A day later after the bombing run, rumors about screeching jet noises in Mount Ararat garnered a lot of attention in the Anatolia Empire.

Christina was reading a newspaper tackling the issue. The headline reads. "Explosions and loud noises were heard over Mount Ararat. Key witnesses heard screeching noises."

Christina sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "So this is what you are referring to, Rolan?"

"Yes, Your Imperial Highness," Rolan confirmed politely.

"You are being too formal again," Christina said, pouting. "We're the only ones in the room, so what's stopping you from calling me by my name casually, like you always do whenever we are alone?"

"Your Imperial Highness, as much as I want to call you by your name and want to cuddle with you, there are times that we have to set boundaries. There are times for flirting with others and working according to our position. Besides, my men are just outside, listening to every noise that this room is making. You know, for security purposes," Rolan explained, his voice soft.

Christina giggled. "Is that so? That's lame. Even though you have been calling me by my first name when we were at Topkapi Palace. Well, you do make a good point when you put it that way. After all, my brother was acting all chummy to me when I was presenting my report."


Rolan chuckled at the story, finding it cute.

"Speaking of my brother, is he the one who authorized the operation of bombing the separatist group based on Mount Ararat?"

"That's right, Your Imperial Highness," Rolan confirmed. "Our intel three days ago said that the separatists were armed with small arms and high-caliber machine guns, which they could probably use on the day of your meeting with the Sultan. Knowing that we can't let that happen, we fired the first shot. Now, there will be no protesters in Topkapi Palace later."

"I see. Is the Anatolia Empire aware that we are the ones responsible?"

"Not to my knowledge, Your Imperial Highness. You might want to ask His Majesty about that. However, if you are looking for my insights, I'd say that the Anatolia Empire would thank us for doing them a favor. That's one separatist group that has fallen. And if the Ruthenia Empire wants to push forward on the deal, then Ruthenia must do everything to help the Anatolia Empire clean up their pests."

Christina's lips curled into a smile. "You are getting good at this, Rolan.""Not at all, I'm just assuming based on the available data," Rolan said humbly.


"Right," Christina rose to her feet and packed the files she had been reading since morning into her briefcase. The file was about a dispute the Anatolia Empire and the Ruthenia Empire had way back years ago. Fishing rights in the Black Sea. "We are going to meet the Sultan in Topkapi Palace in an hour. Have the Imperial Guards been informed?"

"Yes, we will leave in forty-five minutes. I suggest that you get yourself ready, Christina." Rolan smiled teasingly.

"Now that's more like it," Christina nodded approvingly.


One hour later, at Topkapi Palace. Christina arrived along with her entourage of Imperial Guards. They were escorted inside the palace and into the stateroom where the Sultan is waiting for her arrival.

As soon as Christina arrived at the stateroom, the Sultan stood and courteously nodded at her.


"Your Imperial Highness, the Sultan is pleased to have you back in his humble abode," Sultan's courtier said.

"Thank you," Christina gestured a nod at the Sultan. "I'm pleased to be back at the palace again."action

The two powerful people in the room took their seats after exchanging greetings and began their meeting.

"So, Your Majesty. Has the Anatolia Empire already made decisions about our proposal?"

"Yes, Your Imperial Highness. Under the advice of my ministers and councils, we have decided to push forward on the deal. The Anatolia Empire will grant Ruthenian Empire oil mining companies to prospect oil in our territory, as well as fund the construction of the oil pipeline. They believe that this deal will bring economic prosperity to the Anatolia Empire, please don't renege."

Christina chuckled. "You have nothing to worry about, Your Majesty. The Ruthenia Empire will never go back on its word. What we wanted is a good relationship with the Anatolia Empire. We are not like other western powers, who have ill intent towards your country."

"I am glad to hear that. However, before we conclude this meeting. I want to ask you one thing," the Sultan said.

"What is it, Your Majesty?"

"Are you the ones who bombed the separatist group on Mount Ararat?"

"My government has deemed them a threat to my safety as they planned to conduct operations on the day of our meeting. We want to avoid it so we took care of it before it became a problem," Christina confessed. There's no reason for them to hide it, as the Ruthenians used their jet fighter aircraft. The Ruthenia Empire is one of the countries to have jet fighter aircraft in their arsenal.

"Then I should thank you for doing that. We have also received a tip from our sources, saying that they'll take the streets on the day of our meeting and do something outrageous. I wonder if the Ruthenia Empire is going to allow us to buy military hardware to safeguard our countries' national interest and sovereignty."

"I'm sure Ruthenia would be glad to help, but that is not the room for that discussion. Why don't we discuss the next agenda? About the fishing disputes in the Black Sea?"

And so, the Sultan began.

"Your Imperial Highness, I must protest the actions of the Ruthenian fishing vessels in the Black Sea," the Sultan began, his tone firm but polite. "They are overfishing the waters, leaving little for the Anatolian fishermen who have been relying on these waters for generations."

Christina leaned forward in her seat, her eyes narrowed. "Your Majesty, I must respectfully disagree. The Ruthenian fishing fleet has always operated within the bounds of international law. Our fishermen are just as entitled to these waters as yours."

For hours, the two leaders argued back and forth, each determined to protect the national interest of their respective empires. But as the day wore on, it became clear that neither side was willing to back down.

It was then that a quiet voice spoke up from the back of the room. "Your Highnesses, if I may suggest a compromise," said one of the elderly ministers from the Anatolia Empire, stepping forward. "What if we were to set quotas for the amount of fish each empire is allowed to catch in the Black Sea? This way, the waters can be sustainably harvested and both empires can benefit."

Christina and the Sultan looked at each other, considering the proposal. After a moment of silence, they both nodded in agreement.

"That would be a good idea. But who will regulate it?" Christina asked the elderly minister.

"By establishing a joint committee made up of representatives from the Anatolia Empire and the Ruthenia Empire," the elderly minister answered.

"I see. This is a good compromise and I shall take this to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. What do you think, Your Majesty?" Christina's gaze flickered to the Sultan, who was stroking his beard thoughtfully.

"Yeah, I agree with the suggestion."

"Then is it safe to assume that we have reached an agreement and that the disputes in the Black sea are settled?" Christina asked.


"Great. If nothing more, we can conclude this meeting."
