Chapter 662: Scythe (12)  

[Information is being analyzed to have an accurate description of ‘Pneuma’s Sky.’]

[Please wait.]

[Please wait.]

[It has been confirmed that you possess multiple skills similar to the power. The power will be amplified multiple times if it is combined with the skills. Would you like to combine them?]

[You have chosen to combine the skills.]


[The assembly of a skill is beginning.]

[The skill ‘Time Difference’ is being combined.]

[The skill ‘Precognition’ is being combined.]

[The power ‘Pneuma’s Sky’ has been upgraded. Read the information window for more details.]


[The information window is displayed.]

[Pneuma’s Sky]

[Rank: Power]

“Pneuma is the breath of the divine beings born when light was created at the beginning of time. It is the key that can open the laws of the world… The one to obtain this, possess this, and inherit this will have gained the only way to approach the world’s foundation,” Yeon-woo murmured, reading the description.

[Description: This is a part of the prophecy that has been told from the ancient ages. It is also the fundamental teaching of the Pneuma faction, a group that existed before societies like Olympus and Asgard existed—a group that existed before there were gods, demons, dragons, and giants. They shouted that “time” was the basis of many universes and dimensions, and only after controlling it could you reach the secrets of the beginning.

But as a result of their conflict with other groups, they had fallen to be eventually buried and forgotten under the long eons of the universe. However, today, there is an individual of their bloodline who is trying to succeed their will. Will the prophecy be realized?


*Substance Detection

Substances are the most basic unit that make up the physical world. Aside from that, they do not have much meaning. They must be combined and formed to have a function.

The user will be able to find these substances and activate them. The amount of substances the user can use is influenced by the user’s proficiency with Pneuma’s teachings.

*Time Modification

A combined version of the skill ‘Time Difference.’ An artificial difference of two hours will be created between the observer’s surroundings and the world the observer views. The difference during this time can be sped up or slowed up within the boundaries of the laws of causality.

However, if the time difference is too great, it will be canceled through the laws of causality. The user may be trapped in the changed time, so he must beware.

*Time Examination

A combined version of the skill ‘Precognition.’ For a short moment, the user will be able to examine the past, present, and future based on what he knows of the world. The examined time will be more accurate the closer it is to the present time.]

The combined Pneuma’s Sky with two of Yeon-woo’s former skills was surprising. Of the multiple options, there was one that stood out to him: Time Examination. Unlike Precognition, which only showed him the possibilities of a near future, he could use Time Examination to examine multiple possibilities around him from the past to the future.

The drawback was its lack of accuracy the farther the timeframe, but it was still a great weapon. This was the greatest secret behind why some beings thought Kronos had gained omniscience in the past… No, even with that aside, Yeon-woo knew how much potential this option had. When he first entered Kronos’ dead body, he had seen himself and Jeong-woo in the future of Kronos’ legends when Kronos was fighting Allforone.

With that, Yeon-woo was able to arrange things so he’d be in the most optimal situations possible. But now, the greatest weapon that had gotten him to where he was today was in his hands. Of course, it wasn’t a weapon he could use here, but this already made risking the dangers of meeting Uranus worth it.

Fwoosh! In the slowed-down world, Yeon-woo tightly gripped the sword made of Divine Iron. With the Lord of the Pole, the Crawling Chaos, and the other Eight Gods of Disorder moving slowly like worms towards him, this was the apt time…

‘Time to escape.’ The Eight Gods of Disorder likely could ignore this movement in the “small wheel” given their strength, but Yeon-woo was confident his plan would succeed. He thought, ‘Since they don’t have the concept of time.’

If they were suddenly met with a strange concept, they’d be defeated before knowing what hit them. This was what Yeon-woo was aiming for. He didn’t intend to use the small wheel to fight them; that would be pure recklessness. Although the concept of time was a weapon that would surprise them, they’d be able to understand the unfamiliar concept quickly and counterattack. Then, the weapon would become useless.

‘This must be what Grandfather wanted me to gain,’ Yeon-woo thought. Uranus most definitely knew that the otherworld gods weren’t aware of time, which allowed him to toss his grandson into the Night and expect him to leave safely. Yeon-woo, however, did wonder if that was how much Uranus trusted him, or if his grandfather was just irresponsible.

Putting those thoughts aside, Yeon-woo quietly attempted to sneak away from the battlefield. ‘I don’t know the coordinates, but I have to get out of the Night.’ Yeon-woo didn’t expect Uranus’ help. He believed Uranus would help him if he was in danger, but he’d feel more comfortable if he could escape with his own power. The question was whether or not the Night could reach the coordinates of the world…

It would be easy to escape if Yeon-woo could touch emptiness, but he couldn’t. ‘The Cast of the Black King really did make things easy.’ Unfortunately, that didn’t mean he simply had a way.

Whoosh! Black and red fire blazed behind Yeon-woo and steadily transformed into wings.

[The domain of fight attempts to materialize fully!]

[Warning! The domain of fight is not appropriate for this legend. The continued interference of external legends into this legend could have negative consequences.]

[Warning! The domain of fight is thrashing about. It has a large influence in how this legend is played back. It is advised you pause the activation of the domain.]

[External legends are played simultaneously.]

[The domain of fight materializes!]

[The power ‘Sky Wing (right)’ has been created.]

In the slowed-down world, black red flames twisted into wings, and the sparks became feathers. Yeon-woo was sorry to his father, but he needed to find a way to get out of here. The solution he found was to use his Sky Wings to force open coordinates to the outside.

It was quite easy to make the Sky Wings. Since he had created the Sky Wings himself, Yeon-woo knew best how they were designed. The keyword of fight was entirely his. It was different from the death he received from the Black King, so he could quickly recreate it in this slowed-down world.

Whoosh! It was only half his power, but Yeon-woo could still feel the power growing inside of him. The amount of holy power around him increased, and he used his heightened senses to find the pathway to the outside.

‘Here!’ Yeon-woo found the pathway of chains that were connected from the outside and swung his sword to widen the road. Sword Thunder tore the space and ripped it apart before a black entrance that was a different color from the ‘Night’ opened its jaws. Yeon-woo was about to enter it when a message popped up…

[The ‘Resident of the Border’ observes you.]

‘What?’ Shivers ran down Yeon-woo’s spine. When he quickly turned his head back, he could see an “eye,” a “door” that covered the entire ceiling of the Night.



Is that…door…

[The legends of the ‘Crawling Chaos’ react to meeting their original owner!]

‘Darn!’ It didn’t end there, and things were turning for the worse. Now, the Crawling Chaos was reacting to Yeon-woo.

[The ‘Crawling Chaos’ squirms.]

[The ‘Crawling Chaos’ expresses curiosity in the unfamiliar concept! His interest in you becomes greater!]

Amuse… Fun. Human.

[Powerful holy power attempts to enter.]

[The Pneuma reaching for the ‘Small Wheel’ has been scattered. The power ‘Pneuma’s Sky’ is canceled.]

[The laws of causality have been activated.]

[The world has been restored to its normal time.]

Crash! The sound of glass shattering rang out.

‘This wasn’t enough?’ Yeon-woo’s face stiffened.

Kraaaa! Released from the binds of time, the Lord of the Pole came dashing towards Yeon-woo. Everything was hectic, with the ashy blazes falling onto him from all directions. It was a displeasing fire that didn’t just burn, but also froze his soul.

Yeon-woo had to give up entering the black entrance, turning his sword in the opposite direction. He used his half Sky Wings to soar up to the sky like a Phoenix before Sword Thunder that was stronger than what he released actually exploded apart.

Rumble. Rumble. Rumble Crash! Sword Thunder was mighty with the added strength of Sky Wings. It not only tore through the ashy blazes, but also ripped through the blazes in all directions.

Ah. Ah. Kroo! The Lord of the Pole’s miserable screams echoed in the world of the Night. It messed up the flow of energy within the Night, and his cracked pieces fell below. The holy power that tore him up splattered his blood all over and formed a large galaxy.

In the meantime, the Crawling Chaos began to send bundles of tentacles towards Yeon-woo. They were made of holy power. Curious… You, curious. Test. Subject.

[The power ‘Pneuma’s Sky’ attempts to interfere in the ‘Small Wheel!’]

[The laws of causality are activated.]

Pow pow! Yeon-woo continued to twist Pneuma’s Sky, deflecting the tentacles, as he searched for a way to escape into the entrance. However, the Crawling Chaos must have given some orders, because the otherworld gods who had just been watching began to take action. Yeon-woo’s senses were blurred at the onslaught of holy power, and he felt his own holy power being drained.

[You have achieved the accomplishment of God Killing! The opponent is a being that is not recorded. You can take some of your opponent’s legends.]

[You have achieved the accomplishment of God Killing!]

[You have achieved the accomplishment of God Killing!]

However, the biggest issue was the Resident of the Border. His pupils slowly rolled up and became fixed on the entrance Yeon-woo had just opened. The movement only seemed slow because of his massive size. Beyond… Perhaps, Father…?

Crack, crack, fizz! The Resident of the Border was simply looking at it, but all the laws of the Night became focused on it. The closing entrance was forced open again. As if a steel pole was stuck into the small hole to pry it open, the entrance was torn with cracks appearing along the surrounding space. A wormhole that led to the outside was created.

‘If that’s left alone, everything would be ruined.’ Yeon-woo frantically moved toward the wormhole’s entrance and shot bolts toward it. His attacks’ might was impressive with the added domain of fight, but it was nothing compared to what Yeon-woo used in reality, so it wasn’t enough to block all the gods.

[You have achieved the accomplishment of God Killing!]

Messages that otherworld gods died consecutively popped up.


Eeerng. There was a ringing in Yeon-woo’s ear, and the eye covering the ceiling of the Night suddenly disappeared before…something appeared in front of Yeon-woo. It was a being that had the same face as the young Kronos.

Yeon-woo instinctively realized the being was the Resident of the Border, who had transformed into this body to move more easily. He slashed an otherworld god shaped like a firebird, which attempted to swallow him, before pointing his sword towards the Resident of the Border.

‘Sixth Extreme.’ Although Yeon-woo had reached his limits, he squeezed out all his power to use this skill.


“…You dare.” The Resident of the Border’s left arm flew into the air. He cursed with an annoyed expression and swung his remaining right arm. The moment his palm reached Yeon-woo’s chest…

The holy power flowing within Yeon-woo was disconnected. Some of it flowed in opposite directions and ruined his organs. They were symptoms of a phenomenon the One-horned tribe called qigong deviation.

Pow! When the Resident of the Border slapped Yeon-woo’s chest again, Yeon-woo wasn’t able to resist any longer. He was swept into the wormhole, getting sucked into the outside world like being flushed down a drain.

“Is it here? Where he… Father, is?” After leaving the Night with Yeon-woo, the Resident of the Border made a strange expression at the unfamiliar feeling of the world. He still had Kronos’ face, looking at a blue sky and black ground. It was a strange world for him, someone who had only lived in a world where everything was disheveled.

However, the Resident of the Border didn’t have any thoughts about it because of the pain that suddenly throbbed from his chest. His face crumpled. A sword made of Divine Iron had impaled his chest.

“Stabbing someone with my father’s face… It feels wretched, but oh well.’ From far away, Yeon-woo wiped his mouth and spat out blood. Fury blazed in his eyes, and a new wing was flaming on the empty side of his back.

[The concept of death is forcefully awakened!]

[The domain is forcefully recreated.]

[‘Sky Wings (left) is being materialized!]

Yeon-woo hadn’t intended on fully finishing the Sky Wings. He’d probably influenced Kronos’ legends enough, so if he regained all his power, things would really be dangerous. However, if he allowed the beings to roam about freely, the legends would be destroyed. The Night was slowly streaming out of the wormhole and otherworld gods were successively trying to get out. He couldn’t let it go on any longer.

Swish! Yeon-woo’s reawakened strength stormed around him and was about to erase the holy power of the Resident of the Border.

“…Father? Who are you?!” The Resident of the Border glared at Yeon-woo in shock. He had discovered traces of the Black King someplace he hadn’t expected.

However, their standoff didn’t escalate into a fight.

[Uranus descends!]

A bolt of lightning fell from the sky and Uranus appeared, ripping apart the Resident of the Border’s holy power while erasing the influence of the Night. “Oh my. I sent you to learn the true Pneuma, but you’ve caused such a mess… You’re worse than your father. Ha!” Uranus shook his head at Yeon-woo, but he had a proud smile since his grandson had grown stronger.

Then, when Uranus looked toward the Resident of the Border, the Resident of the Border stiffened. It wasn’t one of anger like when Yeon-woo attacked him, but a shocked expression of meeting a mortal enemy in an unexpected location.

“Yad-Thaddag? Why are you here?”
