Hours slipped away as Andrei stood to watch over his father's work routine. Ministers at a cabinet-level would enter the room and discuss policies with his father, briefing him on reports. Andrei's eyes followed his father's every move, entranced by how effortlessly he managed it all in a cool and composed manner.

Occasionally, Alexander would speak on the telephone in a different language, fluidly and flawlessly communicating with the person on the other end. Andrei was in awe of his father's linguistic skills and yearned to surpass him one day.

The weight of the expectations placed upon Alexander's successor was not lost on Andrei. He knew that it would be a monumental task to fill his father's shoes and that anything less than excellence would be unacceptable.

With a notebook in hand, Andrei meticulously took notes of the discussions between his father and his ministers, interpreting the information through his own understanding. Five hours passed in a blink of an eye as Andrei lost himself in the workings of his father's office.

As Alexander began to wrap up for the day, Andrei rose to his feet, more amazed than ever by his father's abilities.

As Alexander wrapped up his work for the day, Andrei rose to his feet, still in awe of his father's abilities. He had never seen him work so closely before, and it was clear to him that there was much to be learned from him.

"Thank you for allowing me to watch you work, father," Andrei said, bowing his head respectfully.


"You're welcome, my son," Alexander replied, a warm smile on his face. "I hope you learned something today."

Andrei nodded. "Yes, I did. I learned a lot, actually. You handle everything so well, father. I hope I can be like you someday."

Alexander's smile grew wider. "I have no doubt that you will, Andrei. You have a sharp mind and a good heart. Just keep working hard, and you'll go far."

Andrei felt a sense of pride swells within him at his father's words. He knew that he had a lot to live up to as the heir to the throne, but he was determined to make his father proud.As they made their way out of the office, Alexander put his arm around Andrei's shoulder, and they walked down the hall together. "So, what did you think of the discussions today?" he asked.

Andrei took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "Well, I thought that the ministers presented some interesting ideas. I especially liked Minister Petrov's proposal on education reform. It seems like a worthwhile investment to me."

Alexander nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, I agree. It is crucial to invest in our future, and that means investing in our youth. We shall have to discuss it further and examine how we can implement it. Did you learn anything else?"


"Well, father, regarding granting the Senegalese the right to become Ruthenian citizens, it appeared to me that many in the government were against it. As Mr. Sergei mentioned, they were okay with annexing Senegal into the Ruthenia Empire, but granting them citizenship? It was like you were going against the norm."

Alexander let out a sigh, anticipating that this question would be raised, as it was one of the discussions he had with Sergei. "Well, Andrei, there are two ways to deal with the distress of the locals there. We can either force them into submission or make them submit voluntarily. What do you think is the wise choice to make?"

Andrei took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding. "I think a wise choice would be to make them submit voluntarily. It would show that we value and respect their autonomy and opinions, and it could lead to a more peaceful and cooperative relationship between Ruthenia and Senegal in the long run."

Alexander nodded approvingly. "Very astute, my son. You have a good understanding of diplomacy and how to navigate complex political situations. But you see, there's always opposition to everything, especially in the Imperial Council. They are those who believe that the Ruthenia Empire should rule all and that those who are outside are inferior. That is not a good mindset."

Andrei furrowed his brows, listening intently to his father's words. "But father, isn't it our duty as the Ruthenian Empire to expand our influence and territories?" he asked.

Alexander looked at his son thoughtfully. "It is, to a certain extent. But we must also remember that our actions have consequences. If we force our will onto others, it can lead to resentment and rebellion. And we cannot afford to have instability within our territories, especially in these uncertain times. Technology is rapidly advancing and our enemies are acquiring our weapons via illegal means. What's worse, it was one of our people doing that. The world had seen a glimpse of what a war would look like in this modern era."


Andrei nodded in agreement, understanding the weight of his father's words. "I see your point, father.

Alexander smiled at his son's understanding. "Good. It's important to remember that we must not only think of ourselves but also of the well-being of our people and the world at large. Our actions can have ripple effects that we may not be able to control."

Andrei nodded, taking in his father's words. As they walked down the hallway, they reached the bedroom where Sophie and Anya were staying.

"Oh my! My dearest son and husband!" Sophie gracefully rose to her feet and gave a peck on Alexander's cheek. As for Andrei, well, Sophie has a way of greeting him.

"Mama..! I can't breathe," Andrei's voice was muffled by his mother's two mountains that were pressing on his face.

Sophie released her son from her embrace, chuckling at his reaction. "My apologies, my darling. I just couldn't help but hug you," she said, planting a kiss on his forehead.

"Well, mother you can just give me a kiss on the cheek as you did to father," Andrei protested.

Sophie laughed. "Oh, but you know I can't resist squeezing you," she said, ruffling his hair affectionately. "How was your day with your father?"

Andrei's grin widened. "It was amazing, Mama. I got to see how he works and how he handles everything so smoothly. It was like watching a maestro conducting an orchestra."

Sophie's eyes sparkled with pride. "Your father is a remarkable man, Andrei. And you will be, too, someday. I have no doubt about that."

Andrei felt a warmth spread through his chest at his mother's words. He knew that he had big shoes to fill, but with his parent's guidance and support, he was confident that he could rise to the challenge.

"Yeah I believe in you, my little brother," Anya said, beaming a radiant smile.

"You know your mother loves to exaggerate sometimes," Alexander commented, the corners of his lips curling.

"But you are truly an incredible darling. I'm sure Andrei already knows about it. So, since you two are having a bond, are you going to show him around the country?"

"Well, it is best that Andrei learn things in the early stages," Alexander said. "We are leaving tomorrow, do you want to come too, Anya?"

"Can I really?" Anya asked, her eyes lit up with energy.

"Of course darling, I have been planning on taking the two of you out. We are going to a place where we are making history," Alexander said.

"That sounds exciting!" Anya paused, her mind racing with possibilities. "Where are we going?"

Alexander's smile turned enigmatic. "It's a surprise, Anya. You'll have to wait and see."
