Chapter 103: The man amongst men is not as good as  

The Old Priest uses the scepter to open the third eye for a long-distance look. It turns out that The Zhi Tribe and the other two races led a large number of warriors to run in the direction of this valley, but they did not rush into the valley, they stop in the open space outside.

“Get ready to fight!" Zheng looked back at the Old Priest and Chief, seeing that Chief did not respond, and immediately made an order.

When Yuan Zhan took Yan Mo to trace the traces that the people deliberately left for themselves, and finally found the valley, the warriors of Yuan Ji Tribe had been holding on here for five days.

The tribal warriors chose this place as a temporary place to live when they went hunting because the valley has many benefits, such as sufficient water, a little forest which can provide enough firewood and improve concealment, leeward and it has only one entrance, the hills facing the valley side is not high but very steep, forming a natural protective wall, which allows them to defend behind and on both sides.

But they only considered the defensive against the beasts, but they did not consider humans, because they had never thought that they would be besieged by the tribal warriors one day, and they did not expect that one day people would flee from the tribal residence and come here and be found out while they're here.

The warriors know very well that this valley is not suitable for defensive land. Humans can climb the high ground. They can throw wooden spears and stones from the peaks of the hills on both sides. They can block their only exit and trap them for life in the valley.


But all the way to escape, the team suffered a lot of injuries and women and children, Yuan Ji Chief tried to protect everyone from the breakout and was seriously injured, helpless, they had to risk leaving. The top warriors such as Zheng, Lier and Bué expect everyone to recover their strength as soon as possible in the short term, and expect that Chief's injury will be better after treatment by The Old Priest.

But The Zhi Tribe didn't give them time to relax. Zheng even suspected that The Zhi Tribe and others deliberately let them escape into the valley and join other warriors for the second launch of attack.

Without the delay of women and children and injuries, Yuan Ji Tribe, a team that is out to hunt that is composed of 2nd Rank and 3rd Rank warriors, will form the most terrible blade, and become the warriors seeking revenge for the tribe will become The Zhi Tribe, He La and Red Fox Tribe nightmare!

Therefore, the three tribes clearly have the opportunity to kill them in the grassland, but they did not start, but like hunters they drove the beasts, they drove them all over in one place for the ultimate tribal massacre.

The planning by the three tribes was successful. The warriors of Yuan Ji Tribe did not leave the valley even if they had the possibility of breaking through. Instead, they stayed here and succumbed to the tribe morale breakdown.

Zheng also understands this, but he can't just abandon their own people, can't abandon all the wounded, and only keep the warriors without women and children. This is the last road for everyone.


In five days, if it weren't for The Zhi Tribe and the other two families, they wouldn't cherish their weapons and even if there would be not many stones around them. The death and injury in the Yuan Ji Tribe wouldn't be much bigger than it is now.

But even if the tribes only sent people to block the gap, there was no attack from the top of the two peaks, and Yuan Ji Tribe had suffered enough.

The animals in the valley are limited, and there are not many things to eat. They have a population of nearly a thousand, and the daily food consumption is terrible. There are always people dying, and a large number of people are starving. Now all the food in the valley is given priority to the warriors, and the dead people are not wasted. After Priest calms their souls, they give all the meat of these dead people to be eaten by everyone.

“You can't go on like this anymore. With everyone's strength, Lie, you and Bing lead the remaining warriors out! Don't come back again!" Zheng, who had a knife on his shoulder, categorically ordered.

The head of the warrior was not surprised. The Old Priest had already raised this point three days ago. It’s just that the warriors have no way to refuse and in front of others. But for their own people, who can really completely abandon them no matter what?

But now that they have reached the end of their lives, the tribes such as The Zhi Tribe know that Yuan Ji will go for revenge and they send a large number of people to stop them, not just to drive them out of the land.


“Zheng, you take everyone out, I will stayed behind with them." Lie knew he can't veto.

“No, I will leave with The Old Priest, you go!" Zheng looked like Chief Sheng a man with a fierce gaze kind of decision.

Bing looked up. "Priest Da Ren can't stay, we can't live without Priest."

Zheng looked at him, walked over to him and grabbed his shoulder. "Yes, you have Qiu Ning."

“But Qiu Ning hasn't gotten all of Priest Da Ren..." Bing looked at Zheng's eyes and bit his lip and stopped talking.

“Bing, I believe in you." Zheng stared at Bing's eyes. "But I don't believe in The Old Priest."

Bing opened his mouth in a scared manner. The other warriors remained silent.

“If you let him come with you, there will only be Hei Yuan Clan remaining, there will be no more Xi Rang Clan and Feisha Clan. He will use the warriors of Xi Rang Clan and Feisha Clan as fighters to preserve the blood of Hei Yuan Clan. I can't let him do this."

Bing swallowed his mouth ," Qiu Shi Da Ren will not do so, we are all Yuan Ji Tribe, we...... "

Zheng patted him, Bing had to painful swallow after all the excusing words for Old Priest, because even he knows that Qiu Shi Da Ren may really do something like this.

“The Old Priest is old. If he really thinks about the tribe, let him stay with me, and the Chief, and he live with the Horde to its end." Zheng returned to his original position, his face was cold, and he continued to give orders: "Bué, Lie, Bing, the three of you selected 50 2nd Rank warriors and handed them to me. I will drag the Zhi Tribe with them.”


“I will hide our women and children in the valley.” In the depths, they will become slaves to The Zhi Tribe and others. If I and the remaining warriors are not dead, they will become slaves, but The Zhi Tribe will definitely not leave us alive, they would exchange us to other powerful tribes in the distance. If one day, you can rise back, don't look for us, just save our women and children."

The warriors saw the sorrow and hatred in their eyes.

Zheng’s gaze passed over everyone’s face, he grabbed the wooden spear, and screamed: “All who are still standing! Go to eat a full stomach, and sharpen your weapon! When the sun sets, we rush out of the valley! "

Yes!" The warriors also slammed their chests at the same time, and endured grief and split themselves according to the order.

The Old Priest Qiu Shi put down his scepter, lowered his head and slowly opened his eyes.

He can't hear it, but he can see it.

Zheng probably has made up his mind to lead the remaining warriors out, and he has to prepare quickly.

Just now he saw more than Zheng rallying the head of the warrior, he also looked into the distance, and saw that the northwest will be their best way out.

“Qiu Ning, pack up, we have to go."

“Yes, Da Ren."

In the valley, the women and children who are busy boiling water, roasting meat, and sewing the skin are full of anxiety and worry and the sound of the children was absent.

The seriously wounded warriors were lying on the ground, still awake, looking up at the sky, numb, and they were waiting to die.

There are also some in tribes who have been killed because they decide its better that way. Most of these people have been cut into flesh and drained of blood for food, and some are still alive but sooner or later.

Except for The Old Priest, an old man can't see it.

Most of the slaves died, and now the slaves of the tribes all died or fled, except for the slaves attached to the warriors themselves. The expressions of the still-lived slaves are much more calm than others. Many of them have experienced genocide or been arrested before. For the second time, there is not much difference between them.

The warriors are in the queue. No one has come back to say goodbye to the family. It is not that they don’t want to, but they are not allowed.

Women and children still don't know that they are going to be abandoned. They are still looking forward to the day when they will defeat the enemy and return to the tribal residence.

The sun was sinking and the evening is near.

Zheng finally came to the side of Chief Zhang.

Zheng has fallen into a coma, and most of his wounds on his chest and abdomen have rotted, and his body has a rotting smell

Zheng knelt on knees in front of Zhang, held his hand and got up after a long time.

In the distance, Lie nodded to him and the warriors were ready.

Zheng finally looked at Chief and turned and strode away.

The Old Priest appeared at the end of the team. Zheng saw him and nodded to him. "Qiu Shi Da Ren, you follow me. Da He, you come over and carry Qiu Shi Da Ren, you can't put him down."

“Yes." Da He came out of the queue and walked to The Old Priest.

Qiu Shi is of course willing to follow the tribe's most powerful warrior except Chief.

Zheng also said to Qiu Ning: "Qiu Ning, you go with Bing, I can't bring two people at the same time."

“Yes." He heard that he should follow Bing, Qiu Ning did not have any doubts, The Old Priest Qiu Shi did not.

If Zheng let The Old Priest follow Bing and let Qiu Ning follow him, The Old Priest may also wonder if Zheng intends to let him and Bing die. In this arrangement, The Old Priest only thinks that Zheng is going to let Bing die. At least he can survive, and as long as he is alive, Hei Yuan Clan and Yuan Ji Tribe have a hope. How could he think of Zheng at this time had decided to sacrifice himself to let the younger and more promising warriors escape, and to solve his big old mistake that has haunted the Xi Rang Clan and Feisha Clan!

“Go!" Zheng took the lead to lead the valley.

Da He picked up The Old Priest at the same time.

The Old Priest felt a little bad, are they going to the front? Also, why didn't Zheng let him give the warriors a final blessing? Add courage to the warriors?

Yan Mo stood on the mound and looked far ahead. The mound was a temporary observatory made by Yuan Zhan.

Seeing a large number of triangular tents on the grasslands in the distance, he can see a valley with depressions in the distance. The hills on both sides of the valley are not high, but the inner side is steep and the outer side is relatively flat there are none of tall bushes.

The wind sent a thick smell of blood and rot.

Looking down, at the bushes not far from his feet, there was a body that has been devoured by wild beasts, and then when he looked around. Such broken limbs are everywhere, and more are eaten by beasts and left only bones.

This year's wild grasses will certainly grow particularly well.

Yan Mo was glad that he didn't have to see the killing scene in the first place. Otherwise, he will save himself and if he saved himself. The Guide will definitely hope that he will carry forward the spirit of army doctor who treats the enemy and the injured in the battlefield. If he dares to see it. If he doesn't save, it's just that so many people means he can save half of the SCUM VALUE, whose hard work has been reduced by more than 20,000 points.

Yuan Zhan estimated the approximate range of the tents. It felt a little difficult to get all the grounds at once. Once the three tribes were alarmed, it would be impossible for him to concentrate on neutralizing these people. Maybe he could do the hands and feet walk under the ground and loosen that piece of soil all? This way he can put all of them in the hole all at once...

“Are you going to bury them alive?" Yan Mo said in a moment that Yuan Zhan planned.

Yuan Zhan did not deny , “This is the fastest."


Yuan Zhan frowned. "Because the ancestors would give you punishment because of my indiscriminate killing?" The feeling of being tied up is not very comfortable.


“But they tried to attack my tribe!"

“Revenge, deterrence, and the fact that the enemy genocide are two different things. Do not tell me you do not want to The Zhi Tribe all three communities and other to end up in genocide."

Yuan Zhan bears the word: "I don't want to kill them but if we don't kill them. I would dare to attack Yuan Ji Tribe again."

"So you want to kill them?"

"If I don't there will come one day, they will kill the Yuan Ji Tribe's warrior, turning all women and children into slaves!"

Yan Mo didn't want to say something like "they're beasts, we can't follow the beasts", which sounds very holy, it is not in line with his character, but he can't watch Yuan Zhan killing so many people, even if he deliberately tell Yuan Zhan to chop his neck and made him unconscious, but if Yuan Zhan took the initiative to attack, even if he didn't see it or didn't know, The Guide would calculate SCUM VALUE for him like those five people Yuan Zhan had buried alive.

Looking at the size of the tent area, the three tribes add up to about 1,350, which is calculated by a thousand, and he will be added by two hundred points SCUM VALUE!

He has been punished enough, if its not necessary, he really does not want to be punished again!

“Let them take the initiative to attack us." Yan Mo said.

Yuan Zhan was reluctant. "It will be a lot of trouble. If there are warriors with 4th Rank or above in them, it will be more troublesome!"

Yan Mo smiled. "You can also think about what to do, anyway, the punishment will only come instantly on my head.”

Yuan Zhan deeply inhaled. He was used to the unscrupulous means for the winning purpose. In order to catch the hunting beast, they always came up with various methods. Few warriors would attack the powerful beasts by sicking rabbits at them, and no one will pounce on the face of the rabbit.

To catch hunt and kill the enemy, of course, the simpler and more effective means the better!

But his Priest now asks him to look for a more complicated and troublesome way and giving up the easier way to destroy the enemy.

“You can go to scout first. If there are senior warriors who are more difficult to deal with, we will go around and join your people first. If not, we can go straight. It is a manly thing to come brightly. "Yan Mo was authentic


“Man among men."

Yuan Zhan, who is a man himself, was on the grass. In any case, he always has to touch the bottom of the enemy. If he sees its too much, he can secretly kill it. Only kill one or two, the ancestors Da Ren should not punish his Priest, right?

The Zhi warriors, who was patrolling nearby, suddenly pulls another warrior next to him: "What do you think is that?"


“There! There!"

“Great big bumblebee!" The warrior was surprised. "Hey? There is someone behind the bumblebee!"

“The Cannibal Bees!" The Red Fox Tribe warriors, not far away, suddenly turned around and ran, ran and yelled: "Everyone go running! Be careful with The Cannibal Bees. Come over! Hurry into the tent!”

“The Cannibal Bees?” The unrecognized The Zhi warriors looked at each other.

“The Cannibal Bees!" This is the person who responded.


“But someone..."

No one has ever listened to the warrior's reminder. In fact, there are other people who saw the human beings being stung and eaten in the middle of the bee colony, but they can't do anything now, see The Cannibal Bees, Of course, it is the first choice to escape!

Yan Mo was very speechless on the mound. He saw that the patrolling warriors were there and he thought that the other party would throw him a wooden spear. They were preparing to find a place to hide. They saw all the patrol warriors yelling and rushing to the tent area.

The patrol warriors fled back to the tent area and yelled The Cannibal Bees' word, which led to a chaos in the tent area. Until the heads of the three tribes came out to command and ordered them to hide and prepare for the torch attack, the tribal warriors gradually became confused from the panic in sequence.

The Zhi Tribe Chief Boer came out of the tent, took a torch and went to the heights, he was staring at the man on the mound in the distance and The Cannibal Bees, were far away, he didn’t see them very clearly..

Red Fox Tribe, the head of the Red Fox Tribe warrior, and the head of The Hera warriors, also held the torch to the high ground.

“There are not many The Cannibal Bees. It’s not like them when they are coming out to prey. Who is the person standing on the mound? How dare he stand in the middle of The Cannibal Bees?” Qiang Gu asked.

Chi Dou’s eyes were awkward. “The Snake People can control the snakes, and maybe other tribes can control The Cannibal Bees. The patrolling warriors said that the person in The Cannibal Bees has white hair, but he don’t look like old person with white hair, that person must come from a more distant tribe.

“Do you want to kill him?" Qiang Gu looked at the two.

Chi Dou glanced at The Zhi Tribe Chief Boer and didn't speak.

Boer didn't like someone threatening him and his warriors, and immediately ordered: "Use the wooden spear to shoot the man! Beware of The Cannibal Bees attack!"

“Yes!" The warrior in charge of the order was about to communicate Boer's order. But the ground under his feet just opened and he suddenly fell, and the whole person disappeared into the soil.

Boer was shocked.

“What happened? Is there a pit there?"Qiang Gu and the nearby warriors immediately went to the soil to dig they wanted to dig up the fallen warrior.

“Ah!" Boer suddenly screamed, and ferociously used a wooden spear to insert it into the nearby ground. Then the section blew up by this force, and the ground under his feet collapsed.

Chi Dou reacted the fastest, and he first jumped off the high ground and warned people to not poke the ground standing under his feet with a wooden spear.

Qiang Gu also jumped down.

Boer did not have such lucky as those two people. His feet just landed, and the wooden spear supporting his body suddenly fell into the soil. He was all going to sink in the ground.

Boer wanted to turn around, but he had a hole under him!

“Hey!" More than the thorns, three arrows were shot from Chi Dou's direction.

Boer yelled, his body skin became extremely hard, but the three earth arrows and soil thorns still caused him some damage.

“Chi Dou!" Boer's back brushed a row of long hard thorns, grabbed a stone hammer and rushed toward Chi Dou.

“Wasn't me!" Chi Dou screamed with a big charge.

The Red Fox Tribe warriors and The Zhi warriors were brandishing weapons at the same time.

At this moment, a large number of earth arrows were shot again from behind Chi Dou.

Boer yelled and grabbed a nearby warrior and waved his body i front of him to shield him from the arrow.

The Red Fox Tribe warrior made a miserable cry.

The Chi Dou and Red Fox Tribe warriors who looked back to themselves and turned back with red eyes. "Boer! Its not my Red Fox Tribe family who is attacking you! Let us down our warriors!"

“Hey!" A dirt arrow passes through Chi Dou heart.

A warrior emerged from the soil and inexplicably appeared behind Chi Dou.

The Hera warrior who was still wondering what was going on he suddenly fell into the pit, and then suddenly emerged when he started to struggle.

Chi Dou looked down at the arrow that penetrated his chest and slowly looked back.

The Hera warrior eyes popped wide, he still doesn't know what happened.

Qiang Gu screamed when they saw The Hera warrior: "What have you done?


"Hey!" The Hera warrior did not even have time to open his mouth to argue for himself. He had already been stabbed by three wooden spear from the Red Fox warrior pokes through the body.

“They killed Chi Dou! Revenge for Chi Dou!" The Red Fox Tribe warrior were in a crazy frenzy.

“Stop! Give me a hand!" The Zhi Tribe Chief Boer didn't feel right at the moment, but no matter how loud he shouted, he couldn't stop the Red Fox Tribe warriors from killing The Hera warrior

The Hera people were forced to fight back, and the Qiang Gu yelled at Boer: "Is it right? You killed Yuan Ji Tribe, and you want to take the opportunity to kill us and the Red Fox Tribe people too. The Red Fox Tribe warriors, you guy's enemy is not us, It is The Zhi Tribe! They don't want to give us salt, they want to destroy us like they did to the Yuan Ji Tribe! Kill The Zhi Tribe!” The tri-tibal camp was in chaos.

Yuan Zhan appeared next to Yan Mo.

Yan Mo looked into the distance it seems that there was some fighting going in the three camps, he turned looking at Zhan "What have you done?"

“Has the ancestor punished you?" Yuan Zhan asked almost at the same time.

Yan Mo subconsciously looks at his right hand. His right hand didn't shine, and he didn't get any hints for adding or subtracting SCUM VALUE.

“Currently... not yet." Yan Mo answered with hesitation.

Yuan Zhan has a smile on the lips. "The manly man can't protect you, I can."

Juvenile, are you not a bright person?

Yuan Zhan hasn't finished talking yet. "I don't have to be a manly man amongst men. I just have to be your man."

Yuan Zhan didn't realize that he had teased his bedside partner, Priest Da Ren, who was just casually saying his real thoughts.

“...but I don't want to be your man, I don't want to be your woman. Yuan Zhan, if you keep telling me these things, I will kill you." Yan Mo's expression was very serious.

Yuan Zhan snorted and didn't speak. No one knew what he was thinking.

The two fell into a strange silence.

After about ten minutes, Yuan Zhan refers to a prize camp , “ It has calmed down, I had always thought that The Zhi Tribe Chief is the only grumpy person like a bull, but he obviously was not.... we go around."

We can walk through the ground, but Yuan Zhan wants to keep fighting.

“Hey!" Yan Mo suddenly raised his hand. "Look, isn't that the Yuan Ji Tribe warrior coming out of the valley?"

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