The Senegalese locals in the port of Dakar simply stared at Sergei after speaking to them in French. Senegal has been colonized by the Francois Republic for almost three centuries. It's no wonder that the locals here would speak the same language as their colonizers.

Good thing for Sergei, he speaks French fluently, and thus further communication between the locals and the representatives would be made easy thanks to it. However, despite introducing himself as a high-ranking official in the Ruthenia Empire, no one stepped forward to receive him.

Sergei glanced at them and scanned their appearance. From their clothes alone, Sergei can tell that the people in front of him were nothing but locals.

"This is slightly humiliating," Sergei muttered under his breath in Ruthenian. "He had sent a letter to the Senegalese representative that they'll be arriving at the port of Dakar in eight days. And that day and time came and yet they were not here. Is this some sort of disrespect?

"Move, move! Make way!" someone shouted in French from behind the congregated crowds. The crowds moved aside without question. A man wearing a black suit with a red hat marched through the sea of people, stopping before Sergei. He was a black tall man and had thin stature. His eyes were dark brown and his hair is black. Behind him stood two soldiers in blue military uniforms, holding a Lebel Model 1886 bolt-action rifle.

"You must be the Foreign Minister of the Ruthenian Empire, Sergei Grigorivich," the man spoke in French.

"And who might you be?" Sergei asked back in French, keeping up the conversation.


"My name is Leopold Diallo. I am the representative of the territory of Senegal. I have been expecting your arrival, Mister Grigorivich," Leopold said, extending his hand toward Sergei for a handshake. "As we are currently transitioning, most of our people here do not speak the same language as you."

"Well, you'll learn them in due time," Sergei replied nonchalantly while shaking Leopold's hand. After pulling away, Sergei gave a slight bow to Leopold. "Is there someone else where we can speak?""We can use the Hotel de Ville in the capital. It was used by the Francois governor during his stay here. But now that they transferred ownership to the Ruthenia Empire, it became yours. I'll get you and your security team there. We have enough to accommodate six people, including you. So you can bring five guards with you."

"Thank you," Sergei smiled at him.


The Hotel de Ville is an administrative building in Dakar. It features Francois's colonial architecture in a Victorian structure. Combined with the clock tower, it is a significant sight in Dakar's architecture that has access to a beautiful view of Dakar Bay. The building serves as the City Hall of Dakar where the governor appointed by the Francois Republic to handle the internal affairs of Senegal resides.

But just as Leopold said to him, the ownership was transferred to the Ruthenia Empire. Simply put, it will serve as the administrative building housing the future governor of Senegal appointed by the Ruthenian Empire. However, such a thing would be official when the Senegalese representative, Leopold, signed the annexation documents.


Leopold and Sergei entered the office that belonged to the Francois governor. It still had the furniture it had when the governor was living there. It will serve as Sergei's temporary office.

Leopold sat across from him and he began. "I have heard stories about the Ruthenia Empire. How it grew from one of the outdated empires into a world superpower. Even when all the great powers of Europa declared war on your country, it still emerged victorious and gained a lot of territories through concessions."

"Well that will make you a well-informed man," Sergei said. "This will make it easy. You know why I am here right, Leopold?"

"I've read your letters," Leopold pulled a cigarette out from his pocket and lit it up with a lighter. It took him ten seconds to finish what he was doing before continuing his words. "The Ruthenia Empire wants to annex Senegal."

"That's right, and I have already prepared the necessary documents to settle it. The only thing that is stopping it from being official is your signature."

"You have a powerful country, Mister Sergei. Have a bomb that can obliterate cities from afar. Why bother taking the diplomatic route when you can just send in your military and occupy us?"


"That is because the Ruthenia Empire wanted to do things formally," Sergei answered simply. "It's true that we have the military capability to do just that. After all, you are a weak and underdeveloped nation where your people still use spears, horses, and arrows. You will be no match against ours but violence is not what we want. We took a peaceful approach because His Majesty and I believe in the importance of having Senegal as our territory. In order to achieve that, we have to win over the people, the Senegalese."

"May I know the reason why Mister Sergei? You said to me in your letter that you are going to annex Senegal but the reason was not stated. Please help me understand why that is." Leopold asked.

"Hmm, your country has direct access to the South Atlantic Ocean. His Majesty ordered the construction of a new fleet that operates in the Atlantic. The Atlantic Fleet. It will protect commerce in the region and protect the Ruthenian Empire's interest in the region. Not only that, having Senegal gave us direct access to Africa."

"I see," Leopold nodded understandingly. "I'm starting to realize it just now. Senegal truly is of strategic importance to the Ruthenia Empire. Okay, another question, what is going to happen to Senegal once it becomes part of the Ruthenia Empire?"

"Are you aware of the story about Manchuria?"

"I am," Leopold confirmed.

"That territory once belonged to the fallen dynasty of Han. It just became the Republic of China after defeating the communist forces in a civil war. Manchuria experienced massive changes under our rule and you can expect the same thing to happen in Senegal should you choose to submit to us," Sergei said.

"And what if I refuse?" Leopold asked but trod carefully, afraid the answer to the question was going to lead him to a fight between him and the Ruthenia Empire.

Sergei simply smiled. "Remember when we told you that we are doing things formally? Well, we can suspend that and go for option B, and I believe you know what that option is."

"Yeah, I can see it through your eyes, utter destruction," Leopold replied and sighed. "I will speak to the different tribes about this matter. Do you happen to have a copy of the document that is translated into French? So that I can explain it to them clearly?"

"I'll give it to you," Sergei said and continued. "But remember, you only have one week to decide. The patience of His Majesty quickly runs thin, when it becomes thin, expect that he will become aggressive."action
