Alexander stepped off of the helicopter. Rolan and Christina trailed him from behind. They walked over the red carpet with Imperial Guards standing on either side of it. As they passed by it, they stomped their feet and performed a salute.

They met Diana in the middle, and Alexander was the first one to initiate the handshake.

"It's been a while, Queen Diana."

"Indeed it is," Diana smiled as she firmly shook his hand.

"Welcome to the Ruthenia Empire. I believe this is your first formal visit to the country as the Queen of the Britannia Empire."

"Yeah, but if we count those that aren't official, it's three," Diana said.

"So how is she behaving?" Alexander asked, knowing full well that Diana knew who he was referring to.


"She's behaving in the palace, doing menial chores and things. Nothing worth noting to discuss," Diana breathed in the air and exhaled. "The air in the Ruthenia Empire has always been this pleasant."

"Of all things you could have complimented, you chose the air," Alexander chuckled wryly.

"Oh, why is Christina here?"

"Finally, you have noticed me, Your Royal Majesty," Christina gestured a polite bow. "Let me reintroduce myself to you. I'm Christina Romanoff, The Emperor's Chief of Staff. It's a secretarial role that takes care of the Emperor."Diana hummed, her gaze flickering to Alexander. "Is that true, cousin?"

"It is indeed a fact," Alexander confirmed. "I needed a person that can handle the chores of reading piles of documents where I only need to sign them. As you may know, I'm not only the Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire, I am its head of state. A lot of people report to me and sometimes it'll take hours to complete, leaving me with only fewer hours to spend with my family."

"That's saddening, but good thing that Christina accepted the role. I heard that Sophie gave birth to a boy. I can't wait to see my first cousin once removed."


Alexander chuckled. "Do you really have to be that specific?"

"It's easier that way," Diana said simply. "Shall we get going? I heard that the Prime Minister of the Francois Republic arrived at the same time as me. You wouldn't want a head of state of another country to make them wait for you, that would be rude."

"You don't have to remind me," Alexander said, as they started walking towards the terminal of the airport.

"After cleansing this world of Black Hand, now you want to form an international organization? To be honest, I don't really know what the Ruthenia Empire is doing or planning anymore. You have a very powerful weapon that can wipe out an entire city and yet you are not using it to make us submit."

"Is that how you really look at the Ruthenia Empire, Diana?" Alexander said and continued. "We are not savages, we are a country with moral integrity and ideals. There is nothing wrong with forming an organization that would keep peace in the world."

"And yet you annexed the territory in the Black Continent and ramped up your military forces. I don't think your words match your actions. Just admit it, cousin. There is really no such thing as peace. We, humans, are bound to fight over something no matter how petty it is."


"That's true, but at least you have seen a glimpse of what a war between great powers would look like. In total annihilation, hundreds of people will be killed, their homes destroyed, and their livelihoods lost. We just had a fight with the Black Hand, and I don't want to have another catastrophic war under my reign."

Diana heaved a sigh of relief. "We are rather fortunate that the Ruthenai Empire has you as their leader. Imagine if it is another, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now."

When Diana said that, it triggered a flashback in Alexander's mind. Yeah, what if the Ruthenia Empire had another leader that worked differently than him. Would the Ruthenia Empire aggressively expand and be at odds with other great powers? It could be, after all, one of Alexander's closest aids was near to getting the throne for himself. Which would have ended badly, if the reign was taken from him. Fortunately, it didn't happen so it will only remain as a what-if.

"I'll make sure to train my successor once I give up the throne."

"And that would be in two decades. You could have a tendency of wanting the power all to yourself, you know."

"I'm not easily blinded by power," Alexander said.

As they were having their conversation, they didn't realize that they had arrived at the terminal. It was spacious inside, with tiled floors and a high ceiling. The air inside was warmer compared to the outside, which was chilly.

Sitting in one of the rows of chairs, was the Prime Minister of the Francois Republic, Sir Benjamin Clemenceau. He was reading a newspaper surrounded by his team of security detail.

He succeeded the former Prime Minister of the Francois Republic after it was found out that the late Prime Minister was affiliated with the Black Hand. He was kicked out of the office and is serving his time in Gulag. The Francois Republic was generous towards the Ruthenia Empire for handing Black Hand associates to them.

The Prime Minister of the Francois Republic lowered his newspaper to see who was approaching. The flow of his reading was interrupted due to the footsteps tapping on the floors.

The moment he saw the people approaching him, he shut his newspaper closed and immediately raised to his feet. He wiped the palm of his hand off of any sweat, to prepare for a handshake from the Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire and the Queen of the Britannia Empire.

"Your Majesty, you gracing me with your presence has filled me with great pleasure. How do you do?"

"How do you do, Monsieur Benjamin. How was your flight?" Alexander asked as he shook his hand.

"It's one of the most comfortable rides I have ever experienced. It's a lot faster compared to trains and ships," Benjamin smiled as he shifted his gaze to the person standing next to him.

"Your Royal Majesty, the Queen of the Britannia Empire herself. To think that I'm meeting with the two reigning monarchs who ruled the most powerful country in Europe is quite the honor."

"You flatter me, Monsieur Benjamin. So, are you ready to take part in world history?"

"The world leaders are meeting in the same place huh? Count me in. I'm excited about what this United Nations has to offer."
