"It's nice to see some familiar faces here," Alexander muttered under his breath. The person that he first recognized is the current president of the Republic of China, Sun Yat-sen. He met him in St. Petersburg when he was planning on deterring the Deutschland Empire forces from landing in Shanghai. It was nice that their investment paid off.

With a country with a population nearing a billion, its labor force is something to be not taken lightly. The Republic of China is probably going to capitalize as they industrialize the whole nation.action

The current Queen of the Britannia Empire, Diana Rosemary Edinburgh. Her ascension to the throne was a rough one when her sister, an executive of the Black Hand, performed a coup, overthrowing her and controlling the Britannia Empire in just over a week. It's a shame that she didn't execute her sister for treason. Their familial bond was strong.

And that was it. All of the delegates here are new faces when they took over their predecessor who are affiliated with the Black Hand. It was terrifying to realize that Black Hand managed to breach the highest position in the government. However, they ran out of luck when Alexander came into power.

"Greetings, everyone. I welcome you to the Ruthenia Empire. It is with great honor that I will see all of you here working towards peace and progress on an international level. The organization and friendship that we are going to create here determines whether the world we are living in right now will exist in the next few centuries,"

Alexander gave the opening statement. The delegates were listening attentively to what Alexander was saying. It was all spoken in English, and so those who were having a hard time understanding the language had their interpreters behind their backs whispering the translated words to the delegates' ears.The interpreters present in the hall were informed beforehand of the topic that is going to be tackled at the convention. This is to ensure that the interpreters won't go off topic and misinterpret some words that could otherwise be crucial to the decision-making of the delegates.

"I'm sure you have read the charter of the United Nations. It is to promote peace and security in the whole world. I am also certain that you have seen a glimpse of how deadly war is on a global scale," Alexander leaned forward as he emphasized his words one by one.


There were also media with their television cameras present inside the hall, their job was to broadcast the convention to the people of the Ruthenia Empire and to the whole world. Television was not only the medium but radio as well. This is to make sure that the people from their respective countries know what they were talking about and to have a correct judgment should their delegates make the wrong decision of not joining the United Nation.

"The war is not an adventure compared to the past. With our recent technological breakthrough, we have shown you how deadly military arms are. If you are questioning why we are building such a weapon, know that we are only using it to protect the Ruthenia Empire's national interest, safeguard its people, and protect the country itself from foreign threats. This was displayed when the Black Hand conducted a world revolution that almost plunged the world into total chaos. But I struck them down and now the only job left to you as successors is to keep the peace we are having and enjoying. Therefore, I will mark the beginning of the creation of the United Nation."

The delegates opened the file, which is a copy of the charter, and Alexander began.

"The United Nation will have six bodies. The General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice, and the UN Secretariat."

As one would have noticed, the United Nations was pretty much similar to the original United National founded after world war two. This will serve as a formality the country has to follow. Giving them a sense of decency and rationality that each country lacked during the height of imperialism.

"First of all, the General Assembly. The General Assembly is like the parliament of a government. This is where discussions and policy-making are conducted which lasts three months within a year until all issues are settled. The General Assembly members will be made up of all of the participating members, and each country will select a with no more than five representatives to the General Assembly. They will represent your country. Meaning. The General Assembly has the power to censure states for violating UN Charter principles, which include, but are not limited to, bar countries from serving on UN panels and kicking countries out of the UN Human Rights Council if they commit egregious human rights abuses. Not only that, your country may face sanctions which will hurt your economy badly…"


As Alexander was speaking, a delegate raised his hand.

"We have a question from the Prime Minister of the Yamato Empire. Please, share it with us."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for giving me a chance to speak," the prime minister of the Yamato Empire said. "My question is simple, what if we don't join the United Nation?"

"That's a good question. Well, technically, you have nothing to lose. I'm going to reiterate, joining the United Nation is voluntary, we are not forcing you. But should you infringe upon the sanctity of a member-states of the United Nation, expect that there will be a reaction from coalition forces of the United Nation. Surely, you know what that entails, Mister Prime Minister?"

The Prime Minister gulped as he nodded in affirmation. "Yes, I know…"

He might be thinking, why bother joining the United Nations and following its rules strictly when you can choose to not be a member? True there won't be any rules to follow but if they decided to invade their neighboring countries that are part of the UN, it will be a great loss to them economically due to sanctions.


With that, he can weigh the pros and cons, and he will decide later.

"Now, is that the only question you have, Mister Prime Minister?" Alexander asked, making sure that it was the only last before he could continue.

"Yes, Your Majesty, sorry for interrupting. Please continue," the Prime Minister said.

"No need to apologize, Mister Prime Minister as I'm sure others have the same question but are nervous to speak it out, do you all?" Alexander took one quick glance at the delegates.

Everyone was silent and lowered their heads lightly so as to not meet his gaze. It seemed that was the case.

"Anyways let's proceed."
