Chapter 360 An Epidemic?  

As the doors to Napoleon's office swung open, the Minister of Social Affairs and Health briskly made his way inside, his presence filling the room with a sense of urgency. The middle-aged man, adorned in a meticulously tailored three-piece suit, exuded an air of solemnity and purpose. His spectacles, perched securely upon the bridge of his nose, gleamed under the soft light of the chandeliers, reflecting his serious demeanor.

His gloved hands clutched a stack of papers, and atop his head sat a well-polished top hat, completing his formal attire. His hair, peppered with strands of gray, was neatly combed back, showcasing his receding hairline and the wrinkles etched upon his forehead from years of service and deep contemplation. His name was Peter Strauss.

His eyes, magnified slightly by his spectacles, darted around the room, searching for the Emperor as he adjusted his posture, standing tall and poised. With a swift motion, he removed his top hat, tucking it under his arm as he prepared to address Napoleon.

"Your Imperial Majesty," Peter began, his voice steady yet laced with a hint of distress. "I apologize for the intrusion, but there is a matter of utmost importance that requires your immediate attention."

His gaze locked onto Napoleon's, seeking understanding and cooperation, as he stood there, awaiting the Emperor's response.

"Daphne, could you give us the room for a moment?" Napoleon directed his daughter with a subtle nod, his voice maintaining its firmness. Daphne, understanding the gravity of the situation, nodded gracefully and made her way towards the door, casting a curious glance back at the Minister as she left.


Once the door clicked shut behind her, Napoleon turned his full attention back to the Minister, his expression now stern and focused.

"Speak," he commanded, urging the Minister to get straight to the point. Peter cleared his throat, his hands tightening around the stack of papers he carried as he began to relay his urgent message. "Sire, we have received reports of an outbreak of a highly contagious and deadly disease in the southern provinces. The initial symptoms are deceptive, seemingly a common cold, but it quickly escalates to severe respiratory distress. We have already lost dozens of lives, and the numbers are increasing rapidly."

"Southern provinces? Can you be more specific?" Napoleon interrupted, his voice sharp as he sought clarity on the issue at hand.

"Yes, Your Majesty. The outbreak is particularly concentrated in the regions of Provence and Languedoc. The disease is spreading at an alarming rate, and our local health authorities are overwhelmed," Peter responded.

Napoleon's face grew stern as he processed this information. "And what measures have been taken so far?" he inquired, wanting to understand the full extent of the government's response.

"We have dispatched additional medical personnel and supplies to the affected areas, and we are working to set up quarantine zones to contain the spread of the disease. However, we are in dire need of more resources, and the local infrastructure is proving inadequate to handle the crisis," Peter explained, laying out the stark reality of the situation.


"When was this happening?" Napoleon pressed further, his tone indicating the urgency he felt.

The Minister quickly responded, "The first cases were reported approximately two weeks ago, Your Majesty. The situation has escalated rapidly since then."

Napoleon furrowed his brow, deep in thought. The rapid spread of the disease was concerning, and he knew immediate and decisive action was necessary.

"Have we identified the disease? Do we know how to treat it?" Napoleon asked, looking for answers.

"Our top medical experts are currently examining the disease, but it is proving to be a challenge. The symptoms are similar to those of other respiratory illnesses, which has made it difficult to diagnose quickly. As for treatment, we are doing everything we can, but without a clear understanding of the disease, our options are limited," Peter explained, his tone filled with frustration.

Napoleon took his seat and beckoned him to hand over the document. "I need a detailed list of symptoms. I have had my fair share of reading medical articles in my past times. Perhaps I can give some input or connect you with some experts I know in the field," Napoleon offered, extending his hand to receive the papers. Peter, looking somewhat relieved at the Emperor's proactive stance, handed over the documents. "Here are the reports from the doctors on the ground, including their observations and the list of symptoms. Any assistance or insight you can provide would be invaluable, Your Imperial Majesty."


Napoleon quickly skimmed through the pages, his eyes scanning the detailed descriptions and notes from the doctors. His face remained focused, and every so often, he would nod slightly as if connecting some dots in his mind.

The symptoms include a sudden and sometimes very high fever, dry cough, headache, body aches, sore throat, chills, runny nose, loss of appetite, and extreme tiredness.

Based on these symptoms alone, and on his system, there's a high chance that this is an influenza outbreak. However, the rapid spread and high fatality rate are concerning and might indicate a more severe strain or perhaps a completely different respiratory disease," Napoleon deduced, his mind racing through the possibilities.

He looked up from the papers, his gaze now fixed on Peter, "Have these symptoms been consistent across all reported cases, or have there been variations? And do we have any information on how it is spreading? Is it airborne, contact-based, or something else?" Napoleon asked, his questions sharp and to the point.

Peter nodded, appreciating the Emperor's grasp of the situation. "The symptoms have been largely consistent, though there have been a few cases with variations. As for the spread, it appears to be highly contagious, possibly airborne, as it has quickly affected entire communities. We are still investigating to understand the full extent of the transmission methods."

Napoleon tapped his fingers on the desk, deep in thought. "This requires immediate and extensive action. "We are possibly dealing with an influenza virus here."

"Influenza?" Peter tilted his head to the side.

"Oh, you don't know what that is? Its first reported outbreak was during the 5th century, and it has since reappeared in various forms throughout history. The symptoms you've described match those of severe influenza, though the rapid spread and severity suggest it could be a more virulent strain," Napoleon explained, sharing his knowledge on the subject.

"Okay, I'm going to convene a meeting with my Minister of Interior. The first thing we are going to do is to contain this news. I don't want unwanted panic to spread throughout the nation. It's crucial that we manage the information flow to prevent hysteria," he continued.

Peter nodded in agreement, recognizing the importance of maintaining public order in such critical times. "Absolutely, Your Majesty. Panic can cause more damage than the disease itself if not handled properly."

"Okay, keep me updated on the progress, and make sure our medical teams have everything they need. I want a report on my desk every day at dawn starting tomorrow.

"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty. I'll take my leave," Peter respectfully bowed and turned to exit the room.

Once the doors closed behind the Minister, Napoleon sat back in his chair. "Now I need to talk to Lucien."
