In the office of Mr. Claude, the Ambassador of the Britannian Empire. Mikhail stood in front of his desk, sweat trickling down from his forehead and to his neck. He panted, trying to catch his breath after running straight across the pandemonium into here.

"Sir Claude, you have to convene an emergency meeting now! The Special Forces of the Ruthenian Army have arrived to evacuate us and are helping the military guards as we speak."

"Evacuate?" Claude's eyes raised as he stood from his seat. "Are you saying that your decision remains the same? That you're going to flee?"

"It's a direct order from His Majesty, Emperor Alexander. I don't have a choice here despite explaining the seriousness of the situation," Mikhail replied.

"Before we proceed, that explosion just earlier, did the Ruthenians do that?" Claude asked.

"Yes, they have cleared out the artillery of the Boxers to put an end to their incessant shellings into the Legation. This is probably to lessen the casualties that are mounting as we speak."

Claude hummed in understanding. He looked down, his fists on the table. "Why do you wish to convene an emergency meeting?"


"You heard of helicopters, right? An aircraft with large blades spinning on top. Those aircraft are going to get me and my staff out of here. But His Majesty also extended the aid to you and to the civilians who wished to leave the International Legation Quarter, that's why."

"I see, so that's how it is…to show that the Ruthenians didn't just flee the International Legation Quarter but also offered us a safe passage out of here, with this, your country won't look bad."

"Why do you always associate the decisions of my government with politics?" Mikhail's eyes narrowed. Honestly speaking, he's getting irked about Claude calling his country a coward who flees in battle.

"Because everything is politics, Sir Mikhail," Claude answered truthfully. "But it doesn't mean I am rejecting the offer your government made. So, why don't we call everyone and let them decide their fate? Frankly speaking, the situation we are facing right now is grim, with too many casualties from the bombings alone and troops getting demoralized by getting overwhelmed with superior firepower. At this rate, we won't survive for five days.""It's good to see that you are realizing right now that staying here is futile. The Boxers are equipped with the latest technology possibly provided by the Hanese government. If the Hanese government is affiliated with the Boxers, then our only hope is to wait for the military to arrive, which can take days."

"I know," Claude agreed. "So let's go visit each Legation and invite their ambassadors."



Ten minutes later, the ambassadors from ten great powers participated in the emergency meeting. The agenda? To leave or to stay.

"Everyone, before we begin, I would like to introduce to you the captain of the Special Forces who is currently lending support to the military guards, Major Makarov."

Makarov stepped forward and bowed courteously in front of the Ambassadors.

Mikhail continued. "The explosion that occurred near the Legation Quarter that wiped out the artillery of the Boxers, was Ruthenia's military doing. Thanks to that, the shellings on the Legation Quarter have been decreased and lessened the destruction. However, it's just a calm before the storm, the Boxers are determined to expel us and wouldn't hesitate to kill foreigners. So Ruthenia has offered to each legation safe evacuation. Of course, whatever your decision may be, we will respect it. But should you remain here in the Legation, know that you had your chance and that the life that you represented lies in your hands, That's all," Mikhail concluded and returned to his seat.

Mikhail gave Makarov a prompting look, allowing him to speak. "Good evening everyone, my name is Makarov. I'm the captain of the Special Forces tasked to evacuate the Ruthenian Ambassador and his staff. If any of you want to leave the International Legation Quarter, please reach out to the Ruthenian Ambassador, he will list the names and allow us to calculate how many helicopters we are going to need to ensure safety during the evacuation. And to reassure you all, my team and I are not going to leave until everyone who wished to be evacuated is transported out safely. That's allt," he concluded.

Makarov retreated and stood behind Mikhail. It was a tempting offer from those who are feeling desperate to get out, especially to those who have witnessed and experienced what a war looks like.


"The Ruthenians have disabled their artillery." the United States Ambassador, Mr. Myers said. "This means we can defend the International Legation Quarter as the Boxers are only armed with bolt-action rifles and machine guns. They won't be able to breach our defense without artillery so I'd say that we stay here.""That may be right, Mr. Ambassador," Makarov responded. "However, how certain are you that's the only artillery they have? What if they have another that will arrive tomorrow? I want you all to be aware that once the Ruthenians and the people who wished to evacuate are out, the Ruthenians will no longer offer support to your military guards."

"Sure, the Ruthenians are getting cocky these days huh?" Myers scoffed. "You speak as if we can't survive without you."

"You were suffering from constant bombardments of the Boxers earlier and your troops who are fighting in the gate are getting demoralized by each passing minute. If our aircraft didn't come, it'll be only a matter of time before they rout," Makarov said.

Myers clicked his tongue, "Whatever. The United States doesn't have concessions with the Hans and won't plan to have one in the future. I underestimated the Boxers so my decision will change for the safety of my people."

"Me too," the Sardegnian ambassador joined. "I'm sorry, Mr. Claude the Boxers are just powerful and without our military, the International Legation Quarter will be overrun before they get here."

"I understand," Claude nodded his head understandingly.

"Seems like a united eleven powers didn't deter the spirits of the Boxers huh?" the Deutschland ambassador commented. "I have witnessed how terrible and scary to be on the receiving end of artillery bombardment so I will secede and evacuate."

And one by one, each ambassador raised their hands, wanting to be evacuated from the International Legation Quarter. It was nine out of ten, there's only one country that hasn't decided yet.

"Sir Claude, you're the last one," Mikhail called.

A deep frown etched upon Claude's forehead as he glanced at the ambassadors. Then his gaze landed upon Mikhail. His expression showed disappointment and defeat.

"Fine," he sighed. "We will go too. But since all of us are leaving, should we try to negotiate with the leader of the Boxers leading the siege outside?"

"That's a good idea if they are willing to listen," Mikhail said after a short pause. "Sir Makarov, do you have a way to make it a possibility?"

"Leave it to me, Mr. Ambassador," Makarov said with a determined look.
