Chapter 378 Returning Home and Announcement of Napoleon  

"Looks like Daphne is out for the count," Aveline observed gently, her fingers lightly stroking Daphne's hair as her sister's head rested peacefully on her shoulder.

Glancing in the rearview mirror, Francis caught a glimpse of Daphne's serene, sleeping face.

"She looks lovely when she's asleep," he remarked with a fond smile.

Tristan, who was fiddling with a small souvenir he had picked up at the Bonaparte Tower, chuckled softly. "Exhausted from all the shopping, no doubt," he added, placing the souvenir back in his bag.

Francis's eyes returned to the road ahead, the city lights of Paris illuminating the path. "I'm glad we managed to have this day together. It's rare for us to escape our duties like this," he mused wistfully.

Aveline nodded in agreement, her gaze shifting from Daphne's sleeping form to the cityscape outside. "It's these moments that remind us of the importance of family," she said thoughtfully.


It took them forty-five minutes to reach the Palace of Versailles from the Bonaparte Tower. At the main gate, the Imperial Guards approached the vehicle. One of the guards, a tall man with a stern expression, quickly straightened up. His eyes scanned the car's interior and upon seeing the Imperial Prince and Princesses of the French Empire, he promptly motioned for his colleague to open the gates without asking a single question.

The gates creaked open and Francis drove through smoothly.

Francis parked the car in its usual spot, turning off the engine. The sudden silence seemed to stir Daphne, who mumbled something incoherent before snuggling closer to Aveline.

"Awe der?"

"Huh?" Aveline tilted her head to the side.

"Awe dehr yet?" Daphne repeated, her voice muffled and sleepy. Aveline couldn't help but giggle at the slurred words, finding her sister's drowsy state endearing.


"Yes, we're home now," Aveline reassured her softly, helping Daphne sit up a bit more comfortably.

Francis and Tristan, having gathered the shopping bags, waited patiently as Aveline gently nudged Daphne awake. "Come on, Daphne, let's get you inside," Aveline encouraged.

Daphne blinked slowly, her surroundings gradually coming into focus. "Oh, we're here," she murmured, a small yawn escaping her lips. The four of them exited the car, the cool night air of Versailles refreshing after the long drive. The palace loomed large and welcoming, its windows glowing softly in the darkness.

But as they were about to head towards the Palace, Daphne won't move.

"I'm too tired to walk…" Daphne said.

"How come that you are so exhausted?" Francis asked concernedly but quickly dismissed that as he approached her. "Come I'll carry you."


"Eh?" Daphne's eyes widened in surprise as Francis moved closer to her. "You don't have to do that, I can walk..."

Francis, however, had already made up his mind. "Nonsense, you're clearly exhausted. It's no trouble at all," he insisted, gently scooping her up in his arms. Daphne, too tired to protest further, rested her head against his shoulder, a faint smile on her lips.

"I hope I'm not heavy," Daphne muttered.

Francis chuckled lightly as he carried her towards the palace entrance. "Not at all," he assured her. "You're lighter than the bags we just carried."

"What do you mean?" Daphne pouted. "Are you saying I'm underweight?"

"I thought ladies don't want to hear anything about them having a huge weight," Francis replied with a teasing tone in his voice.

Daphne managed a weak chuckle. "Well, I guess that's true," she conceded. "But seriously, I'm not heavy right?"

"You are 48 kilograms, I can lift that without any problem," Francis replied matter-of-factly.

Daphne's expression softened. "Okay, I'll take your word for it."

The siblings made their way to the Palace of Versailles, with the Imperial Guards and the Palace Staff discreetly observing their approach. They welcomed and greeted them with a bow, and the siblings returned the gesture by nodding politely, familiar with the protocol yet always appreciative of the staff's diligence.

"Okay, I'm going to my room, I'm sure you can take care of Daphne, right brother?" Tristan asked.

"Don't worry about it. You can go, as for you, sister Aveline…do you want me to walk you to your room?"

Aveline shook her head. "Just take care of Daphne for me, okay? I can walk on my own. And we are going to see each other for breakfast in the morning. Why are you sounding so formal all of a sudden?" Aveline said with a light laugh.

"Do I?" Francis chuckled sheepishly. "Well, good night, sister."

"Good night brother," Aveline said before walking in the opposite direction. Meanwhile, Francis resumed their walk towards Daphne's room. lightsnοvεl.cοm At Daphne's bedroom door.

"Okay, here we are," Francis said as they arrived at Daphne's bedroom door. He carefully set her down, expecting her to let go and enter her room. However, to his surprise, Daphne didn't move away. Instead, she simply wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on a little longer.

Francis, slightly confused, gently asked, "Daphne, is everything alright?"

Daphne, her eyes half-closed, murmured sleepily. "You already carried me, so you have to take responsibility for carrying me all the way to the bed like a princess. This is an order from the Imperial Princess of the French Empire."

"Huh? But I'm the Crown Prince of the French Empire."

"Yes that's correct, but I'm your little sister, and I should be treated like a princess, especially by my big brother," Daphne replied playfully.

Francis couldn't help but smile at her logic. "Alright, Your Highness, as you command," he said with a hint of amusement in his voice. He carefully lifted her again and walked her to the bed, playing along with her princess-like demand.

Daphne, now lying comfortably in her bed, looked up at Francis with a grateful smile.

"Thank you, brother," she said, her voice softening.

Francis chuckled, tucking her in. "Now get some rest. You need it after today."

Daphne nodded, her eyelids already drooping. "Goodnight, brother."

"Goodnight, Daphne." Francis turned off the bedside lamp and quietly left the room, closing the door gently behind him.

As he exited the room, he saw Armand.

"Your Imperial Highness, His Imperial Majesty demands your presence in his office immediately," Armand informed.

Francis, without questioning why he was getting summoned, followed Armand to his father's office.

Inside Napoleon's office, Francis saw his father and mother.

"So how was your day?" Ciela was the first to ask.

"It was good, mother," Francis replied. "I'm excited for the next. May I ask why I am getting summoned?"

"I summoned you here to inform you that…" Napoleon beckoned him to come closer and Francis complied.

As he got in front of his father's desk, Napoleon handed him a document.

"What's this?" Francis opened the file and perused the contents.

"We are sending the French Mediterranean Fleet to the Ionian Sea. We are getting in action with the Greek revolutionaries," Napoleon announced.
