Empress Xuan Bing is truly an extraordinary human woman!

Donghuang Ziyou transformed into a divine Phoenix and absorbed the power of the sun to spread divine flames all over the planet. Soon, the planet was covered in a sea of fire.

The fire was burning brightly.

Even in the depths of the Sirius Galaxy, such dazzling flames could be seen.

It was like another sun, illuminating the eyes of countless demons.


Soon, the countless demons in the Sirius Galaxy were in a heated discussion.


“Planet guya is on fire!”

“Hiss! The entire planet is surrounded by flames. This is definitely not a natural phenomenon. Could it be that some God destroyed them in a fit of anger?”

“God? If a God had descended on the planet, he would definitely not have destroyed them in such a manner. He would probably have only needed a light blow to turn the entire planet into dust!”

“This analysis is quite reasonable! But even if he isn’t a God, he must be a very powerful existence. After all, there are many powerful monster clans living on the valley Owl Star and there is more than one ancient God leader!”

here’s the question. Who was it that set the planet on fire? ”



Because there were many teleportation arrays between the planets in the Sirius Galaxy, many demon clans came and went frequently, so they knew more about the planets in the Galaxy.

Naturally, there was no lack of demons who understood the planet.

Many demons knew that there were ancient God Realm experts like ao Zun, Zhong Yuanhui, and lie kun on gujue planet. They were not to be trifled with.

In addition, the natural environment of gujue planet was only suitable for the local demon race to live in. It was not very attractive to the demon race of other planets, so very few demon races would invade gujue planet.

Thinking about it this way, all the demons who knew about planet gujie were very curious.

Who was the one who had attacked planet gujue and killed them?



On Redstone, which was the closest to gujie star, a demon made such a judgment.

a huge fire Phoenix has appeared in the sky above gujue star. It has scattered fireballs all over the sky to burn gujue star! &Quot;

according to what I’ve recently learned, there were many demons on gujie planet who took advantage of the demonic horde to invade the nine Heavens Immortal Realms. &Quot;

therefore, I boldly guess that this fire Phoenix is very likely the Xuan Bing Empress of the nine Heavens immortal realm! &Quot;


As soon as this was said, the Sirius star system fell into a huge commotion.

“So it’s the fire Phoenix that burned down the planet!”

everyone on the Blue Planet knows that the Xuan Bing Empress of the North Mystic heaven has the nine revolution divine phoenix body. It looks like she’s the one who did it! &Quot;

“Hiss! From the looks of it, this human Empress is truly terrifying!”


The demonic hordes one after another had left behind many legends about the nine Heavens Immortal Realms by the ancestors of the demon race in the Sirius Galaxy.

After the demonic horde started, many demonic clans from many planets sneaked into the nine Heavens celestial realm, wanting to understand this magical world.

Therefore, the name of the North Mystic sky’s Mystic ice Empress was well-known among many demons.

As the discussion continued, more and more demons were inclined to believe that the fire on planet guya was related to donghuang Ziyou.

In the end, Empress Xuan Bing’s name was known throughout the entire Sirius star system.

Countless demons couldn’t help but sigh.

Xuan Bing Empress is truly a rare human woman! &Quot;

Donghuang Ziyou, who was in the sky above the planet, naturally could not hear the discussions of the countless demons in the Sirius Galaxy.

However, she was certain that the burning of planet Gu Jie this time would definitely cause a huge wave among the demon race in the Sirius star system.

Even if they did not know that he was the one behind it, they could definitely guess that the burning of the planet had something to do with the demonic horde.

Hence, donghuang Ziyou had caused such a huge commotion to warn the others.

He wanted to let the demons in this Galaxy who wanted to infiltrate the nine Heavens Immortal Realms to cause trouble understand that the human race was not to be trifled with!

Planet gujie was now a sea of fire, and countless demons had been reduced to ashes.

Donghuang Ziyou returned to his original form. Under the endless flames, he turned into a stream of purple light and flew back to the nine Heavens immortal realm.


The Crystal Palace.

The afternoon sun was covered by dark clouds, and the slightly dark sky gave the Crystal Palace a sense of beauty that returned to its original state.

There wasn’t as much brilliance and blurriness, and it still looked as beautiful as a Celestial Palace in the human world.

One could only imagine how comfortable it was to live in such a place.

In the bedchamber, Lin Xuan had already tidied up the table after accompanying the little girls to finish lunch.

Lin Xuan looked at the four babies lovingly and said, ”

“I’m going to the kitchen to wash the dishes now. You guys play by yourselves!”

“Alright, father!”

Manzhu and the others nodded obediently.

Seeing Lin Xuan go to the kitchen to wash the dishes, Zhi Zhu looked at her sisters. “Let’s go out and play!”

“Alright!” Si Xi, si Jing and Mo you all nodded in agreement.

However, just as the maidservants were about to walk out of the palace, it suddenly began to rain heavily.

“Seems like we can only play in the house.” Yan Zhu spread her hands helplessly.

“Then what should I play?” si Xi pouted.

“I remember brother Haoyu and the others playing a game about the size of numbers. Why don’t we play that?” said mouyou hurriedly.

Jian Jia shook her head. but we don’t have the hard paper with numbers on it like them. How do we play? ”

Xuan Zhu thought for a moment and said, ” “I have an idea!”

The little girl then ran to her dormitory and found more than ten square-shaped wooden blocks that looked exactly the same.

“This was given to me by a Palace maid when we visited the mystic Ice Palace last year.”

“As long as you write down numbers on these wooden blocks and turn them over, you can play the game of numbers!”

Hearing that, si Xi, Si Jin, and Mo you all showed admiration on their faces,”Big sister is so smart!”

Manzhu smiled happily and encouraged her sisters like a big sister, ” “You guys are very smart too!”

After the four babies praised each other, they took out their writing brushes and began to write numbers on the wooden block.

After they were done, they turned the pieces of wood over and messed up the order.

“Let’s start the first round and see who gets the biggest number!” Han Zhu clapped her hands.


Si Xi, si Jing and Mo you reached out their little hands together, and each held a piece of wood in their hands.





When mouyou saw that he had received the smallest number, he immediately went berserk,

“Oh, oh, oh, I’m the youngest sister, but even my number is the smallest!”

“There’s no justice at all!”

“Mouyou, this is only the first round. It can’t be counted. You’ll definitely get the big one next!” Manzhu advised with a smile.

Si Xi and Si Jing also encouraged si you,”Oh yeah! Good luck, little sister!”

“Alright then!” Since my sisters have said so, I must work hard.

Besides, this was only the first round. Who said he couldn’t get a big number?

After that, the little girls flipped the pieces of wood over and began the second round after messing them up.




Looking at the numbers on si Zhu, si Xi and Si mo, mouyou’s eyes lit up.

“Even the second and third are out, mine is definitely not the smallest one!”

Hanzhu nodded,”yes, it can’t be that coincidental!”

“Yeah, it can’t be ‘one’, can it?” si Xi and Si Jing both agreed.

The girls all felt that mouyou’s chances of getting the number “one” were too low.

No matter how bad his luck was, he shouldn’t have gotten such a number!

“Mouyou, look at what you got.” Naizhu urged.

“En!” With the encouragement of his sisters, mouyou took a deep breath and turned over the wooden block in his hands.

The four babies opened their eyes wide at the same time and were instantly stunned.

On the wooden board, a big word was clearly written …


[ Han Zhu, Han Xi, ] [ han ]: [ (]_”) ]

Mo you: O () O
