"This better be some pressing matters, Sergei. You know that I just got home from the commissioning right and I have some things to do," Alexander spoke as he strode down the hallway leading to the Command Ops.

"I assure you, Your Majesty. Your time won't be wasted on this pressing matters as we have just discovered something that could help us lead to the arms smugglers," Sergei replied calmly, a hint of urgency in his voice. Alexander's interest piqued the moment he heard that.

"At last, for the last six years, we have found a lead. The Foreign Intelligence Services is not a waste of taxpayers' money after all," Alexander said sarcastically, earning a forced chuckle from Sergei.

Arriving at the Command Ops, the military and civilian staffers stood in attention.

"As you were, everyone. As you were," Alexander said, beckoning them to sit down and continue their duties. He sat on his chair, leaned back, and gazed at the LCD screen mounted on the wall showing the map of the Republic of China.

"You have the floor, Sergei. Tell me what I need to know and get it over with," Alexander said, and Sergei promptly spoke."Your Majesty, the Foreign Intelligence Services has successfully captured one of the high-ranking officials of China's Communist Forces, Geng Yuhan. He is being held in our Black Site in China."

"And you got information out of him, correct?" Alexander interjected, interrupting his report, and Sergei nodded affirmatively.


"Well, our men down there put Geng Yuhan in a series of tortures that eventually broke his mind. He was a staunch loyalist at first but when his mind collapsed, he told us key information about the details of the arms supplier. And you are not going to believe the person behind it."

"What do you mean? Don't tell me it's the Black Hand? We have eradicated them. Sure there will be remnants but they'll be powerless now that their organization is destroyed."

"Well, he is not part of the Black Hand, Your Majesty. But he had worked with them in the past. According to Geng Yuhan, the person who had offered Wang Jiaxiang the Ruthenian weapons was a former Ruthenian general, Ralf Hietela."

"Ralf Hietela…" Alexander hummed as he searched his memories with a person named Ralf Hietela. He remembered him. "Isn't he the one involved with the Finnish incident? We exterminated them right? I called in the Air Force to bomb the town where they were."

"Well, it turns out that Ralf had survived, or maybe he wasn't even on the location when bombed the town. Still, his existence is a threat to the national security of the Ruthenian Empire as Ralf is not working alone but with Ruthenian military officials as well. According to Geng Yuhan, they arrived at their headquarters with Polkan Jeeps and Ruthenian military trucks. This is a huge breach in our internal security," Sergei warned.

"Or maybe they are just being greedy? To be honest, I'm getting pissed at those kinds of generals. Why couldn't they be satisfied? They are receiving a fair amount of wages and still." Alexander added, his voice tingling with frustration. "Anyways, we have to take some decisive actions now that we know Ralf is the one behind the arms smuggling. Do you have any suggestions?" Sergei leaned forward, his eyes meeting Alexander's as he began laying out his suggestions. "Your Majesty, we need to act swiftly and decisively. Ralf Hietela is a dangerous man, and we can't afford to let him continue with his illicit activities. I propose that we launch a covert operation to take him out and dismantle his network once and for all."


Sergei nodded in agreement. "Understood, Your Majesty. We will gather all the information we can find on Ralf Hietela and his associates. We'll also need to assemble a team of highly skilled operatives who can execute the mission with precision and efficiency."action

Alexander leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving Sergei's. "I want this to be kept under the lid. The last thing we need is for the media to catch wind of this and start spreading rumors about the Ruthenian Empire's military vulnerabilities and flawed security,"

Sergei nodded. "Of course, Your Majesty. We will make sure that this information will not get out in public."

Alexander tapped his fingers on the armrest of his chair. "What about Geng Yuhan? Do we have a plan to deal with him?"

Sergei hesitated for a moment before answering. "Your Majesty, we have no use for him anymore. He has outlived his usefulness and keeping him alive could pose a security risk. I suggest we eliminate him as well."

Alexander frowned. "I understand your concerns, but I don't want to resort to violence if it's not necessary. Is there any way we can use Geng Yuhan to our advantage before we dispose of him?"


Sergei thought for a moment before responding. "We could use him as a bargaining chip with the Communist rebels. If we can offer Wang Jiaxiang his safe return should he share more information about Ralf Hietela and his associates. After all, Geng Yuhan is a close friend of Wang Jiaxiang. Of course, he may well refuse, as Ralf is an important supplier of their weapons. Without access to the weapons, they won't have a chance against the government forces."

Alexander nodded slowly, considering the suggestion. "That's a good idea. We'll explore that option. Keep him alive for now. If Wang Jiaxiang still has a soft spot in him, then we will be one step closer to taking out Ralf Hietela."

Sergei nodded, taking note of the Emperor's decision. "Understood, Your Majesty. I'll make sure that Geng Yuhan remains secure and alive for the time being.

Alexander stood up from his chair, his eyes still fixed on Sergei. "Very well. It seems like we have settled everything here. I will return back to the Winter Palace and resume my duties as the country's chief-of-staff."

As Alexander walked out of the Command Ops, his mind was already racing with plans and strategies to take down Ralf Hietela and his associates. He knew that this would not be an easy task, but it was one that needed to be done for the sake of the empire's security. He couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the tip of the iceberg, and that there were even greater threats lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike at any moment. The road ahead would be long and treacherous, but Alexander was determined to see it through to the end. He would do whatever it takes to protect his people, family, and his country, even if it meant making sacrifices and facing his toughest challenges yet. After all, he had succeeded with the Black Hand.
