Chapter 373 Problem Solve, Next  

Francis took his seat across from his father's desk. He watched as his father settled into his chair, a look of seriousness on his face.

"That was an impressive development yesterday," his father began. "I didn't expect our scientists and doctors to work together so effectively on a project that usually takes months."

"Yes, Father," Francis responded. "With their continuous effort and working in shifts, efficiency and progress are accelerated. You can expect great results from them. Now, we only have to ensure that they get all the help they need to mass-produce the vaccine throughout the Southern Region of France, and eventually to the north. Here's the document I have prepared which outlined how we will effectively execute that."

Francis handed a document to Napoleon, who accepted it with a nod. As his father scanned the pages, Francis continued, "This plan details the logistics and resources required for mass production and distribution. Everything down to the allocation of resources, transportation, and distribution channels is outlined here. We've also included backup plans for any unforeseen challenges."

Napoleon set the document aside and looked at Francis. "This looks comprehensive but requires a lot of funding…"

"Well, this epidemic has cost our country billions of Francs in trade alone. We have to restart those to recoup lost money, and to do so, requires a significant sum of money. It's either that or another hundred million francs going down the drain every single day." "I get your point, Francis. You don't have to emphasize it. I am going to find a way on where we will get this funding."


"Father, I don't need to stress the timetable here. We have to act fast. The longer we wait, the more we lose, not just in money, but in lives and public trust," Francis said firmly.

Napoleon nodded. "Okay…I must say, Francis. You are getting good, up to my expectations."

Francis felt his heart swell with pride and humility at his father's compliment. "Thank you, Father. I am only doing my duty for our country and our people."

"Of course you should be. Because in the traditional line of succession, you are going to be the one to inherit my throne."

"About that father…" Francis bit his lower lip subtly before continuing. "Is there a possibility that Tristan may inherit the throne?"

Napoleon studied Francis' face for a moment. He didn't expect Francis to ask that question and he never felt Francis feeling unconfident of his abilities. He hummed in thought, pondering about his question.


Napoleon wanted to leave this world with France being on a good hand. For him, a good hand is someone as good as him at managing state affairs and expanding the influence of the French Empire. If his first son is deemed incapable of doing such things, then he won't hesitate to pass the throne to the next.

The problem is that his first and second sons are good, and by that he meant, they are really good. Tristan is seen as a prodigy a statesman who has elevated the status of the Spanish Empire to a new greater heights since its last peak. And he was aware of the competitive nature of Tristan who wanted to get the throne. This is something he has to solve before it goes awry and leads to a fight that could collapse the whole empire he had painstakingly built.

"It's true that Tristan has the same aptitude as you but if you don't do things that would make me want to reconsider my decision, then you have nothing to fear about. Tristan has his Spain, and in the future, it could stand along with France as the world's superpower." "I don't fear Tristan, father. I'm just asking about the possibility of that thing happening."

"There is a possibility but it's small," Napoleon clarified. "Just remember my words. Don't mess up. And by messing up, it doesn't mean you, making small mistakes, but you, making big mistakes that jeopardize the stability and prosperity of France."

"I see now, father. Thank you for that. Now, it seems that there's nothing that we have to talk about. I will leave your office, Father. Talk with Daphne, and meet with mom, Tristan, and Aveline before I head to Germany. I can't wait to see the future Empress of France."

Francis's words elicited a chuckle from Napoleon. "Always looking ahead, aren't you? Oh, but sadly I have to hold you for a while longer."


"What do you mean father?" Francis tilted his head to the side.

"There is something going on in the Balkans. How much do you know about Greeks?"

"Greek?" Francis's brows furrowed in confusion. "Well, the last I checked, Greece doesn't exist as an independent country anymore. It became part of the Ottoman Empire, didn't it?"

Upon answering that, Francis began recalling everything he learned about Greece.

Greece's story began with its ancient civilization, renowned for its profound contributions to art, philosophy, and politics. The ancient Greeks established city-states like Athens and Sparta, each with its unique governance system. This era saw the birth of democracy, significant philosophical thoughts from Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, and monumental artistic and architectural achievements.

Following the classical period, Greece experienced periods of Macedonian and then Roman rule, which introduced new cultural and administrative influences. The Roman Empire's division led to Greece becoming part of the Byzantine Empire, where it remained for centuries. During this time, Greece was a center of Christian Orthodoxy and experienced a blend of Roman administrative systems and Greek culture.

However, the decline of the Byzantine Empire, culminating in the fall of Constantinople in 1453, marked a significant change. Greece came under the control of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman rule was characterized by a system that allowed some degree of autonomy in exchange for taxes and loyalty, but it also involved significant cultural and religious suppression.

Despite the oppression, the Greeks maintained their cultural identity, and their desire for independence continued to simmer beneath the surface. Something that would erupt into a full-blown revolution. This is something that Francis is going to expect soon as over the years, the Ottoman's influence as a major power in the West has declined significantly. Especially after it lost most of its territories in the Middle East and North Africa after its war with France.

"It didn't want to become part of the Ottoman Empire anymore, it wanted to become independent," Napoleon revealed. "And I have made a decision. We will help Greeks to achieve their independence."
