Back- Part 2


Calhoun chuckled at her words, taking it in a literal sense, he said, "I don't think you would need me for it, Sophie. The paints are there in the room. Just take the can and pour it on yourself."

For the first two seconds, Sophie blinked and looked at Calhoun, waiting for him to say something more but he didn't say anything. She nervously laughed again, her hand around Calhoun's arm,

"That is so mean, brother Calhoun. You are always teasing me," said Sophie to him.

"I cannot help but want to tease you," he smiled looking at her and she returned the smile back.

Both Calhoun and Sophie were treating each other nicely for their means. If it was someone else who had taken the audacity to speak about her having to pour paints on herself, she would not have stopped herself from slapping the person who would try to make a joke. But Calhoun was no regular person. He was the King, and if she were going to be his queen one day, she would have to keep him in her good grace.


Not to forget, Calhoun had his own charm. Every word he uttered was mesmerising enough that she didn't like it when he paid attention to other girls. She wondered if Calhoun had done something to the human that had her walking in such a state.

When Calhoun's eyes met Theodore's, a quiet stare passing between them, Theodore took it to himself to ask, "Lady Sophie, shall I get the room prepared for you if you are staying here tonight?"

"That wouldn't be necessary. I already asked one of the servants to get me the room," Sophie didn't look at Theodore as she said this, but she glanced at Calhoun with a smile on her face, "But when I asked for the room, I was assigned in one of the guest rooms of the castle."

"Isn't that where guests stay? Unless you are asking to share my room," Calhoun raised his eyebrow, "How scandalous."

Hearing him say those words which were what her heart and mind desired, Sophie couldn't help but blush over it. Calhoun's charm was not immune to anyone and at the end of the day, Sophie was just another girl who was trying to get his approval in what she did, showing him how much she respected him and did things he wanted her to do.

"That's not what I meant!" Sophie quickly covered it up by saying, "I am your relative. It is just strange that I am being added in the guest rooms and not in the quarters. I didn't get to stay there even once."


Calhoun's intelligent eyes looked at Sophie, the subtle smile on his lips had not left from his face, "The King's quarters is only for the King. Did you see something you were not supposed to see, Sophie?" he asked.

Sophie shook her head.

"Thank you for looking after me, brother Calhoun," she thanked him before asking him, "Where is Madeline?"

"Lady Madeline," corrected Calhoun and Sophie felt a jab in her chest, "She's possibly in her room. Resting now. You can talk to her once she comes down for dinner."

"Resting? Is she alright?" asked Sophie in concern which was not how she truly felt.

"She's fine. Where is your mother? She will be upset if she sees you hanging out with men, especially when you are yet to find a suitable man and settle down. How are the suitors?" asked Calhoun, flipping the whole question to her side.


"I don't think there's anyone in the suitors who are worthy of me so far. I thought perhaps I should join the court. I will maybe find someone here in court. What do you think?" asked Sophie, her words indirect as usual.

"Suit yourself," Calhoun replied with a bright smile and a spark in his dark red eyes. Theodore, as usual, only moved his eyes without being too obvious and keeping his words and thoughts to himself.

Back in the room, Madeline had removed the coat and started to change herself into something much more decent than what she was wearing since from the last few minutes and hours in the gallery. Until she had reached the room, she had tried to hide her face behind her blonde hair, but that had only brought more attention to her. If the word were to spread about how she was barely clothed in front of the King, her modesty would be lost.

When women associated herself with a man who was not her husband, it was always the woman who had to take the burnt end of the situation. The people were harsh, and they called women names that were hard to digest. Here, Madeline was dealing with the King, and everyone knew how much of debauchery went down when it was the man who was of high status.

She had pulled out the petticoat, and she was about to wear a new one when she noticed her thighs and the stockings that went past up to her knees. One of the lacey garters that were used to hold the stockings that she wore was missing. Her eyebrows knitted together and she looked around the room where she had walked to see it was not here.

Had she lost it on her way from the gallery to the room? Or had it come loose to slip and fall in the gallery without her notice?

She finally dressed and stayed in the room until she was called by the maid to join the King in the dining room. Calhoun had created enough anxiety in her by looking at her suggestively back in the gallery and telling her that he had painted her while she had fallen asleep. When Madeline had woken up from her nap on the couch, the hem of her dress had come up and God only knew what the crazy King had painted or drawn her.

Reaching the dining room, when Madeline took one step, she was greeted with the sight of Sophie sitting at the table with Calhoun.

"Lady Madeline, how are you doing?" asked Sophie looking at her, "I heard you were resting in the room."

"I am doing good," Madeline stared at Sophie. The last time she had seen the girl was when she and her family had ordered her to get out of the carriage in the middle of the forest.

"That is good to hear. I was worried if you made it safe as you asked to stop the carriage in the middle," Sophie was a smart girl who had subtly pushed the blame on Madeline so that she wouldn't be questioned, "Come sit here," she patted her hand enthusiastically on the chair next to her.

Before Madeline could move, she heard Calhoun say,

"Your seat is here," he pulled the chair next to him, his eyes on hers.

Cautiously, she went to the seat which was further pulled by the maid and she sat down next to him. Sophie was seated right in front of her and though Madeline was looking at the food on the table, she could feel the glare coming from across the table.
