Érica and Ibuki returned shortly with the food.

"Master, I brought your food." (Érica)

"Thank you Érica." (me)

I stop carving and take my roast beef dish from Érica's hand.


After we've eaten Érica goes back to her book and Ibuki goes towards her sword to continue her training.

I remember I wanted to train Ibuki as an assassin before, but as we have Kira in our group now I don't see the need for another assassin.



"(Maybe I can train her as a warrior, the point is her strengths are speed, dexterity, and intelligence.)" (me)


"(The only type of warrior I can think of with these strengths and uses a sword is the Samurai.)" (me)

Diana already told me what her fighting mode is with speed and strength, the techniques she learned are to enhance those aspects and she uses double-bladed swords.

So I'm going to make Ibuki a warrior who can fight side by side with her, I'm going to make Ibuki focus on his natural talents of speed and dexterity to be able to keep up with Diana's speed in combat, the two can even train together that way.


But before starting your training I have to get those books I asked for, I need to know how much of the knowledge I have can be used to teach Ibuki efficiently.

In the meantime, I will continue with my training during the week.

I try to rethink some things, then go back to carving the piece of wood, splinter by splinter falling to the ground, little by little the piece of wood takes on a humanoid shape.


<[ Her skill leveled up [ Carpentry: 2 > 3 ] ]>

The piece of wood is now shaped like a small faceless puppet or any other feature besides the shape.


Unfortunately, I can't keep carving something so small with such a big knife, I have two choices, I hope the girls come back from town with the tools I need or find a bigger piece of wood to carve, one that I can use this knife to carve. a face and other elements on the puppet.

"(Since I've finished this sculpture, for now, I think I'll go to bed earlier, my whole body is aching from training.)" (me)

I get up and walk towards Érica who was still reading the same magic book, with that ball of light on top of her, lightly illuminating the room.

"Érica I'm going to bed early again tonight, good night." (me)

"I think I'll accompany you and go to bed early today too." (Érica)

"Anyway, it's no use just reading the book, sometimes it's better to rest and go back to reading tomorrow with a light and fresh head." (Érica)

She gets up and follows me to the bed, I lie down and she lies down beside me, I try to sleep facing away from her to try to convince my mind that I'm sleeping alone, then Ibuki also appears and sleeps on the side to which I'm turned over, with no option I roll onto my back looking at the ceiling until I fall asleep, which didn't take long due to my level of tiredness.





Another day has passed, I get up a little lazy, still, with my eyes bleary I stand up and go out of the cabin.

"Good morning master, let's go hunting today?" (Ibuki)As soon as I leave the hut, I'm hugged by a cheerful Ibuki, she seems to miss our hunts.

Unfortunately, I have to keep training, I'm going to ask Érica to go hunting with her.

It reminds me of a monster I wanted to find, I will tell them to go hunt him while I continue my training.

I start looking around looking for Érica and see her leaving the cave, I head towards her.

"Good morning Érica." (me)

"Good morning Master." (Érica)

"What are you seeing in the cave?" (me)

"I was checking our food supply." (Érica)

"Do you have a problem with the food?" (me)

"There are a lot of problems." (Érica)

"The cave is very wet and dirty, the food is rotting very fast, even with the master draining all the blood." (Érica)

"What do you suggest then? Keep in the cabin?" (me)

"Absolutely not." (Érica)

"In addition to the unbearable smell that would be left for us, the smell of rotting meat can attract monsters." (Érica)

"I suggest using the storage items to store food from now on master." (Érica)

"This is a good idea." (me)

"Are there any storage items left or Diana and Kira took them all?" (me)

"We still have three if you count the ring-shaped storage item." (Érica)

"Forget the ring, leave it with the items that were already inside." (me)

"Go get the other two item boxes." (me)

"I want you to go hunting with Ibuki today." (me)

"No problem master, I was really looking forward to exploring the forest a bit." (Érica)

"There's a specific monster I want you guys to go hunting, he's a red bat about that size." (me)

I try to show Érica the size of the bat with my hands, she listens to the monster's description and then speaks.

"Looks like Vampire Bats by their master description." (Érica)

"If it's that monster there shouldn't be any problem, master." (Érica)

"Your greatest danger is your speed and your ability to quickly suck blood." (Érica)

"They are weak against the attributes of Light and Fire, as I am a mage specializing in the Fire attribute, a single blow should be able to kill them." (Érica)

"Then go hunting with Ibuki, she knows where their cave is, according to her their cave is not far from here." (me)

"Try to bring them with blood so I can drink your blood" (me)

"Alright master." (Érica)

"I'll get my things and go hunting right now master." (Érica)

I see Érica entering the hut and taking Ibuki with her, meanwhile, I go inside to get a short sword and head back outside to resume my training.In a few minutes the two leave in leather clothes, Ibuki with a regular sword and Érica with a magic staff we got from Kira's hideout.

"We are going master." (Érica)

"Take care, try to come back by mid-afternoon." (me)

"Yes Master." (Érica)

I see them leaving before I close the gate, so I go back to my training.

I don't worry too much about them, Érica was an adventurer and is used to killing monsters, according to her the bat monster they are going to hunt is weak against fire, which is her specialty.

She will do fine for sure, her stats are much higher than mine.



<[ Her skill leveled up [ Basic Sword Handling: 2 > 3 ] ]>

After hours of training I take a break to rest, today I started to use more variations of sword strokes and went back to doing slow movements accelerating every ten repetitions.

With this I have completely got used to the sword, I am able to move the sword faster and more accurately than yesterday.

I'm glad this skill level is up, she's responsible for learning to use a sword so quickly.

Thud! Thud! Tum!

As I rested I heard some noises and when I turned my head I saw the same spiders I hunted before with Ibuki coming towards me, I look behind them and see a few more jumping over the wall and I realize they must have climbed the wall.

"Because it had to happen at the time I'm alone and damn tired." (me)

I stand up and firmly grip my sword which is the only weapon I have around, and before I start fighting I check their numbers, there are eight spiders in total.

"(There are many, I cannot tie so many at the same time, I will bind thee with my lines and kill the others with the sword, I can consider this a very dangerous practical training.)" (me)

As soon as I've formulated a plan I head in the direction where there are four spiders, while reaching out in front of them sending the sticky lines I avoid the front spider and trap the three in the back as I jump over the first one and aim for theirs. leg joints by cutting three of her right legs.

With the other three tied up and one unable to move I run to the other four that are coming towards me, one coming from my left side and three from the right side.

I start running to the one on my left while I snag the others with my line again, as soon as I'm some distance away from her she tries to throw her web at me, I wait until the last second to dodge so she doesn't change the web's direction, and as soon as I'm in front of her she tries to bite me, I take advantage that she was kind enough to open her mouth and I try to pierce her mouth with the sword, and with the full length of the sword inside her, I'm sure she died.

"HAAA..." (me)

I feel pain in my right leg and see that a ninth Spider was biting me, I drop my sword and use my claws with the skill [ Wolf Claw: 8 ] on her head tearing off almost half of it.

Ding! Ding!

<[ You gained 6 EXP for killing Little Spiders ]




<[ You have acquired the skill [ Basic Sword Technique: 1 ] ]>

"Haaaa...haaa...haa..." (me)

I start looking around to make sure there aren't any other Spiders that I hadn't noticed, luckily it seems there aren't.

"Now it's over." (me)


I head towards the spiders that are still alive and trap all seven of them in web cocoons before going to drink the slime that is the blood of the other two I killed.


<[ Your bloodline has become stronger and purer [ Little Spider: 8% > 11% ] ]>

As usual, these spiders don't have much blood to drink and this goo is disgusting.
