Chapter 108: The gift from the Chief's woman

Overnight Yan Mo surpassed Yuan Zhan and became the most popular guest of Yuan Ji Tribe.

Especially when he generously gave the remaining cattle meat to the tribe's wounded he also taught Cao Ting to add wild vegetables to cook the cattle meat.

Cao Ting has a lot of questions to ask Yan Mo, but Yuan Zhan is always there, and the head of the warrior followed them, so she has never found a chance to speak with Yan Mo alone.

The warriors were all very stunned by the delicious meat. The Old Priest asked Yang Mo what did he add to the meat. Yan Mo certainly wouldn’t tell him that he added some blood and flavored herbs.

Generally, the medicated diet is not good, not only smells a medicinal taste, but also makes it harder to eat.

Yan Mo, because he knows Chinese medicine from elementary school, knows that many people hate Chinese medicine and hate medicated diets. Because of its terrible taste and terrible taste, he has been working hard to improve this, especially when he has Dudu, Dudu body was not good, he was often sick, in order to adjust Dudu body, he really racked his brains.


Children don't like anything bitter. In those years, he can almost say how to improve the taste and diet of Chinese medicine. If you want to change the taste without affecting the medicinal properties, you can not only add seasonings, but he has to consider the balance of medicine. He will test it in the laboratory almost every time he adds something until the drug analysis determines that there is no negative impact.

A good Chinese medicine practitioner or herbalist, he understand the medicinal properties without starting anything, but also has the flexibility to apply. He will not only based the treatment on the old folks, or simply prescribe the prescription according to the text. If one does not consider the changes in the Chinese herbal medicine due to the environment and the number of years then he is not a qualified Chinese medicine practitioner. If he is diagnosed, he can only be relying on the instrument, it is really not as good as Western medicine.

Someone gave The Old Priest a piece of cattle meat. The Old Priest didn't use it for meat. Instead, he added water to the stone pot and asked Qiu Ning to bring him a small bag. He grabbed two hair from the bag. He threw the yellow granules into the pan and add the meat and salt to cook.

Yan Mo looked and, guessed that the yellow particles might be glutinous rice, and this is one of his goals coming here.

“Mo Da Ren." Chief's wife hugged her child around and stood next to him.

“You?" Yan Mo leaned on Yuan Zhan and looked at the woman who looked like she was in her forties.


“My name is Gan Yu, I..." Gan Yu grabbed a parcel and didn't seem to know how to express herself.

Yuan Zhan nodded to Gan Yu and whispered to Yan Mo. "She is the Chief's woman."

“Hello, are you worried about Chief? Don't worry, he just needs to recuperate and eat more blood, soon. He will recover.” Yan Mo smiled gently at Gan Yu.

“No." Gan Yu shook her head. She could feel a lot of people staring at them, but she didn't care. She put the parcel in front of Yan Mo. "This is what I picked from the valley and want to give it to you."

Gan Yu putt the parcel down, didn't wait for Yan Mo to react, he picked up the child and leave.

Yan Mo curiously opened the parcel, and there were about a dozen almond-shaped wild fruits that he didn't know. The skin was black and yellow, and the smell was not very good.


“what is this?"

“I don't know, I haven't seen it, it probably grow on the length of this valley." Yuan Zhan replied.

Zheng sat next to them and saw the things in the package. He immediately said, “Mo Da Ren, don't eat this thing. This is something that everyone eats when they have nothing to eat, biting it is very hard, not good for the mouth. But the women said that this thing can make a stomach full. But Qiu Shi Da Ren said that this thing may be poisonous and did not let the warriors eat."

Yuan Zhan raised his eyebrows, the woman of Chief actually took poisonous food to give to Yan Mo?

Zheng saw that Yuan Zhan had a bad expression and explained: "The women said that they can eat. There are not many fruits. Gan Yu came up with these. She had to go by herself to the valley. The short tree has thorns and groves. There is also a black, very small poisonous snakes nearby and the fruit is very bad."

“There are poisonous snakes in this valley?"

“ Yes, there are still many, all in the deeper places in the valley. We originally wanted to set fire, but there are many plants and lots of water, and the fire can't burn, and there will be a lot of poisonous smoke.”

“Don't you eat snake meat?”

“Snake meat?!” Several warriors who heard the head looked at Yan Mo with surprise.

The Old Priest sneered aside, “The meat of the viper who would also dares to eat!"

Yan Mo did not laugh at The Old Priest, the snake meat is not eaten by a lot of people, and the viper's meat even a fewer people would dare. Those who do not know the world, that is, people of his time and era also have many people who mistakenly believe that the meat of the snake is also poisonous.

“The snake's blood and body are not poisonous, just remove its fangs and the poisonous glands... Cut the snake head off directly, dig out the internal organs and the viper meat would be even more delicious than the normal snake meat but Remember, both snake meat and snake organs need to be fully cooked to be eaten you should all eat as little raw food as possible, eat best in winter, don't eat your children, eat less women, and don't mix with other unknown meats."

Yan Mo simply told everyone that the killing the snake is easy if you hit its heart and the top of the spine where its most vulnerable. He also drew a map on the ground, telling them that the snake has the a type and size, and they should be looking for three inches and seven inches depends on experience. When you don't know where to hit, it is usually under the head of the snake and its abdomen.

“It’s hard for an inexperienced person to kill a snake when fighting a snake. Even if you cut it, its snake head can still bite you. If it is a big snake, you need to smash the snake head, its body can still wrap around you. You must be careful when fighting with snakes. When you catch a snake, hold its head and don't let it bite you."

The warriors listened very carefully, and even The Old Priest sneaked his ears to listen. This is a knowledge for surviving. There are many poisonous snakes in the grasslands, bushes, and water. Many of them would be dead in the mouth of poisonous snakes. The snake people who know more about snakes and can also treat snake venoms regard this knowledge as the biggest secret of their tribes and will never tell outsiders.

Bing suddenly asked: "Is there any way to distinguish between poisonous snakes and non-venomous snakes?"

Yan Mo nodded. "The focus is on the color of snake head and snake bod in general, snakes with triangular heads or brighter colors are poisonous. I think you all know that if you don't actively harass the snake, the snake won't bite you, so if it's not necessary, don't just hit them." After saying this, Yan Mo felt tired and he closed his eyes and began to get confused.

Yuan Zhan gave a slap to Zheng and Zheng laughed and nodded.

The Old Priest didn't say anything, two hundred people given away plus five more, and he felt Mo really deserves it. However, once more than two hundred warriors and women are given, the power of the tribe will be weakened by a small half. Zheng might agrees, will Chief agree?

The Old Priest was going to look for Chief in the evening and voice his disagreement.

Da He also wanted to find a chance to talk to Yan Mo but the Chief was hurt. His brother Da Shan couldn't support his life anymore. He didn't have a slave to give Yan Mo, but as long as Yan Mo was willing to save Da Shan, he was willing to do anything for him. If this Da Ren does not disregard him he is willing to be his most loyal slave and never betray him.

Not only did Da He have the idea to see that Mo Da Ren after he pulled the Chief back from the edge of death, and miraculously restored all the injuries from him, many injured family members, friends, including the wounded themselves hoped that Mo Da Ren can save them.

However, Zheng answered the application of two hundred slaves to exchange for one person. What can they exchange for Mo Da Ren to give them his vitality treatment?

Lie, Diao, Da He and Yuan Zhan, who have a good relationship with each other, have a bunch of friends and family who want to ask Mo Da Ren through Yuan Zhan, but because of this price, many people still shunned, and Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan slept a good night.

When Yuan Zhan went to sleep with Yan Mo, he threw the package sent by Gan Yu into the corner of the tent. He and Jiu Feng were there. How could he let Mo eat this toxic and unpalatable thing?

Yan Mo also knows that he wants to take out the hive and he let Yuan Zhan open the entrance of the tent so that the bee colony who goes out to eat will come back to rest.

“Do you want that kind of glutinous rice?" Yuan Zhan bit his ear and asked him.

Yan Mo slaps him away don't think he is too confused to let Zhan take advantage of him.

“I'll get it for you. The seeds of that thing are probably only available to The Old Priest and a few elders. The Old Priest has always used that thing as a treasure. It is too difficult to get glutinous rice from his hand. I am going to find the elders."

“Yeah." Yan Mo wants that rice if he can't find a higher energy-yielding food crop such as wheat. Idon't want this kind of glutinous rice that is rarely eaten. However, they belong to the Central Plateau. Many crops are difficult to be found here. Although according to the history of his world, the legendary Loulan Kingdom...

“Hey!" Yan Mo suddenly sat up.

“What's wrong?" Yuan Zhan also sat up.

“Fuck, I actually sank into the wrong zone." Yan Mo hugged his head, he was still arrogant.


“Yes, I did it wrong from the beginning." Yan Mo whispered.

Since coming here, the Chinese herbal medicine here has not been analyzed. Basically, it is used according to the original experience. Although The Guide has a second guide to the biology, he has used a handful of guidelines to minimize the increase in SCUM VALUE.

This world is very similar to the original world, but there are also many plants and animals that he does not know. Are there many Chinese herbal medicines that are very effective in treating diseases, but he completely ignores them because of his arrogance?

Including the grain, grain and tea these are among the things he has been pursuing, will there be other plants in the world that can be the fruit, and he misses because the other fruits does not look like the ones he knows?

Since he judged that it belongs to the plateau continental climate, he used the impression of the original world to look at the environment here, but completely ignored that the water and soil here is obviously much more abundant than his original world, especially in Jiu Feng's site. It is absolutely worthy of fertile water and soil. Just be careful not to let the soil and water lose the fertility and pay attention to fertilization. Once those conditions are met its not a problem to open up a field and cultivate on it.

Similarly, such highland areas with abundant soils and poor vegetation distribution are also very likely to grow cereals suitable for the soil and water here, foods such as barley, which is the ancestor of the legendary barley.

“I am stupid, rice, wheat... Their original ancestors were not what I should have expected. These grains have been artificially cultivated and crossed for generations to become staple foods. Potatoes, hawthorns, tomatoes... They could be poisonous at first, and no one even darer to eat.”

“What are you talking about?” Yuan Zhan found that Yan Mo was talking in the ancestral language.

Yan Mo turned to look at him. "The ancestors once mentioned to me that there are some staple foods that can replace meat. I always wanted to find them, but I didn't know what I was looking for at the time. I only remember the appearance of the food that the gods told me after acclimation. But I don't remember what it was like before they got domesticated. Right, the package that Gan Yu gave me? Take me to see it.”


“Freaking now!”

“You are tired, let's do it tomorrow.”

Yan Mo looked at him. “Where was the parcel thrown?"

Yuan Zhan grabbed Yan Mo's hand, lay him down, stretched his body, and hooked the parcel with his foot.

Yan Mo saw his mouth straight, although he understood that the other party wanted trying to prevent him from being passively blessed again, but if you want that you can just let go, you just can't stop touching me.

Yuan Zhan turned an upside down golden hook and sent the parcel to Yan Mo.

Yan Mo silently took the parcel from the big-footed moron.

Yuan Zhan laid on his side and wanted to put his head on Yan Mo's thigh and was pushed down by Yan Mo.

“Let's relax!" Yan Mo lightly reprimanded him

Yuan Zhan grabbed Yan Mo's hand and leaned back, looking at the top of the tent. He suddenly rolled over and hugged Yan Mo's leg and closed his eyes to sleep.

Yan Mo laughed, he slapped in the back of his head.

Someone doesn't move.

Yan Mo no longer cares for him. Although his body is very tired, his spirit is very excited. He has a kind of hunch. Maybe the things in the package will give him a big surprise.

He called The Guide in his heart and opened it to the second page, then placed his right hand on the fruit that looks like almonds and is like almonds.

“I want to know what this is?"

- Query, plant, belongs to the scope of the second guide, query this plant, a brief introduction requires +3 points SCUM VALUE, detailed description requires +10 points SCUM VALUE, two introductions are optional First, please decide within five seconds.

A look at the required SCUM VALUE, Yan Mo knows that this plant is important and at least more important than the last Sea Buckthorn fruit.

Detailed introduction requires +10 points SCUM VALUE, which is equivalent to a small punishment, call... What to choose?

Someone's eyes were slit, and the people around him are secretly observing the person around him. What is the secret of his tribe Priest Da Ren?

The author has something to say:

One of the legends of Loulan:

According to the excavation of archaeologists, Loulan has a history of cultivation and consumption of wheat.

One of the legends of the Qing Dynasty:

According to the study of botanists and archaeologists, the barley is probably the ancestor of barley in China. The route of transmission is bird and beast migration. After the seeds of the barley fell into the Central Plains, they naturally cross pollinated with other weeds and then become barley

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