Just like every day before the war, Alexander was cooped up in his office, working on a pile of documents stacked on his table. Ministerial reports and casualty reports of the war took almost half of the document.

"Just how many young men would have to die because of the stupidity of the Black Hand?" Alexander muttered under his breath, his voice weak as if it doesn't have vitality in them.

Alexander ordered an operation to take out all of the Black Hand executives operating in the countries at war with the Ruthenia Empire. He believed that capturing them and having them answer for their crimes will help end the war. It wasn't wishful thinking, he has faith in the people living in those countries. When they found out that they went to war with the Ruthenia Empire under the will of the Black Hand, they immediately gave up.

It's common sense, no one would want to die for the Black Hand. It's a presumptuous and ridiculous thing to do.

It's been four days since Diana and Anne left. Alexander was informed about Diana's plan for her sister. Instead of executing Anne, Diana would simply fake her death and have her identity. That way, she won't have influence in the parliament, basically becoming an ordinary citizen with some of her rights taken away. For example, she can't leave without permission from her sister. And when she is out on the streets, there must be guards following her at all times to make sure she won't do anything out of the ordinary.action

Alexander understands Diana's decision. After all, before Anne had strayed from the path, they were sisters that loved each other. The bond of the family couldn't be severed that easily, especially when the two realize that they wronged each other. Besides, though not originally, Alexander had sisters in this world too. It would be painful to imagine that one of them is working with the Black Hand, and getting to decide whether to spare them or not.

Without Sevastian, there's no one who would give him daily updates. Honestly speaking, Alexander is kind of missing that. But betrayal is a betrayal, his aid to the Black Hand resulted in the death of Alexander's mother and father, causing so much grief to his sisters, and even planning of killing him to take the throne for himself, which would mean taking him away from his wife, daughter, and his future baby.


Sevastian execution is scheduled for tomorrow. He hasn't decided if he will attend it or not.

Alexander looked at his wristwatch to check the time.

"I guess it's about time," Alexander muttered, and grabbed the remote control of the television and pressed the power button. The television screen flickered to life. A text flashed across the screen.

"The Queen of the Britannia Empire speech will begin shortly."

Many would assume that it was Anne, but Alexander was given a heads up about the speech, it won't be Anne, but Diana herself.

Shortly after, the screen changed. The venue of Diana's speech was the Palace of Westminster. Since Buckingham Palace was thrashed and littered with corpses due to Rolan's infiltration, the speech was decided to be held in the Palace of Westminster instead.


Diana walked up to the podium. He could hear a lot of gasping noise from the television. After all, she was announced dead to the people of the Britannia Empire. Seeing her in the flesh and blood must have been a shocking sight for them."Good morning, I'm Queen Diana Rosemary Edinburgh, the rightful heir to the throne. I'm broadcasting to all subjects of the Britannia Empire, domestic and abroad. Through television and radio. I know you are wondering, how am I up here? I was announced dead right? No. The real truth was my sister was affiliated with the Black Hand and conducted a coup. To take the throne for herself, she decided to fake my death and hid me under Westminster Abbey. But thanks to the help of the Ruthenia Empire, I was saved from captivity. Unfortunately, my sister, Anne Mary Edinburgh, was caught in the crossfire and was killed.

"My loyal subjects, hear me. Our enemy is not the Ruthenia Empire, it is the Black Hand that is manipulating behind the scene. Forced us who are at peace with the Ruthenia Empire to wage war. My loyal subjects, are you going to accept such humiliation? That you were led to believe that I was killed and so we exact revenge on a country that has nothing to do with it? Led to believe that it was the Ruthenia Empire who killed your emperor and king? No, it was all the Black Hand's doing. Your family is waiting for you to return home, you should all return to your homes and be with your family. That is why, with my royal decree, end all hostilities with the Ruthenia Empire. The Minister of Foreign Affairs is speaking with the Ruthenian government, to negotiate peace.

"I ask that the coalition forces do the same. You are being deceived by the Black Hand. You are not fighting for your country, you are fighting for the Black Hand. An organization that kills and kills men, women, and children. That is all everyone, and may god bless you."

The transmission ended, and Alexander leaned back in his seat and stretched his arms.

"That's one down," he uttered.



On the frontlines, one day after the Britannia Empire pulled out from the war, effectively ending hostilities with the Ruthenia Empire. The Deutschland and Austrean soldiers braced each other in their trenches as the Ruthenian ground forces marched towards them with tanks, armored vehicles, and hundreds of infantry.

The soldiers were already shell-shocked from the incessant bombardment of the Ruthenian military from its artillery and self-propelled artillery. Not only that, but the Air Force of the Ruthenia Empire has also caused a great shock to their minds. Especially the air battleship Perun, the Harbinger, if they call it.

Their tanks were useless against Ruthenians, their weapons weren't as powerful as theirs and they shoot many bullets compared to their guns.

But after hearing the speech of the Britannian Queen, the Deutschland and Austrean soldiers were surprised and confused at the same time.

"We are fighting for the Black Hand? I didn't sign up for this shit!"

"So it was the Black Hand who killed our emperor huh? I can't believe this. I can't imagine dying for the Black Hand."

"I signed up to serve my country! Not the Black Hand!"

"So those who have lost their lives in the war died for nothing?"

"This is all Black Hand's fault. I joined the war because I thought it was them who killed the Kaiser. Now that we found out that it wasn't them, then what are we doing here?"

"Comrades! Let's end this war and return to our family! I have a daughter that I want to see grow. Who is with me?!"


A lot of soldiers raised their arms.

"What do you think you are all doing?" The general asked, pulling out his pistol and pointing it at one of the soldiers' heads. "You are thinking of running away? You are a disgrace to the fatherland."

"We are not fighting for the fatherland, general! We are fighting for the Black Hand. I can't stomach that kind of thought. So we will go home, and you are not going to stop us."

"Don't you dare…" the general pressed the muzzle of the pistol on the soldier's forehead. But, to his surprise, the soldiers around him raised their rifles and aimed them at the general.

"Look, we won't be deceived! We are going home—"

"The Ruthenians are coming!" one of the soldiers alerted but none of the soldiers made a move.

"Wave the white flag, tell the Ruthenians we are surrendering," the soldier who was under the threat of getting fired upon order.

"But, what if they shoot us?"

"They won't. I'm sure the Ruthenians are aware of our situation, so wave the white flag."

"Yes sir…"

The Ruthenians continued their approach. The columns of tanks moving across cause the earth to shiver.

The Deutschland soldier raised the white flag and waved it, alerting the Ruthenians of their surrender.

One of the Ruthenian soldiers approached the trench slowly. The moment he arrived there, he was surprised at what he had seen. The soldiers aimed their guns at their generals.

"Fine," the Ruthenian said.

Almost immediately, the Deutschland and the Austrean soldiers dropped their weapons to the ground and raised their hands up.
