As they were escorted into the palace, Christina was awestruck by the magnificence of the surroundings. The walls were adorned with intricate tile work, the floors were covered in rich carpets, and the air was scented with exotic fragrances.

Finally, she was led into a large, ornate room where the Sultan sat on a throne, surrounded by his courtiers and advisors. Christina's eyes were drawn to the Sultan, who was an imposing figure dressed in rich, golden robes. He had a long, well-groomed beard and piercing, dark eyes that seemed to look right through her.

Despite her nervousness, Christina approached the Sultan with grace and confidence, bowing respectfully before him. The Sultan nodded in return, and a courtier stepped forward to translate as the Sultan spoke in Turkish.

"Grand Duchess of the Ruthenia Empire, Christina Romanoff. Welcome, to the Anatolia Empire," the courtier said. "Sultan Mehmed VI Vahideddin is pleased to meet you and is eager to hear about your impressions of the palace and the country."

Christina was taken aback by Sultan's warm greeting, and she found herself relaxing in his presence.

"Well, your palace is magnificent and grand, I was taken out of breath every time my eyes fell over the intricacies of the palace. As for the country, I'm sorry as I haven't explored the capital city yet."

As she was speaking, the courtiers translated Christina's words into Turkish, and the Sultan nodded understandingly.


The Sultan whispered back to his courtier, telling him his response.

"The Sultan invites you to the stateroom where you can both discuss your agenda," the courtier said.And there, Christina was escorted through the grand halls of the Topkapi Palace, by a team of well-dressed guards. The sound of her heels echoed through the high-ceiling halls and the ornate decorations seemed to glow in the light of the elaborate chandeliers above.

As she approached the stateroom, she was greeted by the intricate carvings and decorations that covered every inch of the walls and ceiling. The room was filled with plush couches and high-backed chairs, all draped in luxurious fabrics and adorned with intricate embroidery.

In the center of the room stood a large, circular table surrounded by several chairs, and on the table was an ornate display of fruits and pastries, served on delicate china plates. The scent of jasmine and rosewater filled the air, creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere.

They both took their seats opposite one another and stared for a while. Christina was gathering her thoughts, remembering what she came here for. That's right, a joint venture project of the Anatolia Empire and the Ruthenia Empire where the Anatolia Empire will grant Ruthenia Empire companies rights to search for oil and build pipelines.

Every great power of the world realized the importance of having oil, as it fuels the growth of the country. The Anatolia Empire is rich in natural resources, one of them was oil, which was found in the Mesopotamian region and the Caspian Sea region.


"Your Majesty, I came to you today with a proposal. The Ruthenia Empire is eager to establish a joint venture with the Anatolia Empire. We propose that the Ruthenia Empire be granted exclusive rights to mine oil and build pipelines in your country. This would be mutually beneficial to both our countries, as it would increase trade and economic growth."

The Sultan raised an eyebrow, looking skeptical. "And what makes you think that the Ruthenia Empire is capable of such a venture? Our resources are valuable, and we are not eager to give them away without proper compensation."

"Your Majesty, I assure you that the Ruthenia Empire has the necessary resources and expertise to successfully carry out this project," Christina replied, confident in her proposal. "We have a team of experienced engineers and oil industry professionals who are eager to get started. And as for compensation, we are prepared to offer a fair and generous percentage of the profits from the venture."

The Sultan leaned back in his chair, studying Christina closely. "I appreciate your proposal, but I must question your true intentions. Why is the Ruthenia Empire so eager to pursue this venture in our country?"

Christina didn't miss a beat. She had anticipated this question and was prepared with a well-crafted response. "Your Majesty, the Ruthenia Empire recognizes the potential for growth in the Anatolia Empire, and we believe that this joint venture will help us to expand our own economic interests. But most importantly, we believe in building strong partnerships with our neighbors, and we hope that this venture will strengthen the relationship between our two countries."

At this point, the Sultan was closely considering the venture, but he asked again.


"You see, the Britannia Empire, the Francois Republic, and the Britannia Empire all said the same thing. Strengthening the relationship between our countries helps both of our economies and something like that. But in the end, they always reneged on their words, ending us getting exploited. So if I may ask, how are you different from the three countries I just mentioned?"

"Well, you can look at the countries we have heavily invested in. Our territories in Senegal and Manchuria have seen significant growth over the years thanks to our long-term commitment."

"But those territories you mentioned are part of the Ruthenia Empire. Isn't it common sense that a country should develop its own territory?"

"But the people living in those territories were not Ruthenians until we annexed them. Even if they are different from us, we still strive to make the territory look like any other developed cities of the Ruthenia Empire. Senegal for example is becoming the main economic hub in Africa, and the Manchurian is becoming one of the richest and most industrialized regions in the Far East. It was all thanks to my brother's generosity and his ability to keep his word. When my brother makes a decision, it will be done. This meeting of ours was his decision, and she entrusted this duty to me. We are committed and we will never renege on any agreement, I promise that to you, Your Majesty."

The Sultan nodded, considering her words. "I will take your proposal under advisement. I will have my advisors review the details and we will discuss it further."

Christina stood, grateful for the opportunity to present her proposal. "Thank you, Your Majesty. I look forward to hearing your decision." With that, Christina was escorted from the stateroom, leaving the Sultan to ponder her proposal. She couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning of what promised to be a long and challenging negotiation. But she was confident that she had made a strong case, and she was eager to see where this joint venture would lead.

Naturally, the decisions would take days, if not weeks, so as they waited for Sultan's decision, Christina and her entourage left the palace and headed to the estate house where she will be staying until the Sultan gave his decision.

"So, how did it go?" Rolan asked.

"Well I think the Sultan is considering it," Christina said.

"I see, great work," Rolan praised, making Christina blush slightly.

She looked out the window and watched the sun start to set.action

"I want to see more of this country," Christina mumbled.
