Napoleon continued discussing with Antoine Lavoisier his future inventions. They delved into the topic of long-distance communication, particularly focusing on the spark gap radio—an innovation that shared similarities with the telegraph but possessed notable differences.

"Monsieur Lavoisier, the spark gap radio represents a remarkable advancement in the realm of communication if introduced." Napoleon began, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "While it shares some similarities with the telegraph, there are key differences that set it apart."

Lavoisier leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. "Enlighten me."

Napoleon nodded and continued, "You see, the telegraph relies on a system of coded sparks transmitted through wires. It requires physical connections between stations to convey messages. On the other hand, the spark gap radio operates without the need for wires or physical connections. It achieves long-distance communication by utilizing electromagnetic waves."

"Electromagnetic waves? I'm sorry but I don't think I came across that term before…" Lavoisier said.

"It's a term that I came up with to describe the invisible waves of energy that can propagate through space," Napoleon explained. "I was about to submit an article about it to the French Academy of Sciences but the revolution halted things. I can give you a copy if you want."


"Fine by me, but I do love the new idea of yours. Who could have thought that you could also communicate from one point to another without physical cables as you use in your telegraph…"

"In the battlefield, communication is vital for the coordination of troops. I envision myself commanding an army where I only stay in a military tent surrounded by spark gaps and telegraph operators who continuously relay information about the movement of the enemy, giving me a real-time view of the battlefield."

ƥαṇdαs ηθνε| "And I assume you do have an idea on how to make the prototype?" Antoine asked.

"That's correct. Since I'm on leave, I can practically focus on my scientific endeavors."

Antoine pulled his timepiece out of his pocket and checked the time. "Oh, it seems like I will have to take my leave. I told my wife that I will be returning back as soon as possible. As you may know, they are quite anxious about my safety.""I understand the predicament, Monsieur Lavoisier," Napoleon said before turning his head to Ciela. "Ciela, has his transportation out of this chateau been arranged beforehand?"

Ciela nodded her head in confirmation. "Yes, Monsieur Beaumont, kindly ensure that the coachman of the carriage is duly informed of Monsieur Lavoisier's imminent departure."


"Of course, milady," Beaumont replied with a bow.

"Well, this was a productive discussion," Lavoisier said as he rose to his feet. "I am looking forward to hearing more of your ingenuity, Napoleon."

Napoleon bowed his head courteously and escorted Antoine Lavoisier to the waiting carriage. He watched as Lavoisier boarded the carriage, his gaze lingering for a moment on him. He would serve as a vital tool for the modernization of France in the future, along with his associates.

As the carriage slowly rolled away, Ciela approached Napoleon from behind and wrapped her arms in his.

"While I was fetching the cake, did the two of you figure out the smokeless powder? I'm sorry if I couldn't provide more specific details about it…I should have studied deeply into it."

Napoleon gazed toward Ciela and saw her troubled expression. He gently placed a hand over her head and stroked her hair soothingly.


"There's no need for you to apologize. You have done what you could and I'm proud of it. Besides, isn't science a countless trial and error? We are going to figure out the formula and who knows, maybe in months we might synthesize that smokeless powder. How about we go inside, and see the renovation you made while I'm away."

With that, Napoleon and Ciela walked hand in hand back to the Chateau.

As they entered the grand entrance, Ciela led Napoleon through the corridors, pointing out each enhancement she had made during his absence.

"First," Ciela began, her voice filled with excitement, "I'd like to show you the indoor plumbing system I had installed throughout the Chateau. No more reliance on chamber pots or carrying buckets of water up the stairs. Now, each room has its own private bathroom, complete with flushing toilets and running water."

"Is the water filtered?" Napoleon asked.Ciela smiled and nodded, pleased that Napoleon had asked such a question. "Yes, indeed. I made sure to install a water filtration system as part of the plumbing renovation. The water that runs through the Chateau is purified through a simple multi-stage filtration process. No complex science needed," she proudly said with a grin.

"That's reassuring," Napoleon remarked. "What is the next one?"

"Well, aren't you already feeling it?" Ciela asked.

"Feel what?"

"The temperature? Isn't it warmer than the outside?" Ciela said.

Napoleon paused for a moment, sensing the pleasant warmth enveloping him. He looked around, noticing the absence of a draft and the cozy ambiance in the corridor. A smile formed on his lips as he realized Ciela's next renovation.

"You've installed a heating system. I didn't realize it, maybe because I got accustomed to the climate of Sardinia this summer," Napoleon explained. "Where is the boiler located and who installed it?"

"The boiler is located in the basement, along with the other utilities. I personally oversaw its installation by the engineers I hired from our company. Now this Chateau would be like any modern home in my world when we start using electricity for lighting."

"Lighting huh?" Napoleon mused. "I remember you listing a light bulb in one of the lists. You have a general idea of how it works right? Maybe we can try making it before the government sends me to the front. Is there any renovation that you would like to show me?"

"That's pretty much it," Ciela replied a twinkle of excitement in her eyes. "But there is one more thing I'd like to show you."

She led Napoleon upstairs, towards a set of double doors. Pushing open the doors, they stepped into a familiar room.

"Well, this is the bedroom. It looked the same when I left. What did you change here?"

As the door closed behind him, Napoleon turned to face Ciela, only to be surprised by her sudden action. In one swift motion, she gently pushed him onto the bed. Startled and caught off guard, Napoleon stumbled backward and found himself sitting on the edge of the soft mattress.

Ciela straddled his lap, her slender arms wrapping around his neck as she leaned in close. "Not much has changed in the bedroom, darling~! You said to me earlier that we can continue it once we return home. Well, we are here now~!"

Napoleon felt a bit odd about Ciela's sudden change of demeanor. When he made his first move back on the carriage, she was bashful and shy. But here, she is being dominant and assertive. It reminded him of the time when they were together in a room, whispering to her with a seductive and velvety voice.

