"This is my office," Ciela opened the door, leading Napoleon inside. As they stepped into the room, Napoleon's eyes scanned the space, taking in the meticulously arranged surroundings. The office was immaculate, each item in its designated place, radiating an aura of order and efficiency.

The walls were adorned with elegant paintings, adding a touch of sophistication to the room. A soft, pleasant scent lingered in the air as if a bouquet of freshly picked flowers had been placed nearby. Napoleon couldn't help but be reminded of the delicate fragrance that seemed to embody Ciela herself—graceful and alluring.

His gaze then fell upon the desk, where stacks of papers were neatly organized. Each document appeared to be meticulously sorted and labeled. The sheer number of papers on the desk caught Napoleon's attention. The stacks seemed to go on endlessly, hinting at the countless hours of research and preparation that Ciela had devoted to her work.

Curiosity got the better of him, and Napoleon approached the desk, his fingers lightly grazing the surface of the papers. They were business reports, sales reports, financial analyses, drawings of clothes for her apparel business, the latest scientific journals published by members of the French Academy of Sciences, and a lot more that he didn't bother looking at.

"You sure work so hard, Ciela," Napoleon said as he turned to face her. "Aren't you overexerting yourself with all these endeavors?"

Ciela chuckled bashfully. "Well, it certainly is a lot to handle, Napoleon. Over the past four years, our ventures in railroads, coal, and iron mining have taken off, propelling us into a flurry of growth and expansion. I must admit, there are moments when it feels overwhelming."


Napoleon nodded understandingly, recognizing the rapid pace at which their projects had flourished.

"I know, I can only imagine," Napoleon smiled warmly, his eyes reflecting admiration. "About the railroads, I heard the other countries started building their own."

"You are right about that, Napoleon," Ciela confirmed. "Somehow, the British, Prussians, Austrians, Russians, and the United States were able to make their own railroads based on your steam locomotive designs. Even though we have been careful to keep it a secret, it still leaked out, and now railroads have become a global phenomenon, even your steam engines, and techniques of mass-producing steel."

Napoleon could only chuckle, amused by the thought of his once-exclusive designs now spreading across the globe. This gave him crucial insights, he would adopt more stringent measures to protect technologies that he would introduce in the later stages, especially military ones.

"Well, what's done is done, perhaps we can talk to them and have them pay royalties for using our design rather than outright stealing it, don't you think?"

Ciela considered Napoleon's suggestion, mulling over the idea of negotiating with the countries that had adopted their designs. She knew that securing royalties could provide financial compensation and recognition for their contributions. After a moment of contemplation, she nodded in agreement.


"I will write a correspondence to each and one of them, Napoleon," Ciela said. "So, let's continue the tour."

Ciela led Napoleon out of her office and into the grand hallway of the Château de Chantilly.

He followed her as they ascended a sweeping staircase, their footsteps echoing through the hall.

Entering a corridor adorned with ancient portraits, Ciela led Napoleon to a set of double doors. She pushed them open to reveal a lavish bedroom, the centerpiece of which was an intricately carved four-poster bed draped in sumptuous silk."This is my bedroom," Ciela said.

"Nice," Napoleon exclaimed softly, admitting the French Renaissance-style interior that exuded elegance and comfort. He stepped further into the room, his eyes tracing the intricate patterns and delicate details of the furniture.

"This is where you'll be sleeping," Ciela said, standing closer to him.


"How about you," Napoleon asked.

"Isn't that obvious? Of course, we'll share the same bed," Ciela replied with a mischievous smile, her eyes sparkling with a playful light. "I'm sure you don't mind right?"

Napoleon felt a rush of warmth surge through him at her words, and a tender smile spread across his face.

ƥαṇdαs ηθνε| "Well, I don't mind at all."

Ciela's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, and she twirled strands of her hair nervously between her fingers.

"I didn't expect that you would agree to it so easily, Napoleon," Ciela said bashfully.

"Why wouldn't I?" Napoleon replied with a teasing grin. "You are the one who brought it up, leading me to believe that you are comfortable with the idea."

Ciela covered her face and squirmed. "Hmm.."

"Anyways, any place you'd like me to see next?"

Ciela peeked through her fingers, her cheeks still tinged with a blush.

"Hmm, well, the library. It's one of the best parts of the château," Ciela replied, regaining her composure. "Follow me."

Napoleon eagerly followed Ciela as she led him through the grand hallway and down a corridor lined with ancient portraits. They reached a set of ornate double doors, and Ciela pushed them open, revealing a magnificent library bathed in soft, golden light. The room was adorned with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, filled with leather-bound volumes.

"This is the library of Château de Chantilly. Often I would spend my time here alone, reading old books."Napoleon walked slowly, running his fingers along the spines of the books as he scanned the titles. Philosophy, history, science, poetry—the library contained works from various disciplines and eras.

"Of course, this is not the best part of this Chateau, Napoleon," Ciela said. "There's still more to see outside."

Napoleon looked up from the books, his curiosity piqued. "Outside?"

Ciela's eyes sparkled with excitement as she took his hand and led him toward a set of glass double doors at the far end of the library. They stepped out onto a spacious terrace that overlooked a breathtaking landscape. Rolling hills stretched into the distance, adorned with vibrant greenery and colorful flowers that danced in the gentle breeze.

Napoleon surveyed the garden, his eyes tracing the meticulously manicured hedges, the intricate patterns of the flowerbeds, and the moat that surrounded the château. It was beautiful.

Napoleon's gaze lingered for a moment until he veered slowly to Ciela who stood next to him with an admirable sense of satisfaction on her face. He couldn't help but be captivated by her radiance amidst the enchanting surroundings. The curves of her lips, and the softness of her smile seemed to mirror the beauty of the garden itself. It was as if the world had conspired to create a perfect harmony between Ciela and the idyllic setting surrounding them.

He placed a hand on his chest, and felt the thumping of his heart, quickening its pace. Even more quickly when Ciela turned to look and offered the most beautiful and sincere smile he had ever seen.

And at that moment, Napoleon felt a sudden urge. He leaned forward and then—he gently pressed his lips against Ciela's.

Ciela was surprised at Napoleon's sudden move, but she allowed herself to be swept away by the intensity of the moment. Her initial surprise melted into a blissful surrender as she reciprocated his kiss, her lips molding perfectly against his.

Seconds later, Napoleon broke the kiss, his eyes locked with Ciela's as they both caught their breath.

"Napoleon…" Ciela uttered, completely overwhelmed by the rush of emotions that surged within her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know what happened," Napoleon murmured, his voice filled with a mixture of apology and uncertainty. He took a small step back, his eyes still fixed on Ciela, searching for any signs of discomfort or confusion.

Ciela's expression softened as she reached out and gently placed her hand on his cheek.

"It's okay, Napoleon," she reassured him with a tender voice. "I didn't expect it, but I'm not upset."

"Are you sure?"

Ciela smiled and nodded. "Yes, so now that you've kissed me, should I take it as your confession?"

"I'm not sure…" Napoleon said, averting his gaze. "I'm not even in a position to be your partner. I'm just a second lieutenant…"

That was true. Ever since he arrived at this place, Napoleon felt insecure, about the achievement she had gathered. Although most of the invention was his, it was Ciela who did all the work.

Ciela gently tilted Napoleon's chin, making him meet her gaze once again.

"Didn't I tell you earlier, Napoleon? You are destined for greatness."

That's right, he may not be the real Napoleon Bonaparte but he was confident that he can achieve the same glory as him. His heart kindled with ambition, blazing with determination. Napoleon took a deep breath, finding strength in Ciela's unwavering belief in him.

"Then allow me to fulfill that destiny."
