Meanwhile, in the very capital of the country Wangxi and Ralf were referring to in their talks, Alexander oversaw the departures of the heads of state of each country who attended the convention for the creation of the United Nation.

The convention was a sweeping success, with each country signing to become part of the United Nations. The news spread around the world like wildfire, be it on television, radio, or in newspapers. Though it has been ratified by the delegates, the United Nations is not yet established until next week.

One of Alexander's major policies was completed. He can now focus on the internal affairs of the country.

"Christina, any reports that require my attention?" Alexander glanced at Christina, who was clutching five files in her hands as she stood next to him. She shook her head lightly.

"There's nothing, Your Majesty. Everything was just about congratulating you for spearheading the creation of the United Nation. Some predicted that you may earn a Nobel prize for establishing it for greater good and world peace," Christina praised.

"Is that so? Then I will be pleased. After all, it will be my second time receiving it," Alexander said as he watched over aircraft taking off at the airport.

"There goes the plane of the Queen of the Britannia Empire, up the way she goes," Alexander commented casually, as he watched Vickers Viscount take off from the runway and soar through the clouds.



Six years later. The year was 1935, and the world was progressing peacefully under the leadership of the Ruthenia Empire. Major inventions such as metal containers revolutionize the shipping industry, prompting all the nations to build a port accommodating container ships. The economy of the great powers flourished as each country traded goods and services, primarily technology.

Major cities in the Ruthenia Empire such as Moskva received a lot of reception from around the world when the skyscrapers scraped the skies, giving a new definition of how a city should look like.

The comforts the Ruthenian Empire citizens exclusively had in its earlier years are now enjoyed by many around the world. Shopping malls, automobiles, aviation, everything! In just a span of six years, the Ruthenian Empire dominated the world with its culture and technology. It was as if the world was being shaped by the Ruthenia Empire.actionAnd there seem to be no signs of stopping. Truly, it was the roaring thirties. Aside from global development, the Ruthenia Empire expanded the fleet of their satellites orbiting the planet. They have launched eighteen satellites in the span of six years. Improving navigation in the air, land, and sea. Not only did they launch navigational satellites but reconnaissance, weather, Earth observation, communication, and astronomical satellites as well. For now, they are the only countries with satellites up in space. The great powers are still playing catch up as they develop their own space program.

In the Winter Palace. Nothing much has changed, Alexander was still stuck on his desk as he fulfilled his constitutional duties while watching the television. The news channel was covering the fifth session of the United Nations.

Though there is one difference, he is not alone in his office. A boy with dark purple hair and eyes as blue as the sapphire can be seen sitting on the chair across from him. He was eating crackers while his eyes remained glued to the books he was reading.


"Father, may I speak?" Andrei asked politely.

"What is it?"

"The United Nations is in its fifth session but they are not doing any actions about the violence in Africa. Nationalists from the regions are rising up to their colonizers and killing innocent civilians. Why are they not sending peacekeeping troops into the area to stop it?"

Alexander was slightly surprised at his son's question. Normally, children at his age would ask about how things work, like what makes the Earth go around, how babies are made, et cetera. But Andrei was different. Instead of asking those questions, he would ask about the political decisions of the United Nations and even his administration. Why are they not doing or doing that?

"Because the colonizers can contain the situation. Once it spiraled out of their control, that's where the United Nations are going to send peacekeeping troops."

"Another question, why do the Nationalists in the region have Ruthenian weapons? I thought we have protocols in place regulating arms exportation but I'm seeing them on the television."


"I must say, even I don't know why they are ending up having those," Alexander said the truth. It was one of the major problems Alexander was facing in his administration. Ruthenian weapons somehow get into the hands of the enemies.

There is no such thing as a perfect government, that's what he believes, scandals and corruption are happening in his government and he's been doing everything he can to catch whoever is responsible for Internal Affairs.

The problem is, they are good at hiding. But that's not a legitimate excuse for stopping himself from finding them.

"Oh, they are calling your country out now, father," Andrei said, snapping Alexander out of his thoughts and looking over at the television.

"The Ruthenia Empire weapons flowing into Africa is a major concern for the peace and security in the region. Not only in Africa but in the Republic of China and the Choson Empire as well. I ask the Ruthenian Empire representative to help us understand why this is all happening? Is the Ruthenia Empire arming those communists and nationalists to achieve some sort of goal?"

"That's quite an offensive assumption you are making here, Mister Chamberlain," the representative of the Ruthenia Empire in the General Assembly, Igor, stood and pointed his finger. "We take this matter very seriously and we are looking for the one responsible for the gunrunning in aforementioned states."

"Isn't it just the way of you telling us that your internal security has been compromised?"

"He is grilling him, father," Andrei commented.

"I know."

"Is the internal security of the Ruthenia Empire compromised? You can tell me, father."

"We shouldn't be discussing this," Alexander said as he grabbed the remote control of the television, and pressed the power button.

"Why did you turn it off? I was still watching," Andrei protested, as he looked at Alexander who was sitting back and staring intently at the screen.

"The show is not appropriate for children like you and besides, you have school later, am I right?"

"But father…"

"There's no but. Leave my office now Andrei and prepare for your school later. And also, I have reminded you countless times that when I'm on duty, I'm not your father, I'm the Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire."

Andrei groaned before slinking out of the room as he sulked.

When Andrei left the room, Alexander sighed.

"Shit, I'm not looking good in front of my son," Alexander mumbled to himself. "That's it, I'm tired of waiting for the reports. I will go there myself."
