was shaking "Why would the goddess and The God Of Earth punish you?"

"Because I taught you the primary training method, I said that it is a double-edged sword, but I did not expect that one of the blades is not only for you, but also me."


"Speak clearly."

"Indiscriminate killing, killing without reason, unscrupulous slaughter, any unnecessary murder, The Mother God will also put the same sin on me while recording your sins, and because I am the Priest who has been passed down from the ancestors. I can listen directly to the voice of God. I can't wait for my soul to return to the goddess and then be punished for my sin. The goddess has already brought punishment to me."

Yan Mo told Yuan Zhan that the mother god also controls life and death, as well as the punishment of good and evil. If someone does something wrong during his lifetime, the goddess will usually bring punishment to him later. If it does not come, he will directly punish the other person's soul after the other party's death, until his sin is redeemed. Deification is the body of life.

"You definitely don't want to know how painful it is to impose punishment on the soul."

I am an example, I can't die even if I want to die.

"So you had to formulate the Nine Rules, and you must accept punishment when you do something wrong?"


"Yes. It is better to make a redemption while living. It is better than the general account after death."

Yuan Zhan was silent for a while, then he said: "I am a warrior. I have to kill."

"I know. The rule of punishment is that if someone else or other creatures actively attack you or are malicious to you, you can fight back. As for the killing for food, as long as it is not excessive, the goddess will not punish you. "

"It's hard to tell."

"I tell you this, not to tie your hands and feet, to kill or to kill, as long as you look at your own conscience you can decide whether is a reasonable killing or a unreasonable killing." Yan Mo reached out and resisted laying the guilt on Yuan Zhan. "The mother god will judge. But remember, avoid indiscriminate killing."

Yuan Zhan did not make any promises, but Yan Mo really smiled, he even reached out and touched the boy whose actual age is not big but it is the face of a big boy who will forget his age.

Yuan Zhan turned his head and bit his palm.

The firewood in the fire pond was creaking, and the water in the stone pot on the stone began to boil. There were still two people in the tent. What seemed to happen in the tent, and nothing seemed to change.

Yuan Zhan grabbed Yan Mo's hand, the hand didn't look good, but he couldn't help but open his mouth and take a bite.

Yan Mo slammed his hand back and yelled: "If you're hungry, go cook your own meat, or eat yourself!"

Yuan Zhan's mouth moved. "Why did The God Of Earth punish you? Because of this city and two moats?"

"You guessed it." Yan Mo slapped his unconscious legs with his hands, and his self-judgment was serious.

"As you said before, human beings are not the master and not the only ones in this world. Goddess treats each of her people equally. We build the city and the creatures we are drawn into are bound to receive Influence and even die. And the terrain changed, it is bound to change the living environment of nearby creatures."

"The God Of Earth should punish me, I am the person who actually changed the terrain, you just suggested it."

"If I did not suggest it or did not draw or didn't explain, would you want to build a city and dig a moat?” Yan Mo said without waiting for him to answer: “At least you wouldn't think of it in the short term.”

Yuan Zhan made a fist, and God gave Priest a punishment, so that he had a kind of frustration. He hated that he can't see God, otherwise he won't let his Priest suffer if he can beat them!

"How long is this punishment?"

"Thirty-six days."

Yuan Zhan slowly spit out a breath, "It's okay."

"Okay my disabled feet! Have you tried loosing your lower limbs for a month? How long can I walk? I can't even walk like the old man's legs." Yan Mo was too angry.

Yuan Zhan was very sad, but he also wanted to laugh a bit. In such a memory, when his little Priest just met him, wasn't he crawling on the ground.

"Laugh! Laugh again, you will eat white boiled meat tonight! And it won't be salted!"

Yuan Zhan immediately spoke a serious sentence. "You can rest assured that if there is no need for it in this month, I will not leave the tribe, nor will I leave you, what you want you can tell me, eat and drink and leave it to me!"

"No, there are things for the disciples to take care of, I have Wu Chen."

Yuan Zhan understood the meaning and immediately ground his teeth "The kid's thigh is not as thick as his old man. Can he do it?"

"He can do anything." Wu Chen is a diligent kid.

The man snorted disappointingly. "Get out of the way, he can at most bring a pot for you to pee in. Do you still expect him to carry you around in the snow?"

"There is not much snow in the place." Yan Mo didn't know why he had a smile on his face.

"There is ice! Do you want to be beaten by the kid? Can you move? I tell you, many of us at Yuan Ji Tribe were stepping on ice and slipping arms and legs, and some people fell directly to death. Or you Want to break the bones out of your body?”

Yuan Zhan's expression was too serious, and Yan Mo was suspicious that he was lying.

"I will bring the woman later, see if she can treat you."

"I don't think her power can surpass God."

Will The Guide allow such a bug to exist? It is impossible to think about it.

"We can aways try." Yuan Zhan frowned, indicating that the topic is over, he was hungry, want to eat meat!



"Tomorrow she will probably take the initiative to help me with the treatment." Yan Mo has already planned in his mind, it is better to use it.

Yuan Zhan saw that Yan Mo's idea had been fixed, and he did not ask for it. He got up and returned to the fire pit and continued to cut the meat.

Yan Mo also took a few things from the herbal bag and started to cook.

One of the most important flavors is the fake sesame paste he made from the seeds of the Suaeda sinensis seeds, which are made by grinding and adding the animal oil and salt. As a Chinese, he is always so tired in researching and eating.

Another flavor is the Sea Buckthorn fruit that The Mer-people sent him. The flesh of these little fruits is smashed with stone, mixed with fake sesame sauce, and then add a little bee milk and a little fried salt. It becomes a sweet and sour salty, rich taste.

Yuan Zhan mouth lightly began to drip when he smelled this smell. He thinks that with his Tribe Priest Da Ren cooking, he will not even have anything to worry. If he can eat, he will conquer an entire tribe.

Yan Mo was also very satisfied with the dip that he had tried. The last time he used this soup, the white broth was purely mouthful and changed his taste. The result turned out to be unexpectedly delicious.

He thought bitterly: In the primitive society lacking spices, this thing is taken out, as long as the original people's tongue is adapted, he will soon become a god, a god of food!

Yuan Zhan was the one who ate the food. Once he had eaten it, he remembered that the last time he had eaten the whole two leg of lamb, he was reluctant to take the bee milk and Sea Buckthorn fruit. Otherwise this guy will probably eat the lower half of the sheep.

Yuan Zhan looked at the ingredients and immediately cut the sliced ??meat into the pot, and the spoon shouted and went out.

"Hey, hey, I told you a few times last time. Can't you only take a little at a time? This is very expensive, do you know? This bowl is for you, and this is for me after you have finished eating it that's it!" Yan Mo protects his bowl.

Yuan Zhan promised with his mouth while his eyes had already been aimed at Yan Mo's bowl.

He had a way to deal with his family's Priest. When he finished eating, he was kneeling beside his house, Priest Da Ren, staring at him. If it was a minute, the other party would surrender.

That night, Yan Mo thought that Yuan Zhan would do something for him. He even prepared the gold needle, but the man only pulled him into his arms and bit him hard to sleep.

Wrapped in his body is hot, in the cold winter Yuan Zhan body is really better than a stove. Yan Mo is greedy for the warmth, but also being trapped by this guy, the vigilant heart slowly relaxes, the body is relaxed, he will sink into sleep soon.

Yuan Zhan opened his eyes and the iris reflected in the faint fire, and the young body and a lot of mutton made him uncomfortable, but...

Yan Mo dreamed at night, he was dreaming that he was being chased by a human face monster, he ran hard, but however he ran he was unable to outrun, the face monster slammed him down and grabbed his neck.

He begged for mercy. The human face monster did not kill him immediately. Instead, he tortured him like a cat and a mouse. He was exhausted by the monster, thinking that he would be eaten by the monster when he was eaten by the monster. It was another meaning to eat...

Waking up in the morning, Yan Mo was covered with black lines. He felt that he does not need to check to know that he had a dream, and this body has grown up.

But the content of that dream is too heavy, right? Not only did he dream of being crushed, but the object is still... well, it's a personal one!

Yan Mo was violent and wanted to find an energetic animal that had spent eight nights on his body last night. He remembered that the face was very clear. The narrow and ferocious eyes had no one except the animal.

The curtains opened and Yuan Zhan came in with a stone bucket.

Yan Mo immediately reached out and shouted: "Fast! Im near bursting!" He was in a hurry.

Yuan Zhan smiled and put the stone bucket in front of him. "Look, just do it. You will use this later. It's cold, you don't have to go out."

Yan Mo glared at the stone bucket, which is the world. The first movable toilet?

"Priest Da Ren's legs can't walk!" The children who came to class in the morning quickly spread the news throughout the tribe.

"What happened? Why did Priest Da Ren's legs suddenly fail to walk?" Everyone panicked and asked the children.

The most well-informed Ye Xing painfully told everyone: "Because The Chief used the power of God to build a city for everyone, the ancestors wanted to punish us who were lazy, but Priest Da Ren took all the punishments down."


The Awu Tribe, which is accustomed to everything and shared with it, has not learned to enjoy it. They were full of guilt and shame.

Seeing Wu Cheng and others who were anxious and worried about coming to visit him, Yan Mo took the opportunity to call everyone, saying that he would explain the matter in public.

At noon, all tribal residents consciously appeared in front of the stone monument.

Yan Mo appeared and was held in front of everyone by Yuan Zhan.

The ground rises automatically, and Wu Chen held a piece of animal skin on the soil platform.

Yan Mo signaled Yuan Zhan to put him on the ground and let him sit cross-legged.

The earth is high enough, even if he sits down, the tribes can see him clearly.

Yan Mo raised his hand.

The stage immediately became quiet.

"My people, my hardworking, brave people, spring has come, ice snow is melting, we have a lot to do. The gods will punish our laziness, and will reward our hardworking, ethnic people, lets work hard and let your strength be seen by the ancestors! Let us work together now and work together to build our home!”

The crowd began to get excited, they didn't know how to respond, and many people shouted.

Yuan Zhan spoke up, his voice overshadowed everyone: "The hardworking people will be left, the lazy people kicked out of the tribe. You have not passed the test of the ancestors, this land is only temporarily borrowed for you, I and Priest Da Ren given you security and given you food and clothing just because God doesn't want to give up his people. But if you can't make God happy, you can't stay here again."

The crowd became quiet again, when Yuan Zhan's words were explained. Afterwards, many people showed panic on their faces.

When the tribe was not established, they took their expectation, but they did not care for the tribe.

But when two moats appeared, the outer city was covered by the earth wall, and the inner city had a strong defensive wall. When the land became safe, they did not want to leave.

With the newly issued Nine Rules, The Awu Tribe, who gradually understood the meaning, kept looking forward to life later.

Expectation, expectation, desire. Contrast now, their previous life is more like numbly experiencing the process of life and death, and every day seems to be waiting to die.

No one wants to leave the tribe.

This winter is still cold, but they have never had such a happy winter, there was enough food, enough dry wood, no one starved to death, no one was frozen, and no one was eaten by wild animals.

After experiencing such a prosperous winter, who wants to continue to live in precarious life?

"Hard working people stay, lazy people get out of the tribe!"

No one knew who was yelling in the crowd.

Suddenly, the same screams began.

“Very good!” Yuan Zhan looked around. “Priest Da Ren is kind, thinks that it is cold and permafrost, everyone is not easy to work, so he took the punishment of this ancestral god, but only this time, I only allowed this time. Severe cold is not an excuse, some things can't be done but there are other things that can be done, not to mention spring has come. If you want to let the ancestors Priest protect us, lets all work hard , my people!"

When he knew that they were not be given up, they have the opportunity to work hard, All Wu Tribe can make a cheer.

"Work hard! Building the tribe!"

"Hey! Be hardworking and don't be lazy!"

"Work hard! Study hard! Let Priest Da Ren stand up soon!"

Yan Mo heard these childish shouts like slogans, his mouth felt sour and tried to hold back his smile.

That guy!

With this opportunity, Yuan Zhan and Yan Mo announced several important things.

First, the Tribe Council was established and two members were appointed on the spot, Wu Cheng and Mu Zheng Ming.

Secondly, the Yu Lin Brigade and the Warrior Regiment were established respectively. In addition, Wu Cheng was appointed to be responsible for the medical and health care of the tribe. Sa Yu's mother, Sa Yun, was in charge of textiles, and Ye Xing's grandfather Ye He was responsible for making leather

Yu Lin Brigade is responsible for guarding Leader and Priest, mainly the Priest. Yan Mo decided to use this name because that feather can just be related to Jiu Feng.

There are only four members of Yu Lin Brigade, two for two shifts, and the four selected were excited, and their faces are full of brilliance, causing others to look at them enviously.

The Warrior Regiment, Yan Mo directly drew on some of the military formations from the original world, they will mainly be responsible for defending tribe and foreign invaders as well as building and catching hunts. At present, the latter two are the focus. After more people develop and develop, they will be subdivided.

The head of the Warrior regiment is Meng, the deputy head is Mu Zheng Ming, and there are two captains Pang Ze and Hu Hu.

Finally, Yan Mo told everyone about the concept of the tribe's functional area.

Although the tribe have not yet figured out why the tribes land are divided into residential areas, market areas, production areas, administrative areas, and military camps, they have at least understood that construction cannot be built anywhere and must follow the instructions.

Duo Fei, who was mixed in the crowd, was pale, through the size and composition of the city, and the Nine Rules and everything he announced today, she is quite sure that the young Priest must be from the upper city of The Three Cities, and even he may come from the most mysterious and terrible holy city.

Because of the many things the other party spoke she has not heard of them as the daughter of City Lord, one of the lower city.

Seeing the end of the rally, the crowd will be dispersed, and Duo Fei does not want to give up this opportunity, even if the other party really comes from the legendary holy city.

“Priest Da Ren!” Duo Fei squeezed out the crowd and walked to the platform. “Maybe I can help you walk again, because my ability is also from God.

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