The team quickly geared up and boarded the Bogatyr aircraft, which was specially designed for high-altitude jumps. As the plane took off, Vasili and his team mentally prepared themselves for the mission ahead.

The Bogatyr aircraft soared high above the African landscape, cutting through the dense, humid air with ease. Inside, Captain Vasili and his team sat in silence, their minds focused on the mission ahead.

Vasili looked out the window, taking in the breathtaking view below. From this altitude, the African landscape looked like a patchwork quilt, with sprawling savannas and dense jungles stretching out as far as the eye could see.

But there was little time to admire the scenery. The mission ahead was of utmost importance.

As the plane reached the desired altitude, Vasili and his team began to prepare for the high-altitude, low-opening (HALO) jump. They checked their gear meticulously, making sure that everything was in working order. The slightest mistake could be fatal, and they couldn't afford to take any chances.

Finally, the moment arrived. Vasili gave his team a final nod, and they leaped out of the plane one by one, freefalling through the air at a breakneck speed. The wind rushed past them, and their hearts pounded with adrenaline as they hurtled toward the earth.

But even in the midst of the thrill, Vasili remained focused. He had a job to do, and he couldn't afford to let anything distract him from his objective.


As they approached the ground, Vasili and his team deployed their parachutes, and the world suddenly slowed down. They floated gently down to earth, their feet touching down softly on the desert sand below.

The team quickly assessed their surroundings, taking note of any potential threats. They moved swiftly and silently through the shadows, their eyes scanning the terrain for any signs of danger.

As they approached the village where they believed Ralf Hietela was hiding, Vasili and his team moved with the precision and grace of a well-oiled machine. They were like ghosts, moving silently through the night, avoiding detection as they closed in on their target.

Minutes passed, and they finally arrived at the village where Ralf Hietela is believed to be hiding.

Vasili and his team peered through their binoculars, counting the number of enemy fighters guarding the perimeter. They knew that the situation was dire, and any misstep could result in disaster.

"I'm counting thirty-five elements armed with automatic rifles," Vasili reported, his eyes never leaving the binoculars.


"They are using the T-AR47. It is possible that our target may be in here," Ivan added.

"Well, there's only one way to find that out," Vasili said as he lowered the binoculars and pulled out a map that shows the layout of the village."So there are twenty houses in this village, most of them are made out of concrete. Ralf Hietela is staying on one of them but we have no way of narrowing it down. So we'll split up. Since we are ten, we are going to divide ourselves into two. I'll lead group Alpha and Ivan you'll lead group Bravo."

"Understood, captain, but what's the plan and rules of engagement?"

Vasili looked around at his team, taking in their serious expressions. They knew that the mission ahead was going to be difficult, but they were all professionals, and they had trained for this moment for months.

"The plan is straightforward," Vasili spoke in a firm, commanding voice. "We'll divide ourselves into two groups, Alpha and Bravo. Each team will take two quadrants and conduct a thorough search. In case of any discovery, immediately radio it in. The rules of engagement are clear. Anyone armed with guns is considered a combatant and can be executed, but civilians should not be shot. As for Ralf Hietela, he needs to be captured alive. While the High Command has permitted us to take him down if necessary, I personally want him to be taken alive."

The other members of the team listened attentively, taking in every word of Vasili's instructions.


The team nodded in unison, their eyes fixed on Vasili.

Vasili took a deep breath. "Alright, let's move out," he said, gesturing towards the village. "Remember, stay alert, and keep your wits about you. Let's return home in one piece."

With that, the team split up into two groups, moving quickly and quietly through the shadows. Vasili led Group Alpha, their rifles trained forward.

The dusty village was eerily quiet, save for the distant braying of camels and the occasional bleat of a goat. But Vasili knew better than to underestimate the threat. He and his team advanced cautiously, scanning the area for any signs of danger, their fingers poised on the triggers of their rifles. As they approached the first mud-brick hut, Vasili could feel his heart pounding in his chest.

There were two guards armed with rifles standing on guard. Vasili took his tactical knife out of his belt, signaling his team to follow his lead. They moved with the utmost stealth, creeping up on the guards from behind.

With lightning speed, Vasili and his team pounced on the unsuspecting guards, their knives slitting the guards' throats before they had a chance to react. The bodies were quickly dragged out of sight, and Vasili motioned for his team to enter a nearby house.

"Clear! Let's move to another house," Vasili radioed.

"It's clear here too, Captain," Ivan radioed his findings.

Eighteen houses to go. Vasili and his team continued their search through the village, clearing each house one by one as well as taking down the guards. They moved with precision and speed, taking care to avoid any traps or surprises that the enemy might have set up. Each house yielded nothing of significance, and their frustration grew with each empty room.

Alpha and Bravo team approached the last two houses with caution, their senses on high alert. They could hear faint voices coming from inside, and Vasili motioned for his team to be ready for anything.

With a quick nod, Vasili and his team burst through the door, their rifles trained on the occupants. Inside, they found black men armed with rifles and western-looking mercenaries.

At first, confusion settled upon the ranks of the occupants but seconds later, they snapped out of their stupor and aimed their guns at the special forces.

Vasili and his men were quick to react and pulled the trigger.

The sound of gunfire echoed through the small village as Vasili and his team engaged in a fierce firefight with the enemy combatants. The room was filled with smoke and the smell of gunpowder, as bullets whizzed past the soldiers' heads.

The enemy combatants fought fiercely, but they were no match for Vasili and his team. One by one, they fell to the ground, their bodies limp and lifeless.

Finally, the last of the enemy combatants were down, and Vasili and his team quickly assessed the situation.

"Ivan, did you see signs of Ralf Hietela?" Vasili asked through his radio.

"Negative Captain, no signs of Ralf Hietela," Ivan reported.

"GODDAMMIT!" Vasili let out a frustrated yell. They had gone through all this trouble, taken down so many enemy combatants, and yet they still couldn't find their target.

But Vasili quickly regained his composure. "Alright, let's secure the area and gather any intelligence we can find."

The team got to work, searching the house for any clues that could lead them to Ralf Hietela. They found weapons, ammunition, and some documents.

"Captain, you might want to see this," one of his men approached him and handed him a document.

"What is this?" Ralf perused the contents of the document. It was a purchase document of weapons to the Malian Liberation Front. The Malian Liberation Front is a rebel group that emerged in Mali during the early twentieth century. Composed of various factions and individuals united in their opposition to Francois's colonial rule, the MLF seeks to establish an independent and sovereign nation of Mali free from foreign influence.

The rebel groups were involved in a lot of engagements with the Francois forces in the region, especially in Bamako.

"Sir, what do we do about the bodies?" Ivan asked.

"Oh, those white guys I want them searched. See if we can identify them."

A few moments later, Ivan spoke. "Sir, there's nothing in them aside from weapons and accessories. Ah shit…does this mean the Foreign Intelligence Services failed again? I would never trust their intelligence anymore."

"Calm down, Ivan," Vasili said. "I know, I'm also frustrated but it doesn't deny the fact that there is an arms deal going on here. And by looking at the date of the document, it was just signed a day ago. It means Ralf Hietela is still in Mali."

"But Mali is a huge place to search for an individual, Captain," Ivan said.

"We'll report back to the command and hope that our government intervenes in the political affairs of this territory by cooperating with the Francois Republic."
