kilometers north of Paris. Napoleon was walking down the city, carrying a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He hummed a tune as he glanced over the messy streets caused by the revolution.

"We are approaching the climax of the revolution," Napoleon muttered under his breath as he walked at a steady pace. The massacre in the Champ De Mars has only proved that there is a deep division within the National Constituent Assembly with the Jacobins calling for the removal of the King and the Moderates who wanted the king to remain as a figurehead.

The events unfolding in this world are unfolding similar to his real world. If things were to continue, then next year, the Austrian Empire would wage war with France, starting the war of the First Coalition, and then leading to an insurrection of 1792 where revolutionaries stormed the Tuileries Palace as they were enraged by the threat of the Duke of Brunswick where he explicitly told that he would burn Paris to the ground if anything happens to the King. After that, the proclamation of France as a republic.

Stopping in his tracks, he looked up and gazed upon the edifice that loomed over him. The Château de Chantilly stood proud and majestic, its grandeur untouched by the chaos that consumed Paris. Napoleon had heard stories of this magnificent estate, a symbol of aristocratic opulence and cultural refinement.

The history of the Château de Chantilly stretched back centuries, its origins tracing back to the Middle Ages. Originally a fortress, it was gradually transformed into an elegant château by successive generations of the prestigious Montmorency family.

"Don't tell me…Ciela bought this?"


As Napoleon approached the entrance, an old man in a black suit, seemingly in his late fifties, walked towards the gate.

"Good morning, Monsieur Napoleon," he greeted as he opened the intricate metal gate. Napoleon offered a polite nod in response. He recognized the man, it must be Ciela's butler, Jacques Beaumont. He learned from him in one of Ciela's letters.

"Good morning. Is Ciela inside?" Napoleon asked as he stepped through the gate.

"Ah, Monsieur Napoleon," Beaumont replied with a courteous bow. "Mademoiselle Ciela is indeed inside, preparing for your arrival. She has been eagerly awaiting your visit."

Napoleon nodded appreciatively and followed Jacques Beaumont as they made their way through the stately halls of the Château de Chantilly. The opulence and refined beauty of the estate surrounded him, offering a stark contrast to the tumultuous streets of Paris. It was a sanctuary, a refuge from the chaos outside.

And as Napoleon entered the grand salon, his eyes were immediately drawn to Ciela standing in the center of the room, bathed in the soft glow of sunlight streaming through the ornate windows. Her radiant presence captivated him, her every movement exuding grace and elegance.


Ciela wore a stunning off-the-shoulder dress, the vibrant hues of red and black plaid accentuating her slender figure. The fabric cascaded delicately, flowing gracefully with every step she took. The dress, tailored to perfection, hugged her curves in all the right places, hinting at her natural beauty beneath. The neckline accentuated her graceful neck, exposing her smooth shoulders, while the dress itself gently skimmed above her knees, revealing a glimpse of her shapely legs.

Underneath the dress, she wore a dark olive green halter top, adding an unexpected touch of modernity to her ensemble. The halter top embraced her slender waist, highlighting her hourglass silhouette. Her choice of attire showcased a harmonious blend of classic sophistication and contemporary flair.

Ciela's strawberry-blonde hair, a cascade of lustrous waves, fell effortlessly around her shoulders, framing her face like a gentle halo. Its vibrant hue caught the light, creating an ethereal glow that added to her allure. Her eyes, a captivating shade of blue, sparkled with joy, drawing Napoleon's gaze into their depths.

Completing her ensemble, Ciela wore black leather Mary Janes style shoes, their polished gleam reflecting the elegance of the surroundings. The black sheer tights added a touch of allure.As Napoleon stood there, momentarily entranced by Ciela's beauty, she turned to face him, her eyes widening with delight upon seeing him. She glided towards him with effortless poise and then caught him in an embrace.

"Ma... I mean Napoleon! I've missed you," Ciela exclaimed tenderly as she leaned into him, and pressed her cheek against his chest.

Napoleon returned the embrace, his arms enveloping her soft frame. As they held each other, the sweet scent of Ciela's hair filled his senses, a delicate fragrance that intertwined with the elegance of the surroundings. The scent was subtle yet intoxicating, reminiscent of blooming flowers in a hidden garden.


With his cheek pressed against her soft tresses, Napoleon inhaled deeply, savoring the delicate aroma that carried a hint of warmth and femininity. It was a scent so captivating that it had the power to ignite love within anyone who had the privilege of experiencing it.

Even though Napoleon was used to the intoxicating scent of Ciela's hair, he couldn't deny that each time he inhaled its fragrance, it stirred a profound emotion within him.

Breaking away from their embrace, Napoleon held Ciela at arm's length, his eyes fixed upon her radiant face.

"I heard things are getting crazy in Paris that I couldn't help but feel the urge to come here to see if you are okay," Napoleon said.

Ciela's cheeks blushed at Napoleon's words, and a tender smile graced her lips. "Really? You are not teasing me right?"

Napoleon chuckled softly. "Why would I do that? I was genuinely concerned for your safety. Still, it's been six years since we last saw each other."

That's right, for the last six years, the two had been separated after Napoleon graduated from the Ecole Militaire. Upon his graduation, just as history played out in his world, he became the second lieutenant of the La Fère artillery regiment. He served in Valence and Auxonne until after the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789.

In actual history, Napoleon sought to gain favor from an influential figure in Corsica, Pasquale Paoli, who fought for Corsican independence and was an associate of Carlo Bonaparte. However, Paoli harbored no sympathy for Napoleon due to his father's perceived betrayal of the Corsican people. As a result, Napoleon spent three years in Corsica doing nothing before being summoned back in 1792.

But in this world, Napoleon didn't return to Corsica, instead participated in small skirmishes against royalists around the country. Though insignificant, Napoleon was able to apply what he had learned from the military school and learn from it as he knew in the future, he would fight important battles that would decide the fate of France.

So in short, in the last six years, Napoleon performed his duty as a military personnel and served France. But for Ciela, it was different.

Ciela became what is now known as an industrialist, she was the one who managed the railroad business that she and Napoleon started in the early years of 1786. With the help of investors from high society, a series of railway construction began throughout the country. Although Ciela would receive instruction from Napoleon, Ciela proved herself to be a natural leader, guiding the expansion and success of their railway enterprise.

But that rise would stop in the year 1789 when the revolution erupted in France. The chaos and uncertainty of the revolution had posed significant challenges to Ciela's business ventures. The political climate had become volatile, with the shifting power dynamics and constant uprisings making it difficult to maintain stability and secure investments.

It was a great challenge that she faced. But she was determined not to let the revolution destroy everything she had worked so hard to build for her Master. Ciela knew that adaptability and resilience were key to overcoming the obstacles presented by the revolution.One of the tactics she employed was to establish strong connections and alliances within the revolutionary factions. She recognized that aligning herself with influential figures who held sway over the political landscape could provide protection and stability for her railroad enterprise.

Ciela used her charisma and leadership skills to build relationships with key revolutionaries, presenting her business as a means of progress and modernization for the country. She emphasized the economic benefits that a well-functioning railway system could bring, such as increased trade, job opportunities, and improved transportation.

By highlighting the potential positive impact of her enterprise, Ciela garnered support from influential figures who saw the value in maintaining a thriving industry amidst the chaos of the revolution. She engaged in conversations and negotiations, presenting her railroad business as a symbol of innovation and progress that aligned with the revolutionary ideals of equality and prosperity for all.

To mitigate the risks associated with the revolution, Ciela also implemented strategic diversification. She expanded her business beyond just railways and ventured into other sectors that were less vulnerable to political upheavals. Such as clothing, textiles, and manufacturing. This diversification allowed Ciela to maintain a steady stream of income and ensure the survival of her business, even in the face of uncertainty.

But of course, this was a story told by Ciela from one of her hundreds of letters, and he was impressed by her abilities and skills. He wondered what Ciela's job was in the original world. Aside from Vtuber, she could possibly be a businesswoman or something that is similar to that. Nevertheless, Ciela proved to be an invaluable asset for him.

Her achievement may have overshadowed him, making him a bit insecure. However, he knew there would be a chance for him to prove himself, and be worthy to stand next to her.

"Oh, you see this cloth that I'm wearing?" Ciela asked, snapping Napoleon out of his reverie. "It's going to be in the next season's fashion collection. I designed it myself."

"That's impressive, Ciela," Napoleon replied, genuine admiration shining in his eyes. He looked around his surroundings again and spoke. "So this Château, how much did you pay for it? It must have cost a fortune."

Ciela chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well, Monsieur Napoleon, let's just say I made a shrewd investment. The previous owner was in desperate need of funds, and I saw an opportunity."

Napoleon raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "You mean you acquired this château at a bargain?"

Ciela nodded, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. "Indeed... Oh, by the way, is it just me, or have you grown a bit taller? I believe the last time I saw you, you were around 180 centimeters. Now you must be at least 185 centimeters," she observed, her eyes scanning his figure with a mix of curiosity and admiration. "Truly, diets can have a remarkable effect on one's height."

ƥαṇdαs ηθνε| As her gaze met him, she realized what he was hinting at. The passing years had been kind to Napoleon, enhancing his features and adding a certain allure to his presence. The lines of his face had sharpened, his jawline becoming more defined. His eyes are always captivating.

Napoleon chuckled at Ciela's observation. "Ah, you have always had a keen eye, but you failed to notice one thing."

Ciela tilted her head to the side as she scanned Napoleon's appearance for one last time. And from there in his right hand, was a bouquet of flowers. Her cheeks reddened slightly as she realized her oversight."

"I bought this for you," Napoleon extended the bouquet of flowers towards Ciela, a warm smile gracing his lips. The vibrant colors of the blossoms contrasted against the muted elegance of the grand salon, adding a touch of natural beauty to the opulent surroundings.

"For me?" Ciela's voice was filled with surprise as she reached out to accept the bouquet. She brought the flowers close to her face, inhaling their sweet fragrance. "They're beautiful, Napoleon. Thank you."

Napoleon watched Ciela with fondness, appreciating the way her eyes sparkled with joy. It was a beautiful sight, and he must admit, Ciela is becoming bad for his heart for making him feel a bit crazy.

Napoleon cleared his throat. "So, as for why am I here, Ciela. We have to talk about this revolution. I want to know something."

Ciela beckoned one of the maids standing on the periphery of the grand salon and requested a tray to be brought forth. The maid quickly complied, placing a tray with tea cups and a steaming pot of fragrant tea on a nearby table.

"Thank you," Ciela said, her eyes flickering to Jacques. "Jacques, could you please take this flower and place it in my office?" she instructed.

Jacques nodded and took the bouquet from Ciela's hand, giving a polite bow before leaving the room with the flowers. As the door closed behind him, Napoleon and Ciela settled on a pair of ornate chairs near the window, overlooking the Château's sprawling gardens.

"So, lieutenant, which part of the revolution would you like to discuss?"
